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Heath Ledger is dead.

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J2 Cool

Ellen just ended her show with a clip of Heath Ledger the last time he was on her show. I believe she records her show the day prior to airing she said, this one being taped a couple hours after the incident. It looked like one of the few times he had a blast during a press junket. A real dedication to how cool Ellen is.

Now time for Extra to spin stupid shit on baseless/paperthin reports and connect them all in some half assed way.
kinggroin said:
Oooooor, how about taking your own advice and following #1
I've actually been giving people the benefit of the doubt until now, but it's becoming pretty obvious that at least 50% of the posters on GAF skim posts, detect a couple buzzwords, and then pounce on them without bothering to put on their critical thinking hats at all.

Ford Prefect

Stoney Mason said:
bggrthnjsus said:
now that's pure class
bengraven said:
Fucked. Completely.
Confused101 said:
There's always some asshole out there trying to profit off of another's tragedy. Fuck that place, I hope it burns down.

What do you fucking babies want, for them to give the DVDs away for free? What's the best way to remember and pay your respects to an actor who has passed away? Gee, certainly not by watching his films... the public's not going to be interested in that. Greedy corporations and their insensitivity :massiverolleyes
Ford Prefect said:

What do you fucking babies want, for them to give the DVDs away for free? What's the best way to remember and pay your respects to an actor who has passed away? Gee, certainly not by watching his films... the public's not going to be interested in that. Greedy corporations and their insensitivity :massiverolleyes
I partially agree with you, but I think these businesses could be a bit more sensitive to the situation. That sign looks like they're trying to cash in on his death. It's all about the presentation. Obviously, people are going to be more interested in his past works now that he's dead, so perhaps moving them to more visible sections of the store woudl be in order. Promoting those movies in such a way does come off as a bit tasteless, even if it really isn't.


OpinionatedCyborg said:
I've actually been giving people the benefit of the doubt until now, but it's becoming pretty obvious that at least 50% of the posters on GAF skim posts, detect a couple buzzwords, and then pounce on them without bothering to put on their critical thinking hats at all.

Well OC, it's not your fight to stress over. I've already communicated with guy I quoted to make sure we're all clear.

If it's that much a concern, I can keep you posted ;)
kinggroin said:
Well OC, it's not your fight to stress over. I've already communicated with guy I quoted to make sure we're all clear.

If it's that much a concern, I can keep you posted ;)
haha please do. It's just become an irritant for me recently. Sometimes you can practically be spelling something out for someone and they still won't get it...
Jack Nicholson warned him about Ambien. He cleared that up shortly after that video was shot.

He goes on to say he didn't even know Ledger...he just makes a point of warning people about the drug. FWIW, I agree with him. I was also on Ambien for a brief period of time and stopped taking it because the effects freaked me out so much. Not jumping to conclusions about the cause of death, though.
Freshmaker said:
I dont' see the Pope specifically issuing a public statement against Phelps, nor do I see any other prominent Christian leaders condemning his actions. this means all Christianity tacitly supports Phelps. (Hey, if it works for Muslims...)

Let's not be naive, this Westboro cult is pretty much a media creation. It's 80 or so related people that are only well-known because I'm sure they bring in huge ratings for whatever news outlet or documentary maker films them. In fact, their ridiculousness only helps strengthen the views of both athiests (look at those craaaaazy Christians) and thiests (that interview on Foxnews makes Hannitty look sane). To be honest heckling them at their demonstrations looks pretty fun. So unlike the others that responded seriously to you they're generally not worth anything but a laugh.

Problem is even though their beliefs have no influence, the stunts they do at funerals must be absolutely devestating to grievers and they're needs to be some way to prevent it.


OpinionatedCyborg said:
Man, you guys have no fucking idea what subtlety is. Here's some advice: if you see something like this in the future, do one of three things:
1. Assume the person is serious and ignore him.
2. Assume the person is probably joking and ignore him.
3. Realize the person has his tongue firmly planted in his cheek and either appreciate the humour to yourself or find the attempt at humour unfunny and ignore the post.

Let me help you out here.

More generalizations I guess, lol.

Anyway.. I actually got the sarcasm about the Pope/Muslim thing.. and didn't respond because it was indeed well-played.

Still doesn't take away from the fact that some *ssholes just like to use Jesus' name in vein willy nilly.

If someone's not a believer, good for them.

Just don't insult us though.. all willy nilly. It's a piece of sh*t move on their part for doing so.

Funny, if I were to use Mohammed in such a way, a ban would be forthcoming.

See what I did there... *winks*

*Also, I wouldn't use Mohammed in such a way. I'm not an *sshole that way.
Peace to my Muslim homeys.

Ford Prefect

VeritasVierge said:
I'm actually pretty surprised that Block Buster didn't pull that stunt. People are really messed up.
If I'm ever a famous actor, I'm going to request all my DVDs to be burned the second I'm dead, so companies won't be able to make mad profitz on sadness.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
VeritasVierge said:
I'm actually pretty surprised that Block Buster didn't pull that stunt. People are really messed up.
That's "really messed up"?

What's wrong with some of you people? What is it with GAF attracting such oversensitive blubbering vaginas?
ImperialConquest said:
More generalizations I guess, lol.
If it makes any difference I did say "but it's becoming pretty obvious that at least 50% of the posters on GAF skim posts" in the following post. And I'd say a good portion of the posters in this thread fall into that 50% :/.


OpinionatedCyborg said:
I've actually been giving people the benefit of the doubt until now, but it's becoming pretty obvious that at least 50% of the posters on GAF skim posts, detect a couple buzzwords, and then pounce on them without bothering to put on their critical thinking hats at all.

My God. Get out of my brain.
Ford Prefect said:

What do you fucking babies want, for them to give the DVDs away for free? What's the best way to remember and pay your respects to an actor who has passed away? Gee, certainly not by watching his films... the public's not going to be interested in that. Greedy corporations and their insensitivity :massiverolleyes

They're clearly calling attention to the actor's death so they can profit from it. You see nothing wrong with that? Granted it's not the most horrible thing a business has ever done, but it feels a bit tasteless. They don't have to give the DVD's away for free, but come on. If people want to buy his DVD's to remember him, I think they can find them on their own.

I think owning his films is a great way to remember him. So I do see the other side of it also. It just doesn't seem right that they're blatantly using his death to push DVD's. Maybe they could've just put the sign up letting people know without the DVD's right there to be picked up.

Budweiser did the same type of thing with 9/11. They had that commercial where the horses bowed to the city from across the river to show their respects. A lot of people lashed out for the same kind of reason saying that Budweiser was trying to use the tragedy to their benefit.


OpinionatedCyborg said:
If it makes any difference I did say "but it's becoming pretty obvious that at least 50% of the posters on GAF skim posts" in the following post. And I'd say a good portion of the posters in this thread fall into that 50% :/.

In my defense, I read his posts completely.... just didn't *get it as far as the muslim thing is concerned :D

Still, it's a valid argument in general (that word sure is being used quite a bit...)

*I do now
demon said:
That's "really messed up"?

What's wrong with some of you people? What is it with GAF attracting such oversensitive blubbering vaginas?

Because I possess a vagina? Pardon me for having a considerate soul to go with it.

In any case it is messed up because like what was metioned it's profiting off loss and sadness. Still surprised it wasn't done by BlackBuster.


Why would someone want to snort an anti-depressant?

It's not like coke, where you get junkie benefits.. Taste, numbness, rush.

I imagine snorting pills is like snorting aspirin. Have you ever tasted aspirin, like if you don't drink enough water with it.. It's the nastiest thing ever.


Ford Prefect

Confused101 said:
I think owning his films is a great way to remember him. So I do see the other side of it also. It just doesn't seem right that they're blatantly using his death to push DVD's. Maybe they could've just put the sign up letting people know without the DVD's right there to be picked up.

Remember a great actor
through his great performances.

What? No, go find them
yourselves fucktards."


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I don't even know if I'd say that sign is that tasteless. More of a time saver if anything. We all know that Best Buys are dealing with tons of people who want to pick up a Heath Ledger movie to honor him. Having them all laid out all together is pretty convenient for those customers.

It was a little off putting to me at first, but it makes sense when you think about it.
demon said:
That's "really messed up"?

What's wrong with some of you people? What is it with GAF attracting such oversensitive blubbering vaginas?

They thought Transformers was the best action movie in years... cut them some slack.


DoctorWho said:
Just got home. So do we know how he died yet?

WTF? Why did I make two posts... :/ Sorry.
Autopsy is tomorrow morning. Also, I still think advertising Ledger's movies like the pic above is...alright I guess. His 2 year old daughter would see some of that money wouldn't she?


Junior Member
OpinionatedCyborg said:
I partially agree with you, but I think these businesses could be a bit more sensitive to the situation. That sign looks like they're trying to cash in on his death. It's all about the presentation. Obviously, people are going to be more interested in his past works now that he's dead, so perhaps moving them to more visible sections of the store woudl be in order. Promoting those movies in such a way does come off as a bit tasteless, even if it really isn't.
so if there were no sign it would be ok?

There's nothing tasteless about the sign. The owner probably knows that they will sell, but it's a business. Businesses aren't full of love and joy. There are probably some customers asking for some Heath Ledger movies as well.
YYZ said:
so if there were no sign it would be ok?

There's nothing tasteless about the sign. The owner probably knows that they will sell, but it's a business. Businesses aren't full of love and joy. There are probably some customers asking for some Heath Ledger movies as well.
I'm not sure how to respond since my post you quoted doesn't disagree with what you're saying. Perhaps the difference is that I see alternatives to that sign which might still boost business but not draw out the negative reactions we've seen in this thread. It's true that businesses aren't about love and joy (except Disney), but most are marketed as though they are... public relations are quite important.
Jenga said:
Autopsy is tomorrow morning. Also, I still think advertising Ledger's movies like the pic above is...alright I guess. His 2 year old daughter would see some of that money wouldn't she?

The autopsy was this morning, results were inconclusive, waiting for the toxicology screen to come back in 7-10 days.
ImperialConquest said:
Hehehe.... punk.

No need to argue about something we have conflicting opinions on.

I'm sure a lot of stores are doing this. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it, but I do see how it's a good business strategy.

In fact, I'm waiting for them to come out with a Dark Knight trailer/poster that says something regarding it.


Confused101 said:
No need to argue about something we have conflicting opinions on.

I'm sure a lot of stores are doing this. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it, but I do see how it's a good business strategy.

In fact, I'm waiting for them to come out with a Dark Knight trailer/poster that says something regarding it.

Meh.. I was kidding. Thoug hI do think it's very tacky.

It's not like people would've had a hard time locating a freaking DVD.

Sadly, money makes the world go round.
I didn't read this thread, and I do hate to come in here and spew my bullshit, but oh well.

I am watching TMZ (don't ask me why) and they are talking about this guy was on sleeping pills, anxiety pills, the works. How many people die from prescription pills? I know about this plant that can relieve anxiety and make you sleep like a baby with no side effects. Bah, so frustrating.

Anyways, RIP Ledger.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
topsyturvy said:
could've been smashed pills. If it was coke, that would have been mentioned already

it wasnt even the police that mentioned this. it was an 'insider'

so it remains to be seen if it is even true.

just like the olsen apartment thing, and the spilled pills.. this could be false as well.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
nevermind. the 20$ bill thing was real.. but:

Meanwhile, tests on a $20 bill found at the Lower Manhattan apartment where Ledger died yielded no drug residue, a New York police spokeswoman told CNN.

The bill was collected for testing because of the way it was folded, New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said earlier.


The fuck does Nicholson mean when he said "I warned him". What a fucking piece of shit? Thinks hes real cute with his grin and his cigarette

Wow that pisses me off

And people need to shut the fuck up about people trying to maximize profit from his death. Exactly how do you think this world works? ffs
Ford Prefect said:
If I'm ever a famous actor, I'm going to request all my DVDs to be burned the second I'm dead, so companies won't be able to make mad profitz on sadness.

There's a huge difference between quietly continuing to distribute his products and gathering them all in some half-assed attempt at a tribute sale.
jtardiou said:
The fuck does Nicholson mean when he said "I warned him". What a fucking piece of shit? Thinks hes real cute with his grin and his cigarette

Wow that pisses me off

From my post halfway up this page:

Jack Nicholson warned him about Ambien. He cleared that up shortly after that video was shot.

He goes on to say he didn't even know Ledger...he just makes a point of warning people about the drug. FWIW, I agree with him. I was also on Ambien for a brief period of time and stopped taking it because the effects freaked me out so much. Not jumping to conclusions about the cause of death, though.

It was still a weird thing to say and his explanation doesn't make much sense to me, since he supposedly hadn't heard what had happened and I didn't hear anyone bring up Ambien in the clip.


quadriplegicjon said:
nevermind. the 20$ bill thing was real.. but:

That's good to hear. I want to hear that it's just a horrible accident as opposed to suicide or an overdose of some sort, so at least so far that hasn't been any visible evidence of drugs around the guy.

Ford Prefect

ImperialConquest said:
Meh.. I was kidding. Thoug hI do think it's very tacky.

It's not like people would've had a hard time locating a freaking DVD.

Sadly, money makes the world go round.
I don't even know why I care enough to keep at this, but you're totally interpreting this the wrong way. Do you honestly think that the person who set up that display had dollar signs in his eyes as he did it? I can't think of a nicer thing to do to honor a dead actor at a fucking DVD store than setting up an individual display of DVDs as a tribute.

I've never seen such misguided cynicism...
Ambien is a really fucked up drug. I take it once or twice a week along with melatonin to help get me to sleep, but there was a time I took 2 at once and shit was really weird. I had the strangest thoughts going through my head and got these cold sweats and imagined static objects animating even though I was aware nothing was going on. I just kind of laughed and masturbated until i was pouring sweat despite not even being aroused...and forgot about the whole experience until a day later when I saw the websites I was looking at. It was totally fucked and I can see someone who's already really lacking in sleep and is sick having much bigger problems from it.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Forgotten Ancient said:
Ambien is a really fucked up drug. I take it once or twice a week along with melatonin to help get me to sleep, but there was a time I took 2 at once and shit was really weird. I had the strangest thoughts going through my head and got these cold sweats and imagined static objects animating even though I was aware nothing was going on. I just kind of laughed and masturbated until i was pouring sweat despite not even being aroused...and forgot about the whole experience until a day later when I saw the websites I was looking at. It was totally fucked and I can see someone who's already really lacking in sleep and is sick having much bigger problems from it.
d tales.
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