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Hellena Taylor (Voice of Bayonetta) Describes How She was Offered only $4,000 USD to Voice Her Again in Bayonetta 3.


Check her IMDB....her last "acting gig" was in 2014! Same year Bayonetta 2 came out. She isn't worth something like Troy Baker who is every year in a few games...even gamers know who he is. Im pretty sure nobody playing Bayonetta said "damn I'm so glad Hellena Taylor is voicing her". She hasn't done anything in 9 years, she is not someone fans think about. Also looking at her IMDB she has been in the gaming industry only 7 years, that's not some insane pedigree that she gets her worth.

I don't even like Troy Baker, he is overused but he can go in the meeting and say....I want $50K. Because he carved out a name for himself. Even the biggest fans of Bayo probably didn't know OR CARE who the VA is.

Ok so are you arguing her worth is under $4,000? She should be celebrated for sticking up for herself, but somehow there are people on the internet that want to devalue someone.


It's always so cringy when self-entitled replaceable people think they are irreplaceable.

I personally don't care who is doing the voice lines in my games tbh
I know who Troy Baker is and played many of the games he did VA for, but wouldn't recognize his voice if he called me right now.
4000$ for 2 or 3 days of work doesn't feel like exploitation to me.

Reality is, if people genuinely cared and were boycotting, the game would never have sold out at any point. Even if there is "low balled preorder numbers" across multiple countries.

I'm German but mostly play games on EN. Most of my friends play on German by default and will never hear the EN voice acting.
I take it the same is true for French, Spanish or Japanese audiences.
I guess in the UK/US hardcore gaming scene Nintendo could lose some sales due to this "scandal" but that number will be in the 100s and not be felt by Nintendo.


Okay, I thought about this some more now.

& I even looked at the union pay (what she is a part off)

& She would've got paid what she should've expected, if not a little more for the hours of recording that she was probably requested for.

We have no idea what she has counter offered or how much the games that actually make £ wise, because if it had made 450+ million, I can imagine sega would be releasing the games on EVERYTHING.

I also agree that Platinum games created bayonetta and everything about the character, Helena is just the contracted voice for the English voice and as seen is easily replaceable.

I only know this voice actress for bayonetta and nothing else, so it's given her exposure too.

Has she done anything else notable? She claims to not have been busy, so clearly she must've had no other offers or work during the past 4 years.

She seemed to have no issues with prior pay and has said before she did 16 hours work for the first game, would anyone else here complain about making 4k for 16 hours work? I know I certainly wouldn't.

I do think it is crazy the way people are going after Kamiya, we don't even have all the facts or the stories from both sides.

For all we know Helena could be insufferable to work with, she clearly had a diva moment and requesting people to boycott a game because she isn't the voice actress in bayonetta 3 is pretty extreme.

She could have just moved on and take up other roles, I know full well I wouldn't want to work with her in the future too.

The Bayonetta games are not exactly world renown for their stories, the story is awful.

It has a bunch of one liners throughout and some fun gameplay (first game is still the best though)
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This "controversy" is so fabricated, and i really mean it, exactly two weeks before release, Helena asks the fans to "boycott" Bayonetta 3,give the money to "charity", Jennifer Hale doesn't "deserve" to be called the new Bayonetta,starts giving a random $450 million profit number because Bayonetta is so succesful...

Let me be clear, anyone who has been following Bayonetta 3 and noticed the voice and hairstyle change started speculating the game deals with the multiverse, and multiple Bayonettas would appear, one of them would of course be voiced by Helena Taylor, she just won't be the main character, its the 'big twist' in the narrative. We already seen multiple Bayonettas in the multiverse and they all sound different on the latest trailer.

I still believe that to be case and will die on this hill, Helena Taylor will appear as a 'surprise' in Bayonetta 3, im so sure i would bet my Avatar for anything(if anyone cares 😅) or gift Gold.

If im wrong about this, i honestly apologize, but damn it now im more sure than ever
don't do this to yourself dude, let it go.
it was clear it was not the case since she stopped being coy and straught up saying she was not gonna be in bayo3


Already seeing excuses of "well its just low balling pre order numbers!"

Reality is, if people genuinely cared and were boycotting, the game would never have sold out at any point. Even if there is "low balled preorder numbers" across multiple countries.
i'm more irritated by the new bayo design than the absence of the new voice, although i would really prefer bayo to sound like bayo

for the amazon pre orders, i have a faint memory of two also being sold-out on some amazons but not really selling well...but if it's low sales it will be because it's a bayo title, not because of this controversy

personally i expect for reviews from competent action game players...casuals will adore it evenn if it's like bayo 2,personally i hope for a return to bayo1 glory days

Depends who sets the budgets.
nintendo does, at least the general budget

how to use it would be both on the director and the exec producer
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The biggest thing that messes up Platinum is simply how much they paid her before. We don't know how much voice work she was going to do in the game and how long it would have taken. Her declining the amount that was offered is her right of course but blasting Platinumgames right before release just makes her look mostly like the bad guy to me.


I'm German but mostly play games on EN. Most of my friends play on German by default and will never hear the EN voice acting.
I take it the same is true for French, Spanish or Japanese audiences.
I guess in the UK/US hardcore gaming scene Nintendo could lose some sales due to this "scandal" but that number will be in the 100s and not be felt by Nintendo.

well, thankfully there's no german dub in Bayonetta.

there's almost nothing worse than German game dubs, they can legit ruin games. which is weird because movie dubs are usually highly professional and well made... if we don't count stuff like the Sonic movie where they hired a fucking YouTuber to do Sonic's voice
Some voice actor pointed out that the price is quite low. But we still have some experts here say otherwise.
So apparently pre-orders on amazon were so high after this it was even temporarily "out of stock" and unable to be pre-ordered for a bit.

Just like other Nintendo games. Not surprise at all. Calling fan to boycott is stupid though and of course nobody care.


Yeah, someone here said her voice is the reason why anyone would remember the game... if that's true it's rather telling about the game's quality. Haven't played it but I know it for black hair, ass and glasses. And it's probably a fun hack and slash action game. What I haven't heard however in all those years is how brilliant the story, character development and acting is. Maybe that's what's going on on dedicated discussion boards, but definitely not a concern of major outlets or in the general sentiment of online and news feeds.

As an an counter example I'd name the Metal Gear Solid series which I haven't played (apart from MGS for PSX to a point) where many actors has been praised but it's also known for so much more.
People remember the game because in the first three minutes you're surfing on a jet fighter and fist fighting with demon Godzilla. The voice acting isn't exactly that important.


Some voice actor pointed out that the price is quite low. But we still have some experts here say otherwise.

Just like other Nintendo games. Not surprise at all. Calling fan to boycott is stupid though and of course nobody care.
any link to said voice actors?

people saying the price was right do thanks to someone posting the rates from the actress'union (or so it was presented)
but i would love to read other professionals point of view on the matter


The fact that they hired one of the top tier voice actresses for the role surely means there's more to the whole situation. Maybe they didn't want to work with Hellena anymore so they offered her low salary so she'd refuse.
If you blacklisted every employer who low-balled (which in this case doesn't even seem to be settled?) potential employees, you'd be out of employers. Employers will always seek to pay as little as possible, candidates will always try to maximize their outcome and that's fine. The negotiating part determines whether both parties can agree on a value they're both not too dissatisfied with. Sometimes that happens, sometimes it doesn't in which case both parties move on.


Cory Balrog making an ass of himself on twitter. Guess we should boycott God of War? lol
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Gold Member

Ah....I just saw that and was about to post it. Yeah, Barlog needs to STFU. He is saying they are two entirely different things, but how the hell would he know? He has only heard one side of the story.

This is why I am not on social media. Just because it is easy as hell to express every thought that comes to your mind to the world doesn't mean doing so is a good idea.
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any link to said voice actors?

people saying the price was right do thanks to someone posting the rates from the actress'union (or so it was presented)
but i would love to read other professionals point of view on the matter

I think the rate from union is the minimum amount and you can't pay lower than that. For 3rd Game of successful franchise you should expected to get paid more, not less.
So? that's not a good enough reason for what is happening.
I'm just saying that it's low price for VA main character .
If they don't want to hire her just said it directly. It's better than give a shit rate to force she to reject.

And I did say that boycotting is stupid? What's your point for quoting me?
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well they've found her political tweets. Era in shambles if they should cancel their pre order or cancel their cancellation of their pre order.
Yea I saw that too. Only a matter of time before she gets harassed off of Twitter or some dumb shit. People can't seem to separate beliefs and getting a shit offer for a role.


well they've found her political tweets. Era in shambles if they should cancel their pre order or cancel their cancellation of their pre order.
That's too funny, so they rooting for her still?
Or are they now vehemently against her now?

I have little interest in politics myself, but I know how crazy era users are for it, if you're against their views you're the devil to them and deserve death.


Nintendo just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the Japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Bayonetta 3, nor will they purchase any of Platinum's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Nintendo has alienated an entire market with this move.

Nintendo and Platinum, publicly apologize and cancel your plans for some phoned in back-alley voice actress, or you can kiss your business goodbye.
fedora intensifies GIF



I think the rate from union is the minimum amount and you can't pay lower than that. For 3rd Game of successful franchise you should expected to get paid more, not less.

bayonetta is not a successful franchise though
but since they hired an actress that apparently is pretty famous in her place,seems like the low offer was on purpose to get rid of her,for what reason who knows
Yeah, someone here said her voice is the reason why anyone would remember the game... if that's true it's rather telling about the game's quality. Haven't played it but I know it for black hair, ass and glasses. And it's probably a fun hack and slash action game. What I haven't heard however in all those years is how brilliant the story, character development and acting is. Maybe that's what's going on on dedicated discussion boards, but definitely not a concern of major outlets or in the general sentiment of online and news feeds.

As an an counter example I'd name the Metal Gear Solid series which I haven't played (apart from MGS for PSX to a point) where many actors has been praised but it's also known for so much more.
Character design/gameplay is what people remember the game for. Not the voice acting.


Which is why I don't think her bitter tears are at all convincing. It's an entirely throwaway role that nobody really cares about, and she's a fairly no-name voice actress. There are probably only a few hours of lines to be recorded overall. Bayo is not a game players play for the story or character development.

Most male gamers are there for the crotch shots, and most female gamers are there for their next cosplay inspiration.


No surprise this thread is filled with dumb takes.

Such as : Gamers dont play Bayonetta for the character or story (lmaooo)

She should have been happy with 4k$

Bayonetta is not a succesful franchise

Bayonetta is not an iconic character



I'm just saying that it's low price for VA main character .
If they don't want to hire her just said it directly. It's better than give a shit rate to force she to reject.

And I did say that boycotting is stupid? What's your point for quoting me?
People think this is some special case or some incredible injustice.
bayonetta is not a successful franchise though
but since they hired an actress that apparently is pretty famous in her place,seems like the low offer was on purpose to get rid of her,for what reason who knows
It doesn't sell megaton like big aaa game but it's still a successful franchise. Both bayonetta 1+2 sale numbers is around 4 millions i think.
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I mean by all means keep shitting on a voice actress who loves to play this character and defend the multi million dollar corporations 😂🖕. As if PlatinumGames or Nintendo need your defenses 😂
Why has this become a trend? every time someone mentions a big organization, some troll pop in with "lol why are you bootlicking big multi-million dollar corpos lol".

Is this some sort of weird anti-capitalism jargon for trolls?

How can you watch what she said, and just ignore everything and imagine that defending the game and the dev team means you are defending suits, and pretending that Hellena just didn't go on some rant?


Bayonetta is on the lower end of sucessfull. Remember that Sega didnt want to fund another one and Nintendo stepped in so clearly its not selling gangbusters. And im sure Sega still gets a cut while Nintendo takes on the risk/financial burden.

Does anyone think Platnium games is rolling around in cash? Doubt it.

That being said, I have no idea if 4000 is a fare offer or not. We've seen conflicting reports


It doesn't sell megaton like big aaa game but it's still a successful franchise. Both bayonetta 1+2 sale numbers is around 4 millions i think.

bayo 1 sold about 1.2 million, bayo 2 sold about the same amount of copies when combining Wii U and Switch sales.
on Wii U it was a huge failure (less than 500k sales)

Astral Chain sold 1.3 to 1.4 million copies for comparison, and did so in a way shorter amount of time on a single platform
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Ev1L AuRoN

It’s called “know your worth”. She knows her worth
The market dictates how much it is worth, but she, as an artist, she can ask how much she wants, but that doesn't mean she will get it. I think she overestimated her importance to the project, that's just entitlement and weaponizing twitter to get her revenge. I really hope for Bayonetta success, I love the series and it never really got to a mainstream audience, the fact that we are getting a new game is on itself a miracle. Just take the L and let us enjoy our game, a lot of people's jobs depend on the project, people that put the work for years, not 4 days.


You'd think with all those £70 copies of Skyrim Anniversary Edition they'd sold they would be able to pay people properly

Voice actors generally are paid pretty poorly though, even in films. It's like how James Earl Jones only ended up with $7000 for voicing Darth Vadar in the Star Wars movies, one of the most iconic voice roles in film history
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Why has this become a trend? every time someone mentions a big organization, some troll pop in with "lol why are you bootlicking big multi-million dollar corpos lol".

Is this some sort of weird anti-capitalism jargon for trolls?

How can you watch what she said, and just ignore everything and imagine that defending the game and the dev team means you are defending suits, and pretending that Hellena just didn't go on some rant?
What rant? I saw a voice actress desperate to bring things to light. You can disagree with what she says, but let's pretend that 4k isnt insulting, how many millions the game sells regardless. Would you be happy with such a meagre compensation?

I know I sure as fuck wouldnt be.


Gold Member
The market dictates how much it is worth, but she, as an artist, she can ask how much she wants, but that doesn't mean she will get it. I think she overestimated her importance to the project, that's just entitlement and weaponizing twitter to get her revenge. I really hope for Bayonetta success, I love the series and it never really got to a mainstream audience, the fact that we are getting a new game is on itself a miracle. Just take the L and let us enjoy our game, a lot of people's jobs depend on the project, people that put the work for years, not 4 days.

What doesn't help her cause is someone posted that SAG has unionized rates. So unless she can wheel and deal her own pay, what she'll get offered is the bare minimum standard. And if she cant get a better deal then it shows she's worth shit.

She should be lucky that media is probably one of the only industries that has both insanely high unionized rates for small amounts of work, and the person can also negotiate their own contracts worth millions if they are a superstar. Too bad for her Nintendo/Platinum doesn't consider her a superstar to go beyond the minimum.


The market dictates how much it is worth, but she, as an artist, she can ask how much she wants, but that doesn't mean she will get it. I think she overestimated her importance to the project, that's just entitlement and weaponizing twitter to get her revenge. I really hope for Bayonetta success, I love the series and it never really got to a mainstream audience, the fact that we are getting a new game is on itself a miracle. Just take the L and let us enjoy our game, a lot of people's jobs depend on the project, people that put the work for years, not 4 days.
They lowballed her. 'Getting her revenge'

Revenge? What sort of revenge do you mean?

Entitlement? Lmao 😂😂😂

Getting a lowball offer, and then only 4k (union minimum), thats insulting.


bayo 1 sold about 1.2 million, bayo 2 sold about the same amount of copies when combining Wii U and Switch sales.
on Wii U it was a huge failure (less than 500k sales)

Astral Chain sold 1.3 to 1.4 million copies for comparison, and did so in a way shorter amount of time on a single platform
Also, Bayonetta 1 bombed and was heavily discounted after a few months. I don’t how she got the 450mill sales figure!


What rant? I saw a voice actress desperate to bring things to light. You can disagree with what she says, but let's pretend that 4k isnt insulting, how many millions the game sells regardless. Would you be happy with such a meagre compensation?

I know I sure as fuck wouldnt be.
250$ per hour? Where do I sign up?
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Gold Member
Also, Bayonetta 1 bombed and was heavily discounted after a few months. I don’t how she got the 450mill sales figure!
Who knows.

Assuming a $60 regular retail price, Bayonetta games would need to sell 7.5 million copies. And if a decent amount got bought on sale, it'd probably be 10 million copies (average price of still $45).
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