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Heath Ledger is dead.

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Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
topsyturvy said:
so basically they don't know that was a movie? :lol
Playing a gay man in a film that doesn't end with you being struck down by the Almighty in His infinite wisdom means you're a "fag enabeler/sympathizer".


gimz said:
what do they exactly mean for picket the funeral? what will they do?


This is from a picket for US Troops that died in Iraq. So think of this but with batman logos and other retarded shit.
vas_a_morir said:


That's beyond retarded. What are they going to do, picket every actor's funeral that has portrayed a gay person at one time or another in their career? Heath Ledger was just that convincing, huh?

Those hateful little bitches.

Valth0nis said:

This is from a picket for US Troops that died in Iraq. So think of this but with batman logos and other retarded shit.

That's just horrible. The restraint to not beat one of them to a pulp being a family/friend at the funeral must be painful.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
Walk around outside the funeral with signs that say things like "God Hates Fags," yelling obscene things at the people who attend. Basically they're the biggest assholes on the planet.
thats fucking terrible!!
HomerSimpson-Man said:

That's beyond retarded. What are they going to do, picket every actor's funeral that has portrayed a gay person at one time or another in their career? Heath Ledger was just that convincing, huh?

you don't understand, dude. he was enabling the fags, not just portraying them


Master of the Google Search
Tyrone Slothrop said:
you don't understand, dude. he was enabling the fags, not just portraying them

Yeah, to the Westboro people, anything short of attacking gays like they are = eternal damnation.


Valth0nis said:

This is from a picket for US Troops that died in Iraq. So think of this but with batman logos and other retarded shit.

I don't think they'd be clever enough for that.


gimz said:
what do they exactly mean for picket the funeral? what will they do?

Stand there with highly offensive signs in front of his family and friends, disgracing humanity and pissing off the grieving.


this is really sad news. My prayers to him.

Wonder how this is gonna affect TDK, especially since he probably dies in the movie too.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

This 'god' person sounds like abit of a jerk, don't think I'll be associating with him.

Hate to hear about Heath. To die that young, regardless of the reasons is indeed a tragedy, especially while having a young daughter to boot. Rest in peace.
If I saw that at a loved ones funeral then go ahead and book me for a couple of nights in jail or whatever the consequences. I wouldn't stop swinging until I was killed or knocked unconscious.
Ugh at the picketers

My mum just told me she heard on the radio that his family weren't informed of his death and found out on the tv. I hope they were misinformed. That would be truly horrible.


y'all should be ashamed
Spotless Mind said:
Ugh at the picketers

My mum just told me she heard on the radio that his family weren't informed of his death and found out on the tv. I hope they were misinformed. That would be truly horrible.

Oh, it absolutely happened that way for sure. Such is the life of Hollywood stars.

And I really, really can't believe that fanatic religious family hasn't been killed by now by angry riots.


There isn't often that I really react when celebrities die, but this time I did. This just feels like such a shame really. Damn.


I never liked Heath much, he came across as a right cunt in interviews, but fuck he was in some good movies and it's a damn shame and a waste that he died. Everyone should go watch 'Two Hands' in memory.

As for those Baptist shits, well it isn't like religion is exactly the winning team lately but fuck, do they really need to go out in such a shitstorm?


you can't put a price on sparks
i heard about this at work, and i was like "WHAAAAAAATT? no way....NOoooo"

i really didn't believe it...i still kind of don't. but then again its not like he's one of my favorite actors or anything.

i guess its just the timing with him being the joker and not really knowing how he'd do as the joker and what he'd be doing after it.

too bad.
I pray to god that someone will tell these fucking people that he isn't gay. Heath ledger should be the last person in the history of hollywood to have his ceremony foiled by a role he played 4 years ago. :(

Fusebox said:
I never liked Heath much, he came across as a right cunt in interviews, but fuck he was in some good movies and it's a damn shame and a waste that he died. Everyone should go watch 'Two Hands' in memory.
he's shy, he always state this in magazines and stuff. :(


NZ news just had to try and show that he was on drugs. They played an interview of him from 2 months ago where Heath had his arms around himself in the interview which they assumed was caused by drugs. I hate the media! :( :(


Wow@ those Batist Church people.

If there really is a god I hope they will burn in hell. The stuff they do is just horrible.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Saw this on the morning news when I woke up. Hell of a way to start the day. So tragic =(

RIP ='(

oh, and those Westboro fucks needs to Heaven's Gate themselves ASAP!
Fusebox said:
Shy isn't what I saw, he has a rep for being a prick to interview - although I'm sure like all actors he can swing from shy to fuck you in an instant.

Mind you, I did see this interview among others:

i know what your talking about, its just that interviewers and reporters said that he's the biggest "shy guy" in hollywood. He's like that in all his interviews. I'm not assuming anything until tomorrow. :/


davepoobond said:
i heard about this at work, and i was like "WHAAAAAAATT? no way....NOoooo"

i really didn't believe it...i still kind of don't. but then again its not like he's one of my favorite actors or anything.

i guess its just the timing with him being the joker and not really knowing how he'd do as the joker and what he'd be doing after it.

too bad.

same here. still very saddened, he's left so much undone.


tedtropy said:

This 'god' person sounds like abit of a jerk, don't think I'll be associating with him.
This god who bares hatred towards a man that made me dream is not mine. Their god has definitely nothing to do with the one I pray every day. I mean, fuck, inspiring hatred with the help of religion ? I'm speechless


This struck me kind of hard. After following The Dark Knight's production and seeing him in the trailer, I began to really admire him. Truth is I would connect him inextricably with The Dark Knight. And so my mourning of his death, relative to another actor's, has everything to do with that. I mean, one of my first thoughts was: I hope The Dark Knight is done shooting. But we've been over this a million times; that's human nature. You can't feel a spiritual connection with every person alive. That would be exhausting. That means we only really care when we feel some sort of attachment. So people that can laugh or poke jokes at this are really no worse than those of us that say RIP. They're just poorly socialized. It's fucking rude to make light of this.

Do we know how he died yet or why (eg suicide)? I tried filing through this thread and couldn't take the amount of crap (besides the well-wishers).

And is it just me or is it far more sad if it was an accidental death? Somehow if he had killed himself I would feel that I just didn't know what was really going on in the months ahead and this was inevitable, but if it had been an accident I would see it as much more of a tragedy.


vas_a_morir said:
The news about Ledger's death is SHOCKING -i just woke up and i couldn't really believe what i was reading...- but this is fucking intollerable.
How can you be so disrepectful of someone else's pain? It's unbelievable.
Mdk7 said:
The news about Ledger's death is SHOCKING -i just woke up and i couldn't really believe what i was reading...- but this is fucking intollerable.
How can you be so disrepectful of someone else's pain? It's unbelievable.
For some people, being a Christian apparently means being the biggest asshole possible. Mission accomplished at that I say.


Out of curiousity where does the bible say that "God hates Fags" or "God hates fag enablers". It does say that God hates the act as in leveticus and calls it an abomination. But using that to say god hates someone is wrong. God loves all, it is sin he hates. He even loves Osama Bin Laden.


That Westboro shit, seriously. What's wrong with humanity? What the fuck? When will we be collectively able to .... Oh fuck that, I'm outta here, G'nite GAF.

And if it wasn't for this YTMND, I would've probably leave this thread very angry:

Heath Ledger is dead...
Well I imagine his funeral would be in Australia, so I doubt Westboro would have the funds to get a decent contingent into the country, let alone get passports in time, or even be allowed into the country.

Although I bet that would make for an interesting interview at customs.


I'm so hoping that this is an incredibly bad taste publicity stunt and at the launch of TDK, he bursts through a wall or something in full joker costume and drops a "I'm Back! Why so serious?" and starts stealing peoples wallets or something.

I'm fairly confidant that no promotional stunt would be quite that crass, but it'd be fucking awesome. I'll go see TDK at the movies 5 extra times if it happens.

If not, well, on a lighter note, at least he went out on a role like the Joker. Raul Julia had to go out on fucking Street Fighter: The Movie.
StopMakingSense said:
Well I imagine his funeral would be in Australia, so I doubt Westboro would have the funds to get a decent contingent into the country, let alone get passports in time, or even be allowed into the country.

Although I bet that would make for an interesting interview at customs.

i was going to say, the Westboro people are probably too stupid too realize that Ledger isn't even an american and won't be buried here. No worries about his funeral. I just hope that in the meantime the media won't give these wackjobs any air time, but you know thats not going to happen.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Monk said:
Out of curiousity where does the bible say that "God hates Fags" or "God hates fag enablers". It does say that God hates the act as in leveticus and calls it an abomination. But using that to say god hates someone is wrong. God loves all, it is sin he hates. He even loves Osama Bin Laden.

I'm not gay or gay agenda even but ouch.
This thread has pulled me through a daisy chain of surprising and confusing emotions. I'd say that I went through all of the stages of coping with death.

Although, I'm not sure what stage I'm going through when I think of the picket signs.
Socreges said:
they were both 28 years old, too

....not that im suggesting anything. just one coincidence among a couple others

hopefully in 10 years there won't still be teenagers dressing like Heath Ledgers Joker and hanging out in front of a Hot Topic store
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