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Help me with networking stuff!

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Computers never run smoothly for me... Lengthy, but I don't want to leave out any details.

I've just gotten home from Uni for a couple of months with my own computer and there's a computer at home already. We have ADSL with a Speedtouch Modem going into the home computer (called Desktop). Desktop is running Win XP Home (if you're about to click reply to say it sucks, please don't bother) and my machine (Disco-Stu) is running Win XP Pro.

I'm getting a router but in the days until that arrives, I want Disco-Stu to connect to Desktop. This shouldn't be hard but Desktop has an Asus A7N8X Deluxe mobo in it and the Ethernet ports have never quite worked for me properly (I had a laptop I was able to connect up after a lot of faffing about).

It has 2 ethernet ports - a 3com 3C920b and an nVidia one. I've never had the nVidia one working (perhaps something isn't connected on the inside?) and like I say I've had mixed results with the 3com one.

I run the Network Setup Wizard on both machines and they both seem to see eachother - I've just watched a video off of Disco-Stu on Desktop. When it comes to sharing the internet connection, it's a serious no-go. I just can't figure out why. I've tried all sorts of different things (I also run Zone Alarm and I've toyed with that) and I'm out of options. I've tried looking for drivers for both ports but no real luck (I installed some nVidia stuff - that port doesn't work and I can't find 3com drivers). And I'm stuck. Any ideas? TIA


Knows the Score
Does XP Home have ICS(Internet Connection Sharing) installed?
Otherwise you're going to need that or winroute running on it.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
If it's just the two machines that you need to network, a simple cross-connect (NOT straight-through) network cable will do the trick. So long as they're on the same workgroup, the machines should be able to see each other fine. Make sure that the necessary drives are fully shared out, then just map drives to the machines UNC (ex. \\desktop\c$) to share the data. I imagine you would be able to find one of these cables at any respectable tech store. I know for a fact that I've seen them at Fry's. It's a good temporary solution.


"Does XP Home have ICS(Internet Connection Sharing) installed?"

Pretty sure it has but how would I check?

"a simple cross-connect (NOT straight-through) network cable"

I've got them linked up with some Cat5e. The computers can see each other (well, Desktop can see Disco-Stu, I'll try vice versa in a moment) it's just the bloody internet connection :(

I want the router to turn up now :(
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