i feel like nullification is must take, it's actually prtty insidious since blizz decided to barely give it an animation and it doesnt signal the way shrink way does
shield at lvl 1 is prob must take but im not gonna hate if someone feels like they cant get globes. havent tried it w/ buffed psi-storm dmg tho
like i wanna say even w/ buffed w it's not worth, not really familiar w/ the new numbers, but i wouldnt be against it if it turns out phase disruption isnt viable for ur squad. just that since the lvl 7 armor talent works w/ the 50% shield that mean youll probably win any team fight if your team isnt clownz (but it takes forever to place on ur team now)
dbl storm preserves the w dmg tick stack
also twilight archon works on any hit, so if ur into the greymane mini game youll have fun w/ it.