We know the overwatch map - its a form of the payload map apparently. new heroe will either be Genji, ot the other mysterious hero we don't really know anything about (A Korean said it was female, and I think the gender of the french translation of the announcement had it as female as well).
Re. HGC, amazing games in Europe last night. Flying Duck's showed up and came soooo close to beating Team Liquid, and Expert likewise with Dignitas. I know it' sounds mean, but I honestly think Expert and Ducks would have a good chance of being the top team in NA if they were playing in that region.
Team 8 apparently haven't practised at all for this - and it shows. Glaurong went on a 2 week holiday during the break, and the meta has shifted over that time.
I will say though that I think that yet again NA is behind the curve on drafting. Watching how EU teams ban Lucio constantly, and yet NA lets him through to late picks tells me that someone has missed something in NA.