Stripper13 said:
So what's the difference between HON/LOL - with regards to mechanics, lobby/UI and freemium content?
Mechanics wise HoN is based on DOTA, 60% off the heroes are straight out of DOTA with name changes and looks, 85% of the items are the same as DOTA
Map wise
* HoN is carbon copy of DoTA, just models are different
* LoL has a bush system where you can hide in bushes and stay invisible, and set up ambushes or escape to them
* HoN like DOTA uses trees, you can chop em down, clear a path, use them for health, or weapons or skills
* Like DOTA1/2 HoN has a rune system that spawns in the river (powerups) that grant temporary buffs (LoL does not)
* HoN has secret shops on the map or whatever they are called, LoL does not
* HoN like like DOTA uses STR, INT and AGI system for stats
* LoL uses a different system, but when you go down to movement speed, lifesteal, MP/HP regen they are similar
* All HoN's/Dotas Heroes use Mana for skills
* There are some heroes in LoL that are manaless and use Cooldowns, Blood, Fury or Energy (different to mana) to cast spells
* Each Hero in LoL also has a unique passive skill than is default at level 1 and you can't level up
* LoL has Summoner spells (like God powers) that you chose before a match
* LoL has a Mastery system (Think like a Borderlands skill tree)
* LoL has a rune system that adds stats that you have to buy (with in game currency)
* LoL has an item that gives free portals back to base, a summoner spells allows ports to ally Towers or creeps
* HoN can port, but you have to buy a consumable item, can only port to base and ally towers, not creeps.
* Like DoTA, HoN has couriers that can transport items from base to you. The couriers can die.
* HoN has every customizable option for a public server you can think of
* LoL is barebones in custom match with barely anything
* You can play with no leavers in HoN
* HoN has a spectator and replay mode
* LoL doesn't have an official one yet
* HoN has voice chat
* LoL's Matchmaking is faster (due to move players)
* HoN has ingame guides and builds for Heroes
* HoN has a full stats system, LoL is barebones
* HoN has a normal classic DOTA mode (gold lost on death, lower exp and gold gain), a Casual mode (basically like LoL, faster exp and gold, no gold lost on death, denys don't do much), and a Public game mode (customizable mode, with options for No Stats, Duplicate heroes, No STR heroes, dev heroes, and many many other stuff)
Other stuff
* You get 15 free heroes a week with HoN, 10 with LoL
* Free HoN players get tokens to play, so you have a limit on how much you can play (Legacy players are unlimited). LoL is unlimited
* You can't creep deny or tower deny in LoL