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Health Care Vote Delayed Until After July 4th Recess


That's really cute of them but also really stupid. Democrats shouldn't give a fuck, and their constituents won't let them. Someone's misreading the opposition party if they think "calling their name" is going to cause a sense of responsibility or shame about these proceedings. Fuck these clowns. There can be no negotiation with people running a government like terrorists.

Besides. If Republicans are serious about coalition-style legislation, they'd have to fight off their right wing to do it. Are they really going to split their own party to make new legislation?

I doubt they'll do this but if they do offer to at least help stabilize the ACA then the dems really need to take it. Beyond that, though....


The debt honestly, honestly isn't that big of a deal. Like, it's not ideal, but it's really not that bad.
The interest on debt is currently around 6% of federal revenue ~ around $250billion. Yes, public debt to GDP ratio is fine for now but the way the US government is spending currently is unsustainable in the long run. The interest on debt is already the 4th or 5th biggest budget item. Higher taxes are a solution but that will lower the growth even more. Cutting spending isn't going to happen anytime soon either. Things can go bad to worse really, really fast.




What is angle here? Are they really open to possibility of working with Democrats to overhaul and improve ACA?

Surely this is meant to scapegoat the dems but it would be nice if they can manage a change in the language that allowed states to opt out of the medicaid expansion. This would guarantee lower deductible for all and the ACA would actually work as intended...Of course this is never going to happen with them at the helm...


I doubt they'll do this but if they do offer to at least help stabilize the ACA then the dems really need to take it. Beyond that, though....

Fair point and we actually saw what that looked like with the last continuing resolution to fund the government. Republicans had to suck it up and Democrats were happy. Because it was pretty much a Democratic bill. That's pretty much the only way the GOP can get a health care bill through this Congress, but that might break the party. IMAGINE the infighting if a Democratic-friendly update to health care is delivered to the lower house.

...I can't wait.


Fair point and we actually saw what that looked like with the last continuing resolution to fund the government. Republicans had to suck it up and Democrats were happy. Because it was pretty much a Democratic bill. That's pretty much the only way the GOP can get a health care bill through this Congress, but that might break the party. IMAGINE the infighting if a Democratic-friendly update to health care is delivered to the lower house.

...I can't wait.

It would actually still be compromise, hell Kasich was on CNN suggesting that the ACA should be improved and that would be compromise and that the republicans are being idiotic about working with dems. The dem position for the most part is three groups, a smaller group that wants to scrap the ACA and go with single payer, a bigger group that wants a public option to be added to the ACA like originally intended, and a group that just wants the ACA to be improved.

So, the dems would mostly be giving up what they actually want to do for the moment if the republicans just put some measures to adjust the ACA rather than scrap it.

I don't know why we've gotten to the point where people think compromise = give republicans 99% of what they want.


Yeah, I'd buy 30, or even 20, but 5? That's absurd. You're telling me that the majority of the 13 people writing the bill hated it?

As a final tally it's possible. Toomey has never been on particularly sure ground in PA and I could see him backing away from this very quickly in order to not have it hanging around his neck when he goes up for reelection. Once it became clear it wouldn't pass there was probably a rush to switch to NO
Sen @RandPaul sends letter to McConnell with his proposed fixes to the health care bill:


I think the Association health plans make sense. Let people group up into bigger entities.

However, if he has a problem with Insurance company profits, they could, say, require them to provide certain essential benefits and require them to spend a certain amount of their premium dollars on health care...
It would actually still be compromise, hell Kasich was on CNN suggesting that the ACA should be improved and that would be compromise and that the republicans are being idiotic about working with dems. The dem position for the most part is three groups, a smaller group that wants to scrap the ACA and go with single payer, a bigger group that wants a public option to be added to the ACA like originally intended, and a group that just wants the ACA to be improved.

So, the dems would mostly be giving up what they actually want to do for the moment if the republicans just put some measures to adjust the ACA rather than scrap it.

I don't know why we've gotten to the point where people think compromise = give republicans 99% of what they want.

The GOP will never work with Dems to improve to the ACA. They've planned to obstruct and prevent bipartisan legislation since we elected a black man and can't, after 7 years of blasting the ACA, go the route of co-ownership and kumbaya.

They don't care about fixing healthcare. They care about Tax Breaks.

boiled goose

good with gravy
It would actually still be compromise, hell Kasich was on CNN suggesting that the ACA should be improved and that would be compromise and that the republicans are being idiotic about working with dems. The dem position for the most part is three groups, a smaller group that wants to scrap the ACA and go with single payer, a bigger group that wants a public option to be added to the ACA like originally intended, and a group that just wants the ACA to be improved.

So, the dems would mostly be giving up what they actually want to do for the moment if the republicans just put some measures to adjust the ACA rather than scrap it.

I don't know why we've gotten to the point where people think compromise = give republicans 99% of what they want.

The dems groups are not fractured like gop is. All 3 groups would support improvements
First two groups would support public option.

With gop there's opposition from both sides


The GOP will never work with Dems to improve to the ACA. They've planned to obstruct and prevent bipartisan legislation since we elected a black man and can't, after 7 years of blasting the ACA, go the route of co-ownership and kumbaya.

They don't care about fixing healthcare. They care about Tax Breaks.

I agree, I was just talking about a hypothetical situation in which that was their offer. Which has only the slightest chance of happening, and only because it might actually be the only way of saving themselves come 2018. Then again, working with dems to not repeal Obamacare would have them facing some problems from tea party groups and superpacs.

The dems groups are not fractured like gop is. All 3 groups would support improvements
First two groups would support public option.

With gop there's opposition from both sides

I agree. I actually think all three groups would support a public option were it on the table, at this point. It's not going to be on the table anytime soon, mind.


Single Payer please.

Fucking nuke health insurance companies from orbit.

No, please. I don't want there to be huge economic consequences when you can just do a public option to either force the insurance companies to be competitive or just have people slowly move out of the insurance companies to the better government option so that the economic effects aren't felt all at once.

I don't understand why single payer is so much more popular than a public option. They're effectively the same thing, just one eliminates insurance companies which are a large portion of our economy.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
No, please. I don't want there to be huge economic consequences when you can just do a public option to either force the insurance companies to be competitive or just have people slowly move out of the insurance companies to the better government option so that the economic effects aren't felt all at once.

I don't understand why single payer is so much more popular than a public option. They're effectively the same thing, just one eliminates insurance companies which are a large portion of our economy.

Insurance companies being a large portion of the economy is itself problematic, and one of the primary reasons health care in this country is so fucked. It's something that has to be faced with realism and adult rationale eventually. It's like coal: the industries that support those jobs need to die (or at least be dramatically reduced in importance) for everyone to be better off in the long run.


Insurance companies being a large portion of the economy is itself problematic, and one of the primary reasons health care in this country is so fucked. It's something that has to be faced with realism and adult rationale eventually. It's like coal: the industries that support those jobs need to die (or at least be dramatically reduced in importance) for everyone to be better off in the long run.

So do it over a long period of time instead of nuking them and causing economic problems that will get you unelected and will hurt whatever healthcare plan you put up.

There's nothing to be gained from going single payer over a public option in real terms. They will both have similar prices. One will cost less than the other. Wiping out the insurance companies for the sake of it might sound nice, but it doesn't help anything and can certainly hurt.
I know it looks very confusing from the outside, but the Republican party is a coalition of a few groups:

D) Smart people who are absolutely right in saying that this rate of national debt isn't sustainable at some point, and that the left has no interest in controlling it.

Finally you stop beating around the bush and just say that you think progressives are stupid and you and conservatives are smart. Stop pretending that you're a moderate centrist simply because you don't hate (middle class to wealthy) gay people and women.


The delays bogging down marquee elements of the GOP agenda left Republicans and President Donald Trump with little legislative achievements after nearly six months in power. Republicans, who control the executive and legislative branches for the first time since early 2007, have dwindling time to make significant policy changes before the 2018 midterm-election politics overwhelm the Capitol.

“It’s almost like we’re serving in the minority right now. We just simply don’t know how to govern,” said Rep. Steve Womack (R., Ark.). “How we’ve been given this opportunity to govern and we are finding every reason in the world not to is absolutely incredible to me.”

Democrats, who are united in opposition to GOP plans, said Republicans’ stalled agenda reflected GOP leaders’ inability to wrest compromise from the dueling factions of their party.

“There’s virtually nothing to show for six months of so-called Republican leadership” said Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.), noting that House Republicans need the support of their most conservative wing to pass a budget. “They’re going to have a tough time doing it.”


Hell I dont think he gives a shit beyond sticking it to Obama. He'll just say "I fixed/improved Obama's flawed thing"

Yep, he doesn't care, he'll sign whatever they send over. He just wants to crow about it and claim he outdid Obama at something.


McConnell is trying to revise the Senate health-care bill by Friday

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is aiming to send a revised version of his health-care bill to the Congressional Budget Office by as soon as Friday, according to Capitol Hill aides and lobbyists.

The effort reflects the tight timeline McConnell faces in his attempt to hold a vote before the August recess — and the pressure he is under to make changes that improve the CBO’s measure of the bill’s impact on coverage levels and federal spending.

McConnell is trying to move quickly to produce a new CBO score by the time lawmakers return to Washington in mid-July, giving the Senate about two weeks to fulfill the majority leader’s goal of voting before the August recess.

McConnell and his aides plan continue negotiations through the end of the week and will be in frequent communication with the CBO, according to McConnell spokesman David Popp.

It remains unclear exactly what parts of the Better Care Reconciliation Act are being revised — or whether McConnell is trying to move the measure to the right, with greater savings or regulatory adjustments, or to the left, with more coverage protections. McConnell needs to bring on board about nine senators who have said they wouldn’t vote for the bill in its current form. Moving to the right would appease conservatives in the Senate — but also in the House, where any Senate bill would also have to pass.

Still trying to shove it through before 4th.


Abject poverty from healthcare bankruptcies will be great guys, come on.
Daniel Dale (@ddale8)
Q: "Are you concerned about the Medicaid cuts?"
Trump: "It's going to be great. This will be great for everybody."

Also the bill will likely be reworked before the 4th and enter another draft to CBO, the break happens, they get a new score rework, rework, etc. They technically have until Aug. 1st for the insurer deadline to work with. Fight's not over, just delayed.
No, please. I don't want there to be huge economic consequences when you can just do a public option to either force the insurance companies to be competitive or just have people slowly move out of the insurance companies to the better government option so that the economic effects aren't felt all at once.

I don't understand why single payer is so much more popular than a public option. They're effectively the same thing, just one eliminates insurance companies which are a large portion of our economy.

Because insurance companies are leeches that provide no value add.


Because insurance companies are leeches that provide no value add.

They provide the value add of employing a ton of people. If you take the fangs off with a public option that they have to play ball with, they're not a threat and continue employing people as they slowly, gradually move into irrelevancy.
Another public No

Ben Jacobs ✔ @Bencjacobs
Paul LePage just told reporters at the White House that he doesn't support Senate health care bill

LePage isn't too relevant since he's the Governor of Maine, and not a Senator, but nonetheless doesn't help things either to have this many people publicly talking bad about it and also indicates Collins vote is slipping further and further away.
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