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Here is the game of the year

Funky Papa




I am so going to scrounge a copy :D


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Thank fuck. I thought you were one of the ones with 'Sudeki disease'. Y'know, that illness that makes you think the game is actually anything better than 'ass'.


If this game has the right licensed music (like, say, some solo Don Henley, and a Jan Hammer score or at least a passable imitation), it could actually be fun.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Prospero said:
If this game has the right licensed music (like, say, some solo Don Henley, and a Jan Hammer score or at least a passable imitation), it could actually be fun.

Hell yeah. If this game is loaded with the same 80's music that was on the show then I'm already sold on it. They used to play a good amount of Phil Collins on the show too. They should at least include "In the Air Tonight".


belgurdo said:
Where's the black dude

His face is greyed out in the upper lefthand corner of the first screen.
OMG: Crockett and Tubbs co-op play.

JC10001 said:
They used to play a good amount of Phil Collins on the show too. They should at least include "In the Air Tonight".

And during that part near the end of the song when the drums suddenly kick in, Crockett and Tubbs will bust into a basement room at the Miami loading docks and start capping one Colombian coke dealer after another. GAME OF THE YEAR.


Unconfirmed Member
WULFER said:
You better replace those screens with Halo 2 shots if you value this thread.

You better leave this thread if you value your posting privileges.
(I don't take kindly to blatant early thread derailments)

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