This struck me kind of hard. After following The Dark Knight's production and seeing him in the trailer, I began to really admire him. Truth is I would connect him inextricably with The Dark Knight. And so my mourning of his death, relative to another actor's, has everything to do with that. I mean, one of my first thoughts was: I hope The Dark Knight is done shooting. But we've been over this a million times; that's human nature. You can't feel a spiritual connection with every person alive. That would be exhausting. That means we only really care when we feel some sort of attachment. So people that can laugh or poke jokes at this are really no worse than those of us that say RIP. They're just poorly socialized. It's fucking rude to make light of this.
Do we know how he died yet or why (eg suicide)? I tried filing through this thread and couldn't take the amount of crap (besides the well-wishers).
And is it just me or is it far more sad if it was an accidental death? Somehow if he had killed himself I would feel that I just didn't know what was really going on in the months ahead and this was inevitable, but if it had been an accident I would see it as much more of a tragedy.