Actually, I hadn't drank seriously(more than a beer or two) in weeks. I am in the process of changing my life(hopefully for the better) and moving out of the patterns that I have identified as detrimental towards my health(physical, mental, and emotional) towards something else.
The problem is that I have a tidy amount of debt amassed. I wouldn't feel right without taking the job that I REALLY want(and could get!), that is National Park Ranger, until I have paid down said debt. If I'm really making positive choices, then I will pay off my debt before I get to wander around in nature for a living(bliss, if you ask me).
So yeah. Sorry to give the impression that I'm a raging alcoholic(I've downgraded to drunk status, and hopefully just social drinker soon), but even if I was, well I've got the genes for it! Don't deny me the only thing I'm genetically pre-disposed to be good at, sir.