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Helldivers 2 |OT| Another bug infested game


Snake Oil Salesman
Now that the game has been out for a few weeks, is Helldivers 2 still considered a must own PS5 game?

Unquestionably its best exclusive. If you're on the fence, wait for the next big update. It's still buggy and the game is as bare bones as it's ever going to be at the moment.
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Is there any website with in depth weapon stats?

Many shooters have these kind of websites and there are hidden stats that we could be aware of.
damn that game is now way more broken than it was at launch.
Leaving the "balancing" from the recent patch aside I seriously struggle now to finish a single mission without losing the connection, crashing to desktop, or getting permakilled due to being stuck in animations (the "shiny" droppods pickup animation freezes me almost every time for ~15s in place f.e. ). And If I manage to extract, which is also bugged now with the ship sometimes not registering that people boarded it, there`s a big chance that the grey stat-screen is back and no one gets any rewards, I´ve also already fulfilled that personal side-objective order severalfold and it`s not registering that either....

Time to park this game, it`s just frustrating now.
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So you have to be level 25 to unlock the mech stratagem. Five more levels to go!
You get free mech usage on some(maybe all) of the bug planets(no matter your level). Only one time use only tho

Just got done playing my first game with one. They feel so good to use. As technically sound as everything else in the game. Imo, they are going to be a must have vs the Terminids but complete dogshit vs the Automaton's. The main reason being the health isn't all that great and you will get blown sky high with the fire power of the Automatons
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Gold Member
I could only use the mech once, buying is bugged for me. I somehow blew myself up, even though there was nothing in the way. They seem to be very fragile.

Michael Jordan Lol GIF

John Bilbo

You get free mech usage on some(maybe all) of the bug planets(no matter your level). Only one time use only tho

Just got done playing my first game with one. They feel so good to use. As technically sound as everything else in the game. Imo, they are going to be a must have vs the Terminids but complete dogshit vs the Automaton's. The main reason being the health isn't all that great and you will get blown sky high with the fire power of the Automatons
Yeah I just tested one. It was fun! The rockets are quite powerful and the machinegun is good trimming down hordes.


You know what, fuck it. I'm not great with shooters. I do online very seldom. I don't care about the latest fads, so no FOMO for me.

But this has received so much glowing praise from where it matters, the players and community (also Starship Troopers is one of my favorite movies ever) that I guess it's time for me to <Ellie>see what all the fuzz is about</Ellie>. Just downloaded and diving in. Wish me luck. Or flaming death from above/below/all directions.


Gold Member
You know what, fuck it. I'm not great with shooters. I do online very seldom. I don't care about the latest fads, so no FOMO for me.

But this has received so much glowing praise from where it matters, the players and community (also Starship Troopers is one of my favorite movies ever) that I guess it's time for me to <Ellie>see what all the fuzz is about</Ellie>. Just downloaded and diving in. Wish me luck. Or flaming death from above/below/all directions.
Gimme your steam name.


Gimme your steam name.
Steam? The last dedicated GPU I've owned was an NVidia 6600 GT (I think, it was AGP at any rate), so I've been out of the PC gaming scene for a "while", playing on PS5. I really appreciate the sentiment, but I have to check first just how much I suck before I do so in public, or with people I "know".


Neo Member
So I finally got around to invest some time into the game myself. It's a worthy successor to my all-time favorite PS Vita game, for sure. Glad to see the hype and recognition it's getting. Helldivers 1 was always a blast to pick up and play, and I think that is also the biggest strength of the sequel. You can have a blast with as little as 20 minutes time.


First mission down, played it through with one level 1 rando. Died once because he shot me (by accident I guess), but he brought me back pretty much instantly and was otherwise helpful, so no hard feelings. It felt really quite nice. Maybe there is really something to this game, even for non-multiplayer-players like me.

The Fuzz damn you!

Gold Member
Everyone who is defending this, clearly plays on lower difficulty. This is only on Dif 7...

“I love this game, listen to me whine about it for a quarter of an hour.”

Pathetic. The game is fine. Then Kwan obviously had its difficulty bumped up as part of the Grand Narrative, because winning against overwhelming odds is what this game is all about. I’m matching with randoms and have played back through all of the difficulties. Just got thought a round on Helldiver, made it by the skin of our teeth, strats all used up, spend as much time running from crushers and titans as shooting at them, but got out with all of the super samples. That, to me, is what this game should be.

Yes, it’s buggy and that can be frustrating.

Yes, I swear at the screen when I get overwhelmed and die and respawn into Bile Titan vomit or into the middle of three crushers

Yes, sometimes randoms are morons (although very rarely so as the higher difficulties).

But after all of these, I respawn again, grab my gear or call more back down, and get back to managing that democracy. The gameplay is so good because there’s always something happening, and there’s (okay, anlmost) always a way out of it.

The mechs, of course, are glorious. I’ve died to my own rockets more than anything else so far, but I just giggle or swear depending on the difficulty then get moving again. Buying the strat was bugged, so I played a mission then tried again… and it was still bugged, so I played another mission and tried again… and it stopped bugging out. Now I can call down one mech, run it out of ammo, then immediately call down another and do the same, then call down a third. I can hop out of my mech, throw and orbital laser, hop back in and mop up the remains.

So fun, and so, so satisfying. I don’t know what people are doing to find this so unacceptably difficult on Helldiver difficulty, but maybe just give it another go. Stick with your team. Manage your strata. Have some fun, damnit!
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The Mechs performs very well in short bursts, but can explode and kill you due to a defect ( I think)

Your rockets currently can blow up your own mech if you turn fast enough while firing.

Just for fun tried to drop a turret on top of my own mech - mech promptly did its best impression of a cardboard box and exploded with me in it.
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Mechs are so op with the Terminids. I wouldn't be surprised if the developers end up making it a one use item(and they probably should). Right now it's crazy, because you can use it up to 3 times in one round. Everybody is using mechs so it is just mass chaos. All and all, it is incredibly fun and a really great twist to the gameplay loop
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The new glitches are a pain in the ass. So many weird and broken things happened last night.

But what the fuck this game is still incredible nonetheless. You now have huge swarms of bugs with mechs stomping around them. People actually using the flamethrower to good use.
Planets biting back with meteor showers and shit like that.
Huge bombs going off, big bugs crashing through buildings, etc.

There’s sometimes so much happening around me that I literally run away and hide behind some rocks.
“I’m too old for this shit, but I love it!”


Gold Member
Tried the mech for like 2 min, as expected, they are just not for me, i'm probably never gonna even buy them when the free period end.

I clear hordes fast with my arc thrower while being way more agile.

The Fuzz damn you!

Gold Member
Tried the mech for like 2 min, as expected, they are just not for me, i'm probably never gonna even buy them when the free period end.

I clear hordes fast with my arc thrower while being way more agile.
There’s a $50k cap on req. What else are you gonna spend it on?

Mechs are going to be pretty damn essential to deal with the titan and crusher spam on bug planets at higher difficulties, although they make the game way too easy at the moment (when they’re not blowing up in your face) - on bug planets at least. Can’t wait to see what they do to make them obsolete further down the line.


got the game played a few days but I'm going to quit again soon.. I can only play for 1 hr a day because the game has no auto run and all I'm doing is push w and it hurts :/


Gold Member
There’s a $50k cap on req. What else are you gonna spend it on?

Mechs are going to be pretty damn essential to deal with the titan and crusher spam on bug planets at higher difficulties, although they make the game way too easy at the moment (when they’re not blowing up in your face) - on bug planets at least. Can’t wait to see what they do to make them obsolete further down the line.
I hate being that slow and i'm just not a fan of mecha suits\temporary upgrades, i prefer being (slightly) weaker in term of fire power and not depend on something like that.
I was playing level 7-8 missions before the mechs so they are not really essentials and they are pretty much useless against bots because at higher difficulties you probalby get mangled by all the missiles, turrets and laser coming your way all the time when you are that slow, they have barely any defence to speak of.

They are gonna introduce new stratagems\fix old stratagems to spend my requisition points and i'm still not in the cap yet, so...
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Played for 5 hours straight yesterday and 3 more today.
Game is fantastic!

For the first 2.5 hours yesterday i didn't get any rewards from missions and had the grey screen when returning to ship.
Do you know if the game will eventually give me the medals and xp?

My friend had 5 metals when we started playing and complained that even though he already had some hours logged, the game didn't give him. Then, after a mission he returned to ship and saw 148 medals. Do you think its connected and we are gonna get the rewards eventually?
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