allright i'm toying with some new bullshit, and since i'm the resident non ironic rexxar lover here, and also king jank, i figure i might as well spill my thoughts out here for input since i need to get them out anyway to nail down the deck.
dinomancy looks fun, right? but i've only seen a handful of decks use it, since inherently it kind of sucks. well, there's 2 cards in the collection i see, that are going to be the backbone of a fun playable dinomancy deck, which i haven't seen anyone use in conjunction with it; desert camel, and raptor hatchling.
"raptor hatchling is hot garbage!" ~ everyone ever since the card was released. "desert camel is so risky!"
we combine the two and bam; on turn 3, we have 2 beasts on board, which leaves houndmaster thirsty regardless of the 1 drop we gave our opponent. or, we play it late game, and we get a 2/4 and a 1 drop we can pump +2/2, versus their lame 1 drop, or possibly even nothing on their side by late game. because of raptor, we might get a 4/3 and a 2/4 late game, plus a dinomancy hit! this is why i'm building this, the luls will never stop when that happens
this is my starting point, so im just gonna rate shit since i need to get my thoughts out and people can input.
ALLEYCAT (C) - alley cat is rough. it's the textbook contradiction of the deck. on one hand, we don't want to be midrange hunter because, we're not playing midrange hunter, that's not where the fun in this deck is. on the other hand, turn 1 alley cat into razormaw and hyena are so nasty. it helps with activating the Roc and houndmaster, and gives 2 hits for dinomancy late. if i add a tolvir warden or two this becomes more valuable....but camel really hurts. a tough call
RAPTOR HATCHLING (B+) - the memes are built around pulling a 4/3 late game from this, plus it means you have 2 hits for dinomancy, it sucks early game but hey, you're not going to play it turn 1, you're going to get it for free from camel, right?
STAMPEDE (B) - the nature of dinomancy is, YOU. NEED. AN. ALL. BEAST. DECK. i can't stress that enough. hunter has lots of amazing weapons and spells; dinomancy loses all consistency when you do not have a beast to drop every single turn. one of these feels right to refill. two might be better, idk
TRACKING (A+) - every hunter deck that isn't face should run at least one of these, and since we have plenty of situational and one offs we don't mind skipping, this is a doubler
WEBSPINNER (B-) - it sucks on board, it's only a fair hit from camel, but we need that card draw, and macaw does jack shit for us from camel so this is better.
HYENA (A+) - great card, it makes it hard to drop alley cat from the deck, but it also makes me want to add a tundra rhino or infested wolf. regardless, key in a 25 beast deck
ANIMAL COMP (A+) - huffer every time. except now it's 6/4 huffer.
CAMEL TOE - this is the meme source we're not touching this
RAT PACK (A+) - houndmaster and a 2/2 hero power?? very yes
UTH (C - A) - This one is a tough call. we can buff a hound, and it gives all beasts, and is sick with hyena. but it doesn't work with stampede, sad face. kind of fringey.
HOUNDMASTER (A+) - the only non beast allowed
NESTING ROC (C - A+) - amazing if you hit the taunt, not bad with dinomancy without it...but once alley cat is dropped....i donno. we do have a fair amount of token generation..
HIGHMANE (A+) - yeah no brainer double legendary
i only used devilsaur as filler bc i don't have SWAMP KING DRED - he definitely fits the bill here, i just don't want to spend the dust until i have the deck more refined. pumping up dred just sounds so dirty, this is the deck he was made for.
FRINGEYS - FIERY BAT - would be decent from desert camel but....idk. if using tolvir wardens is the way to go he enters the deck....but without camel+tolvir he's not good enough.
INFESTED WOLF - we're stuck in wild bc of desert camel, so no.
TUNDRA RHINO - this probably needs in. at least one.
CALL PET - HAHAHAHA just kidding
KNUCKLES - i'm not spending dust on this, he could see a spot since buffs could go nuts but....not good enough for me to consider spending dust on
ANGRY CHICKEN - this could actually be hilarious but we're making a rank 5 deck here so not today
GOLAKKA CRAWLER - needs to go in when we're set on a deck list for ladder, but we don't theory craft with tech cards.
VICIOUS FLEDGLING - i really really want this card in this deck but i just don't see room for it, it would be monstrous late game with the 2/2 though if you could protect it....i'd toss one in if i had a limited collection but i just don't see room without the early alley cat game and with weak 1 drops to begin with in spinner and raptor to fight for the board and clear room for him early
MUKLA'S CHAMPION - this guy blows bc he has 3 health but seeing this dropped in a dinomancy deck on me on ladder actually is what spurned my inspiration to build this deck; you can give him 5 health as well as pump up all your minions on the same turn late game. this could actually be decent as a one of, too gimmicky to be a building block for now though
STRANGLEHORN TIGER - it's guranteed to live, so it's really tempting; i don't know that it's a top 30 card for the idea though. i don't think it quite is. for a budget version, sure.
TOLVIR WARDEN - the only other non beast considerable...if we dropped in more non battlecry 1 drops he might be the best way to go. i will def experiment with a tolvir/fiery bat version later and see what results i get. he is very valuable giving you two beasts that can be 2/2'd and makes raptor hatchling more sensible. im dropping alley cat and adding this and fiery bat for now, but it has to be played with to determine the optimal amount of 1 drops for camel and tolvir to hit the sweet spot.
anyway that's where i'm at rn , input or other people toying with it would be cool. the thing about my idea is consistency; you just flat out can't use spells like quick shot and kill command, if you don't have a beast every turn, the deck is enraging and not fun. you need to go as beast heavy as possible otherwise you might as well play midrange hunter. you need to swarm the board and have things live for dinomancy to live, so we really can't build the deck worrying about AOE or trying to fight with non minions. one weapon would be fine, i think glaivezooka would be better than eaglehorn bc it pumps rat pack and such, but idk. any more spells than that and dinomancy falls apart.