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Heroes of Newerth Beta PC (dota clone)


Ferrio said:
Is he a copy of the Tinkerer from DOTA?

No. He does have Jakiro's ult, though.

Has a rocket that mini stuns, tar that slows, a buff and his ult is a low dmg high DoT dmg spell
Scrow said:
maybe they're farming items as a means to an end... that end being winning the game? :)
Many times players are very one sided. They either try to win by ganking and failing at ganking, or they try to win by endlessly farming and never doing anything to help their team. Both strategies contribute to a team loss.

It's walking the fine line that wins games!
GregLombardi said:
Many times players are very one sided. They either try to win by ganking and failing at ganking, or they try to win by endlessly farming and never doing anything to help their team. Both strategies contribute to a team loss.

It's walking the fine line that wins games!

Definitely needs to be a balance. If you're playing a jungle hero, you can't just sit around while the enemy team pushes towers and ganks your teammates. However, if you're constantly coming out to help them, you'll never get farmed enough to win.


Banned released, commence the noobs picking The Chipper and getting destroyed by heroes that are actually worth playing.


noisome07 said:
I can't even install it. Right after it downloads I get an error :(

Create an empty text document called tos.txt and put it inside the Heroes of Newerth folder. Then run Hon_update.exe from the same folder.


Casval said:
Create an empty text document called tos.txt and put it inside the Heroes of Newerth folder. Then run Hon_update.exe from the same folder.

Still getting the error. Even deleted the Update folder and still didn't work =/


noisome07 said:
Still getting the error. Even deleted the Update folder and still didn't work =/

Make sure it's tos.txt and not tos.txt.txt. If you have show extensions off (Windows default) and your filename is called tos.txt, then it's actually tos.txt.txt.

tl;dr rename tos.txt to tos and try again.


Casval said:
Make sure it's tos.txt and not tos.txt.txt. If you have show extensions off (Windows default) and your filename is called tos.txt, then it's actually tos.txt.txt.

tl;dr rename tos.txt to tos and try again.

do you have a baby maker? because babies need to be made tonight. i love you.
Kapura said: released, commence the noobs picking The Chipper and getting destroyed by heroes that are actually worth playing.


The new stats page is so much better. Someone has a good KDR? They play carries all the time.

Got a quad kill with Puppet and Harkon's. <3


Lone_Prodigy said:

The new stats page is so much better. Someone has a good KDR? They play carries all the time.

Got a quad kill with Puppet and Harkon's. <3
ha ha, that's what you get for AP. I've been picking Voodoo Jester a lot recently, and I'm pretty sure he's secretly OP. It's awesome.


I played a match making game where the person banning on the other team bans: Pestilence, Arachna, and Electrician. We're all wondering what he's smoking...and then he first picks Nighthound - right after banning all of the good counters to him, basically. :lol

Ended up losing that game to some internal team drama anyways, but the Nighthound player did well for himself. Kind of an interesting strategy.
Kapura said:
ha ha, that's what you get for AP. I've been picking Voodoo Jester a lot recently, and I'm pretty sure he's secretly OP. It's awesome.

I play AP to random for the extra money, plus there are more AP games than AR.

Voodoo is awesome, but squishy and is quite mana-dependent early game. He's incredibly versatile as well: the bouncing stun is perfect for team fights, ganks, and escaping (and it always hits!), Mojo is good DoT and can heal creeps and allies, Cursed Ground stacks really well (though small radius and range), and his ult owns in team fights. I love doing the stun-mojo-cursed ground combo, seeing them run away, then getting the kill later. The drawback is not being close enough for the XP. Kinda sucks when you have the most kills but are 2 levels behind everyone.


Ugh Chipper is so Terribad currently, Low hp, low damage nuke that isn't quick at all when it matters, and the ult is pretty crappy.

No skills to farm faster other then the ultimate. God so Bad. Need to make his rocket AoE for 75% damage in order to take advantage of the Tar skill. Only redeeming quality is the 100% reflect on the third magic.


/End Rage


It's interesting to see that new non-ripoff characters already failing. :lol

I still don't know why people play this over the other.


JWong said:
It's interesting to see that new non-ripoff characters already failing. :lol

I still don't know why people play this over the other.

It's a better game, no doubt about that, but whoever thought Chipper was going to be a good hero really needs to re-evaluate their criteria

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
JWong said:
It's interesting to see that new non-ripoff characters already failing. :lol

I still don't know why people play this over the other.

They've got several non-ripoff characters that perform extremely well like deadwood, puppet or electrician. Maliken's sort of meh but their first true failure is the chipper. I just think trying to make a hero out of a running joke isn't a good starting point.

The real problem is they've trying this new thing of customizing the model according to their skills. Did you realize how slayer pulls off the rifle for the ulti? well the chipper actually has the tar toss embedded as well into the model.


After playing a few more games, I don't think that The Chipper is really a failure per se. He can be a very good ganker if played competently, but his rockets require a finesse that most people who pick him can't muster. Ultimately, I'd say he's like an int, ranged Pebbles. Good for ganks, and mediocre for everything else.


JWong said:
It's interesting to see that new non-ripoff characters already failing. :lol

I still don't know why people play this over the other.

You really don't have a single clue regarding what you're talking about, do you? :lol

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Davidion said:
You really don't have a single clue regarding what you're talking about, do you? :lol

He doesn't.

But hey, we had one of the big names of "the other game" trolling the main forums on the website recently stating obv lies so this is pretty tame in comparison.


I have a bunch of friends (almost 10 of them) that have been playing a lot of dota for several years until we got bored and wanted to try something new. We are currently playing LoL (pretty much every day). We tried this out over the weekend and I must say that it is anoying as hell. Who the hell thought it was a good idea with an announcer yelling GENOCIDE everytime you kill the last hero in the other team? The graphics also struck me as a clusterfuck with effects flying all over the place... less is more in my opinion.

On the positive side the engine seem smooth and I love the part with all the stats and support for competitive gaming. I just wish it wasnt such a turnoff to actually play the game. Seems like it was made for much younger people....

Any regular HoN-players tried LoL?


Belgorim said:
I have a bunch of friends (almost 10 of them) that have been playing a lot of dota for several years until we got bored and wanted to try something new. We are currently playing LoL (pretty much every day). We tried this out over the weekend and I must say that it is anoying as hell. Who the hell thought it was a good idea with an announcer yelling GENOCIDE everytime you kill the last hero in the other team? The graphics also struck me as a clusterfuck with effects flying all over the place... less is more in my opinion.

On the positive side the engine seem smooth and I love the part with all the stats and support for competitive gaming. I just wish it wasnt such a turnoff to actually play the game. Seems like it was made for much younger people....

Any regular HoN-players tried LoL?

Wait, you think HoN is made for younger people yet you play LoL..? I won't comment any further but...

Anyways, GENOCIDE isn't really annoying, it shouldn't happen that often for it be. As for the graphics, they do take a little time to get used to. I remember my jump from DotA to HoN and I seriously couldn't tell what was going on. After you're done playing ~25 games you'll be good to go.


Duran said:
Wait, you think HoN is made for younger people yet you play LoL..? I won't comment any further but...

Anyways, GENOCIDE isn't really annoying, it shouldn't happen that often for it be. As for the graphics, they do take a little time to get used to. I remember my jump from DotA to HoN and I seriously couldn't tell what was going on. After you're done playing ~25 games you'll be good to go.
I was strictly commenting on the presentation of the graphics, not the overall gameplay. If what you are saying about LoL is that its not competitive I don't have anything to argue with, because it is not. I do however argue that LoL was not as big of a turnoff to play going from dota. HoN feels more lika a clusterfuck in the presentation, hence my comment (probably me being out of line and immature) about HoNs presentation being childish and geared towards young teens.

The other part with getting used to stuff is my issue, since there is no way I can manage to convince my friends to get used to stuff that annoys them. And I will go play where my friends play (not an issue when SC2 releases :p). Still cannot believe the decision to keep the announcer in HoN, nothing positive about it at all!

I do want a new dota-experience though (hence the trying out HoN instead of LoL part), so this might be the only option unless a new dota gets released I guess.


I kind have to agree with Belgorim, my initial impressions of HoN are the following:

-More options for game types
-Greater transparency than LoL on user stats, hero stats, pre match info etc
-Built in voice chat
-The difference in sides of the map, probably because I'm so bored of LoL's two map skins.
-Creep variety was kind of cool

-Honestly for some reason the UI felt so cluttered and oddly confusing. I spent most of my first match just trying to figure out what everything was compared to LoL etc.
-The minimap seems less intuitive with colored dots instead of player icons
-The general dickishness of people in games specifically marked for noobs. I know people on these games tend to be dicks, but I'm playing unranked, no stats, marked for noobs games and people are still being assholes about feeding and what not.
-The announcer voice, not inherently bad but just wasn't working for me. It made me think of old FPS games and didn't really mesh with the game world.
-The store set up also felt a little less straight forward, but I got the hang of it. I kept fucking up and double clicking.
-Multi colored chat box is more confusing than helpful, I kind of tuned it out after my first match.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think that one game is inherently better than the other and I'm sure I have built in bias from playing LoL so much. Of my complaints the only real big one was just how cluttered and confusing the UI felt. I expected to be at a slight loss in the game due to unfamiliarity with characters and items, but I felt a whole lot more confused than I thought I would. It was like watching football only everything was done backwards or something.

Also no one was active on the GAF channel :(

Anywho I honestly don't want to seem like a troll and I think most of my issues would go away with more time spent with the game. Unless I can get my friends to try it out though I'm not sure how likely I am to stick with it.


I kind have to agree with Belgorim, my initial impressions of HoN are the following:

-More options for game types
-Greater transparency than LoL on user stats, hero stats, pre match info etc
-Built in voice chat
-The difference in sides of the map, probably because I'm so bored of LoL's two map skins.
-Creep variety was kind of cool

-Honestly for some reason the UI felt so cluttered and oddly confusing. I spent most of my first match just trying to figure out what everything was compared to LoL etc.
-The minimap seems less intuitive with colored dots instead of player icons
-The general dickishness of people in games specifically marked for noobs. I know people on these games tend to be dicks, but I'm playing unranked, no stats, marked for noobs games and people are still being assholes about feeding and what not.
-The announcer voice, not inherently bad but just wasn't working for me. It made me think of old FPS games and didn't really mesh with the game world.
-The store set up also felt a little less straight forward, but I got the hang of it. I kept fucking up and double clicking.
-Multi colored chat box is more confusing than helpful, I kind of tuned it out after my first match.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think that one game is inherently better than the other and I'm sure I have built in bias from playing LoL so much. Of my complaints the only real big one was just how cluttered and confusing the UI felt. I expected to be at a slight loss in the game due to unfamiliarity with characters and items, but I felt a whole lot more confused than I thought I would. It was like watching football only everything was done backwards or something.

Also no one was active on the GAF channel :(

Anywho I honestly don't want to seem like a troll and I think most of my issues would go away with more time spent with the game. Unless I can get my friends to try it out though I'm not sure how likely I am to stick with it.

Make no mistake about it, this game has a very steep learning curve. It also has an incredible amount of depth that average players (aka me) wouldn't even comprehend. Once you can keep a psr around about 1500 you should easily find games suited for your skill but anything before that and you could be in trouble.


Guys, guys, guys. Chipper is not a failure. He's a work-in-progress.

If you think he's a failure right now, I'm glad you didn't play him a week ago. A week ago he only had one charge on his rocket, and it only did 180 damage. The third skill just gave some mana regen and magic armor. Tar did't catch on fire. Imagine playing THAT. It was the community that suggested the tar catch on fire and me that suggested the rockets get charges. So no, he is not simply a ripoff of Bat Rider--the fact that anything catches on fire was completely coincidental. I'm going to be pushing for his rockets to scale with his INT growth, so who knows... you might see that coming too. And if that happens, I don't think he'll be bad at all :p

Another reminder: Deadwood was also completely worthless his first patch. Now people think he's imba (he's still terrible, but most low-mid players don't realize that). Electrician was also completely terrible for a good 4/5th of the beta.

But comparing this to DotA is absolutely insane, because a good number of DotA heroes were worthless for years.


bluemax said:
Also no one was active on the GAF channel :(

I think I saw you in the channel last night bluemax. Yea, the channel has been quiet since open beta. Not sure where everyone went. We had 10+ people with gaf games a few weeks ago.

LoL can also be confusing in group fights during the first few times I play. Pretty much any rts game is like that. It takes a while to get used to the spells and graphics.

I like the genocide announcement.


I want to play again soo bad. i've only been online once in the last 2 weeks because of travel and my girlfriend being in town. I even missed the preorder cutoff so no shield for me :(

Casval, are you guys collecting feedback on the UI? The Lobby UI is bad :( I understand the intentions behind the design choices but believe it's poorly implemented. Do you know if there are any upcoming improvements to the UI in later patches? Right now the only places the current UI is better is with simultaneous chatting while ingame and in SD matches. There's lot of stuff that needs work there IMO. And no indication for starting gold to know who randomed/repicked?
Ever since open beta, I've run into a LOT of leavers. Can't remember the last game I played where we finished 5v5.

The new UI is nice, but there are a few issues: no starting gold displayed, the loading screen cuts into any other window you have open (and you can't chat either), and playing consecutive games means the "loading game" screen goes to 11-20 and so on.

I've started playing non-EM and it feels like a completely different game. Most of the time I don't even upgrade my boots now.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Belgorim said:
I was strictly commenting on the presentation of the graphics, not the overall gameplay. If what you are saying about LoL is that its not competitive I don't have anything to argue with, because it is not. I do however argue that LoL was not as big of a turnoff to play going from dota. HoN feels more lika a clusterfuck in the presentation, hence my comment (probably me being out of line and immature) about HoNs presentation being childish and geared towards young teens.

I had the same issue, but it went away after some games.

Interestingly, when I switched from dota to dota allstars I went through the same motions (granted, the early allstars map was a clusterfuck of ugly), so I guess I'm used by now to transitioning.

Also, a tip: run the game at the biggest resolution your monitor supports. It's so jam packed with detail that if you run it at a lower resolution it becomes unplayable.


Belgorim said:
I was strictly commenting on the presentation of the graphics, not the overall gameplay. If what you are saying about LoL is that its not competitive I don't have anything to argue with, because it is not. I do however argue that LoL was not as big of a turnoff to play going from dota. HoN feels more lika a clusterfuck in the presentation, hence my comment (probably me being out of line and immature) about HoNs presentation being childish and geared towards young teens.

The other part with getting used to stuff is my issue, since there is no way I can manage to convince my friends to get used to stuff that annoys them. And I will go play where my friends play (not an issue when SC2 releases :p). Still cannot believe the decision to keep the announcer in HoN, nothing positive about it at all!

I do want a new dota-experience though (hence the trying out HoN instead of LoL part), so this might be the only option unless a new dota gets released I guess.

I agree for the most part, though I think it's relatively easy to get used to.

The over design is cluttered in places, but it's hardly childish.

blitz64 said:
I think I saw you in the channel last night bluemax. Yea, the channel has been quiet since open beta. Not sure where everyone went. We had 10+ people with gaf games a few weeks ago.

SC2. :lol

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Squire Felix said:
I want to get in on this GAF clan for HoN. Where do I post my requirements and what I will do for an invite?

You need to get in touch with one of the admins so he can set up a trial game for you.

The first to command an army of 100 monkeys wins.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
There's a trial for the GAF clan now what?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Bitmap Frogs said:
No, but apparently I fail at humor.
Oh I was just making sure XD

Been out of the loop for a while curse you SC2
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