Outside of the refund period?
Nah I am good
Outside of the refund period?
Nah I am good
$300 sounds lofty for a 480, even an 8GB. Was it an AIB with a high level of pedigree kind of deal? Just curious.
Was gonna jump at this but the diff between my 2400 and the 6400 is negligible (don't care about vr/new gpu) cannonlake where are thou?
I was joshing it was like 270 with tax.
I'd argue an I5/480 takes this more into mid-level range. Or are we considering like an I5/1070 mid range? things got weird this time around.
I kind of think it's
i3-6100 + 1050ti or 470 entry level recommended min
i5 + 1060/480 Mid level
i5 or i7 + 1070 mid-high
i7+ 1080 high
i7 + Titan cocaine
By "entry level", I'm primarily talking about price here. Building your own gaming PC for $600 would result in a lot of cut corners (and I'd argue that a quad core CPU is now a minimum requirement for gaming, which means a Core i5 taking a large chunk of that budget), and you would struggle to get a gaming experience as good as this prebuilt.
By "entry level", I'm primarily talking about price here. Building your own gaming PC for $600 would result in a lot of cut corners (and I'd argue that a quad core CPU is now a minimum requirement for gaming, which means a Core i5 taking a large chunk of that budget), and you would struggle to get a gaming experience as good as this prebuilt.
This though XD Wow that's a good price.
This for the 8GB too
Also took the plunge! Sony + Nintendo + PC now baybeee
Yeah, I bought my PC for around $600, it's roughly comparable to this PC they're selling, but I spent a lot of time hunting for deals and assembled the PC over around 4 months. If you just wanted to build a PC now, disregarding sales or waiting for crazy good opportunities, you won't get a machine this good. In this pre-built's case, you just get the whole thing made for you, no deal hunting or assembly required.
I mean, to put it in perspective, this $600 PC will probably do 1080/60 on ultra for the majority of PC games released (minus extremely demanding ultra presets like Deus Ex's ridiculous super sampling, super-high end textures, or bad ports) and will probably last most folks the rest of this generation. Drop the settings to medium/high and you can do 4K/30. Shit's tight.
Holy shit, RX 480's for that low? Damn son.
Let's see who gets it firstAlso took the plunge! Sony + Nintendo + PC now baybeee
I'm not sure what I7 your laptop has (Many i7 mobile are actually dual core, or paired down quad's, but usually clock speed matters more in performance of games. The 480 will absolutely trump the 960m though. That's what my laptop is as well, or was before I gave it to my brother. It works, but it's not even a competition. We're talking like 3x the performance on average. Not to mention the ability to upgrade down the line.
I've been trying to get my friend into PC gaming for years. I told him I'd pitch 200 towards this. Gaf convince my friend to buy this PC for 400 dollars!!
It's strange, there's no footage of this thing on youtube or hardly anywhere. I did find a guy showing the case off, no look inside or even a view of it running. Quite the elusive hunt.
I've been trying to get my friend into PC gaming for years. I told him I'd pitch 200 towards this. Gaf convince my friend to buy this PC for 400 dollars!!
If your friend doesn't jump on this with your offer, then there's no chance. Sorry.
To be fair to him he bought a Pro recently and due to his work he travels all the time so he takes he console on the road with him. Ideally if he got a pc it would have been in a smaller form factor but I'd say fuck for 400 bucks and steam sales just use the pc when your home or to play older games with free online to something and still take your pro with you for other games like bloodborne or NioH. I'll seee what he says. Maybe he will even respond to this post haha.
I am coming from a 7700hdThis deal just popped up on Slick Deals.
Its out right? The i7 at least. 7700k, basically the same thing as the 6700k.
Damn though, that still has to smart. I thought it was pretty common to find 480 8GB around $220 now?
This though XD Wow that's a good price.
This for the 8GB too
HP doesn't even show the back of the case on the picturesIt's strange, there's no footage of this thing on youtube or hardly anywhere. I did find a guy showing the case off, no look inside or even a view of it running. Quite the elusive hunt.
To be fair to him he bought a Pro recently and due to his work he travels all the time so he takes he console on the road with him. Ideally if he got a pc it would have been in a smaller form factor but I'd say fuck for 400 bucks and steam sales just use the pc when your home or to play older games with free online to something and still take your pro with you for other games like bloodborne or NioH. I'll seee what he says. Maybe he will even respond to this post haha.
I am coming from a 7700hd
Funny thing is now i need games to justify it. lol
You can count on it having a shit - possibly proprietary - MOBO and a garbage PSU.
I've just don't that old song and dance so many times. Only to find out later after a little poking some friends hide it. But are absolutely just diamaterically opposed to PC gaming. Through misconceptions, or otherwise.
legit considerring this as i've been using a i7 Gen 1 Alienware Alpha
that's what I got too. is this a sizable enough of an upgrade?
Is there international shipping for this?
I'm not sure. He definitely wouldn't like so much fucking around with settings or whatever, nvidia has GeForce to do that stuff for you, not sure what AMD has in that regard. He also would only game using a controller which is fine because steam supports dual shock 4 now or he could use ds4windows. The most compelling argument I give him usually are games are cheaper, online is free, and he can game at higher FPS which is something he is becoming more interested in. He had read the thread at least so that's a start.
I'm seriously considering this but I'm hesitant for a few reasons. I don't like that the GPU is the 4GB version and I don't like that it's just 8GB of ram for this whole system. The computer I built 4 years ago has 16gb, I don't want to go backward. I really wish this was configurable on the website, I'd pay to have those both upgraded.
Okay I read through this thread and people are saying they'll switch out everything to a new case and upgrade that way.
I've also read that upgrading the power supply might be a no-no cause of proprietary mobo.
But how is it right out of the box (at least based on the specs on paper)? I've been looking for a new PC forever and this thread is giving me high hopes I've found something good.
The Mobo is a 24 pin, the only thing stopping someone from swapping the PSU might be that it doesn't fit in the case. There are slim PSU's that would if a standard wouldn't though AFAIK.
The Mobo is a 24 pin, the only thing stopping someone from swapping the PSU might be that it doesn't fit in the case. There are slim PSU's that would if a standard wouldn't though AFAIK.
Ok sweet. Would upgrading the ram overload the powersupply? Or does that not have any power consumption? Thanks for your help, really appreciate this
I don't think it's the 24-pin that's the problem, it's all the others.
Also, the standoffs might not line up to stock Micro-ATX design.