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Health Care Vote Delayed Until After July 4th Recess



Lawrence O'Donnell ✔ @Lawrence
How many votes did McConnell really have for his Obamacare repeal? Answer @TheLastWord 10pm. (Hint: single digit)

They only had 5 yeses.

Funny, but I don't believe it.

Their health care is safe. I hope they get beaten to death in the streets.

Polio should have done a better job.

You're on a roll.
They are just as empathetic to their fellow humans as you are.

They wanted to take away insurance from 22 million people to give the rich a tax cut. And not just a tax cut where you could maybe half ass argue that they'll use it re-invest or whatever, no, these were retroactive! Meaning they were doing literally nothing but directly moving money from the poor to the rich. At the expense of millions of lives and the well being of the entire country


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Exactly zero of them are in it because they love evil and suffering. You'll forever be confused if you're assuming that as their motivation. They are just as empathetic to their fellow humans as you are.

Funny all the bigoted and sexist stuff makes me think otherwise...


I have to admit it's always fascinating to see how some try to rationalize/justify something like the GOP's actions. Particularly when those rationalizations run counter to pretty much everything the thing they are trying to make excuses for is doing with their actions and language.

It also demonstrates how little effort a lot of these politicians believe they have to put into explanation. A token excuse is more than enough; your base will do the work for you to create the narrative.

Of course, Trump and his team, who may not understand much else, know this lesson well. It's pretty much what trump's twitter exists for.


Yeah, that would be fantastic, but I don't think there's any way that's true. 13 people WROTE the goddamn thing.

While I also don't think it's true that support was single digits, interviews with some of those 13 who supposedly wrote it made it clear that they had no idea what was in it(they literally said they don't know what's in there to reporters).

I took this to mean that they had 5 publicly announced "yes" votes...the rest were keeping their choice close to their chest to avoid public or private attacks.

That could be right. Most of the pubs were avoiding saying they were yes votes.

Dude Abides

Exactly zero of them are in it because they love evil and suffering. You'll forever be confused if you're assuming that as their motivation. They are just as empathetic to their fellow humans as you are.

Someone actually said this after "school lunch can't fill your soul," "get a job," "don't buy the new iPhone," and Republicans everywhere proposing drug testing for benefits.
They wanted to take away insurance from 22 million people to give the rich a tax cut. And not just a tax cut where you could maybe half ass argue that they'll use it re-invest or whatever, no, these were retroactive! Meaning they were doing literally nothing but directly moving money from the poor to the rich. At the expense of millions of lives and the well being of the entire country

Hey these are just good people who know we can't continue adding to the defecit. They aren't evil at all. Can't you see that??
Someone actually said this after "school lunch can't fill your soul," "get a job," "don't buy the new iPhone," and Republicans everywhere proposing drug testing for benefits.

I mean, "willfully allowing others to suffer" is official Republican dogma at this point. It even gets them re-elected.


aka andydumi
I think it's pretty generous to say that these are the reasons why they want to repeal Obamacare. When you hear them talk about why Obamacare needs to go, the go-to answers are usually "get rid of regulations" or "give consumers more choice" or "lower healthcare costs", even occasionally "grow jobs". I don't really see Republicans out there beating the deficit drum on this one nearly as much as they did just a few years ago.

Which sort of makes sense, considering that this plan doesn't really do much to help with the national debt, given that a large part of the savings they're getting end up being balanced out by tax cuts for the rich. If they wanted to cut the debt, there'd be no need to add those tax cuts. They don't have much to do with delivering health care. They're just tax cuts.

Indeed. Not to mention this argument does not come up in any other area where spending was needlessly increased, such as defense.


They are just as empathetic to their fellow humans as you are.

This is easily one of the dumbest, most insulting things I've ever seen on the internet. I'm not surprised it came from you.

If they were as capable of empathy as anyone else, they wouldn't be trying to take away health insurance from tens of millions of people, wouldn't be cheering on a Muslim ban, wouldn't discriminate against the LGBT community, wouldn't cheer the idea of allowing people to die in the streets (I mean, did you watch the GOP debates at all?), and wouldn't support draconian drug enforcement policies like the ones Jeff Session brought back. There's a mountain of evidence to show that, no, congressional Republicans aren't very empathetic to their fellow humans. And no, "fiscal conservatives" don't actually give a rat's ass about the deficit. See this post you probably ignored. If Republicans actually cared about the deficit (they don't), they wouldn't support typical Republican policies and huge military spending levels that cause the deficit to increase dramatically. Trickle down economics does not, has not, and will never work; Republicans know it doesn't work (especially for reducing deficits - see Kansas), and yet they keep at it anyway because they want to squeeze as much money out of the poor and middle class as possible.
They wanted to take away insurance from 22 million people to give the rich a tax cut. And not just a tax cut where you could maybe half ass argue that they'll use it re-invest or whatever, no, these were retroactive! Meaning they were doing literally nothing but directly moving money from the poor to the rich. At the expense of millions of lives and the well being of the entire country

Also the fact that a significant portion of the people insurance would be taken from would die as a direct result of that, and there's no way even a majority of the politicians who would be voting for it wouldn't be aware of that

But nah, "Both Sides Deserve Wins"


Someone actually said this after "school lunch can't fill your soul," "get a job," "don't buy the new iPhone," and Republicans everywhere proposing drug testing for benefits.

The "you just don't understand republicans" bullshit has never stopped from Mr "you just need to listen to them!"


Can someone link to some republican discussion on why they were in support of this? And I don't mean politicians, I mean regular people.


Can someone link to some republican discussion on why they were in support of this? And I don't mean politicians, I mean regular people.

in the wholly consistent inconsistency of states rights, and personal choice, its not like this bill is that out of line with mainstream conservative dogma.

Turns out, people like their healthcare more when you try to take it away from them, even if they bitched and complained for 4 years about it
They are just as empathetic to their fellow humans as you are.

That rings hollow, to be nice about it.

Conservatives move to the sticks, suburbs or to gated communities to be away from people. They hate people that are not in their particular tribe, and it shows. The intentions and results of the conservative politicians they vote into power speak for themselves. They flat out say that they are not empathetic in no uncertain terms.


That rings hollow, to be nice about it.

Conservatives move to the sticks, suburbs or to gated communities to be away from people. They hate people that are not in their particular tribe, and it shows. The intentions and results of the conservative politicians they vote into power speak for themselves. They flat out say that they are not empathetic in no uncertain terms.

Most conservatives are people who mostly stick to where they grew up or somewhere like where they grew up.


The Autumn Wind
Some people need to lie to themselves to avoid coming to grips with the fact that they're horrible people for supporting Republican policies.
This is easily one of the dumbest, most insulting things I've ever seen on the internet. I'm not surprised it came from you.

If they were as capable of empathy as anyone else, they wouldn't be trying to take away health insurance from tens of millions of people, wouldn't be cheering on a Muslim ban, wouldn't discriminate against the LGBT community, wouldn't cheer the idea of allowing people to die in the streets (I mean, did you watch the GOP debates at all?), and wouldn't support draconian drug enforcement policies like the ones Jeff Session brought back. There's a mountain of evidence to show that, no, congressional Republicans aren't very empathetic to their fellow humans. And no, "fiscal conservatives" don't actually give a rat's ass about the deficit. See this post you probably ignored. If Republicans actually cared about the deficit (they don't), they wouldn't support typical Republican policies and huge military spending levels that cause the deficit to increase dramatically. Trickle down economics does not, has not, and will never work; Republicans know it doesn't work (especially for reducing deficits - see Kansas), and yet they keep at it anyway because they want to squeeze as much money out of the poor and middle class as possible.

Can't applaud this enough. I really don't know why people keep pushing humanity onto Republicans (that they outright reject) and act like we're in the wrong for calling a spade a spade. It's honestly a way of thinking that only arises when you keep the reality of the suffering people deal with as minorities in this country in the face of a hostile government at arms length.

god you can't just post that there are children here.
in the wholly consistent inconsistency of states rights, and personal choice, its not like this bill is that out of line with mainstream conservative dogma.

Turns out, people like their healthcare more when you try to take it away from them, even if they bitched and complained for 4 years about it
While That's partly true it's also true that the vast, vast majority of what we consider "normal people" Republicans don't have the slightest idea what the ACA is or what it meant to them or at least they didn't before this year. All they knew is the demon president Obama's name was associated with it so it must be destroyed.

As much as I hate the Republican party I have to admit that their skill at branding and using coded language to manipulate their base runs circles around the Democrats.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
At least he does exercise some right? Swinging that golf club has to be exercise! /s

If he walked the course, he's looking at several miles worth of exercise...but of course he even drives his golf cart onto the green because he literally respects nothing.


Come on guys, when I think of empathy I think of Mitch McConnell.

I think he is saying the unicorns in group D are empathetic people, not the politicians who are in league with group A. You know, people who don't know what life in America was like for the non-rich before social programs but are in a rush to get back to that place out of empathy for the suffering of their fellow man.
If they cut out the crazy far right people from the process, the Democrats actually have the majority, meaning they'd hold a lot of sway over the process

Would a bill designed by the Democrats to expand the ACA be veto'd by Trump?


What is angle here? Are they really open to possibility of working with Democrats to overhaul and improve ACA?

Yeah- if they were interested in bipartisanship, they wouldn't have constructed the bill behind closed doors and wouldn't be trying to ram it through using reconciliation.

This is all about setting the stage for blaming Dems for obstructionism when this thing dies in flames. Which is a hoot-and-a-half.


I think they know that working with Democrats means throwing whole GOP bill into bin and going to work on improving ACA, because it's what Democrats want to do.

I say go for it. You'd lose the tea party vote for sure, but who gives a shit about those hard right folks.


The debt honestly, honestly isn't that big of a deal. Like, it's not ideal, but it's really not that bad.

It should be dealt with before it becomes bad, if you have to deal with it when it gets bad then it ends up worse. Though the way to deal with it is taxes, always has been taxes.




What is angle here? Are they really open to possibility of working with Democrats to overhaul and improve ACA?

That's really cute of them but also really stupid. Democrats shouldn't give a fuck, and their constituents won't let them. Someone's misreading the opposition party if they think "calling their name" is going to cause a sense of responsibility or shame about these proceedings. Fuck these clowns. There can be no negotiation with people running a government like terrorists.

Besides. If Republicans are serious about coalition-style legislation, they'd have to fight off their right wing to do it. Are they really going to split their own party to make new legislation? Are they going to oppose Ted Cruz et al? The Senate is going to send an expansionary bill to the House and dare Speaker Ryan to ram it through?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
If they cut out the crazy far right people from the process, the Democrats actually have the majority, meaning they'd hold a lot of sway over the process

Would a bill designed by the Democrats to expand the ACA be veto'd by Trump?

Eh, depends on messaging. I could see Trump wanting a win and taking credit for being so amazing that he got republicans and democrats to work together on the best health care bill of all time.

It's a fantasy either way though, there will be no bipartisan bill.
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