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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


How are people building Rexxar since the patch? Barely seen anyone talking about him as far as builds go and I kind of bounce back and forth between a few talents.

Level 4 - Animal Husbandry seems decent but there are some games where I just get dove constantly and it gets zero use.

Level 10 - I tend to roll with Beastial Wrath, Kill Command hasn't felt very useful to me lately.

Level 13 - Wildfire Bear is my go to but I'm not sure if either Aspect of the Hawk or Dire Beast are better.

Level 16 - Feign Death seems useful but it generally just feels like it lets me live 5 seconds longer.

Level 20 - Spirit Bond doesn't seem bad but Frenzy of Kalimdor seems really good. I haven't really tried Hardened Skin yet either.
I bought the Valeera bundle....... Is this how it starts gaf? First I threw down $30 for the classic winter veil bundle and bought four or five $5 skins.... I'm probably gonna buy the new lunar one as well... I think I'm going down a dark road..

The felsaber mount was definitely worth it tho... Some good color alts with it.


all of the level 4s seem decent, if i wasn't gonna get animal husbandry I'd go for the block talent unless i was on a map with easy globe stacking.

I think at 16 feign death is situational good for if you need to dodge burst, but I think primal imitidation is better because when you activate it it also does an AOE slow around misha, which lets you use it offensively.

I think hardened shield is the best pick at 20. Frenzy would be my 2nd choice and I think the only real good part about spirit bear is the increased duration so if you're in a situation like a base race or pivital objective phase and you really need the damage then you might pick that up instead.

I think kill command is okay, it's range is huge, and as long as their inside the cone then it can't miss. I think if you get kill command you kind of half to get the lvl 20 upgrade to make it really really good, but then misha is not really a threat and you lose out on the other lvl 20 options which are really really good.... mostly hardened shield.

if you get hardened shield, plus primal itimidation or feign death at 16 then you've just got a lot of cooldowns to work with in a fight. A stun, a slow, another slow (or ice block), a shield, and then the stun and eagle slow are probably back up again.


I bought the Valeera bundle....... Is this how it starts gaf?



Thanks. Part of the reason I've really been liking Wildfire Bear is for the easy stealth pop with all the Valeeras out there. It has been helpful.

Oh damn. I think Raider Rexxar looks stupid but the level 8 color has Mei on Misha's butt so I might need to get it now.


I can't stand when quick match can't balance the roles well. Tassadar vs Tassadar would be fine but their team has Tass and Malfurion, we can't kill anything.


This is standard to me
1. Shield, storm if it's a bad stacking map like boe
4. Armor, lifesteal situational
7. Usually range
10. Archon
13. Dmg reduction
16. Armor reduc, can get dbl storm if you got the storm lvl 1 but it's not great
20. Archon
Valeera preys on bad positioning and stupidity just as well as isolated targets. She's definitely a pub stomp heroes in the right hands against the right players.


So basically they've added a second Nova to the game. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (I actually much prefer Valeera so far to shitty ass Nova, much more dynamic gameplay)


I dig how she can cloak even when being attacked, unlike Nova or Zera. I think the CD reduction at 20 is a must get. I'm also digging cloak of shadows over smoke bomb. It's gotten me out of shitty situations so many times. Also, Grubby E'd a Val that hit smoke bomb and it kept channeling on her while popping the unreveable text. He killed her, and it was hilarious.

Also, THH up again! Jake is killing it on that front lately. Kudos to him. Jhow was saying that he did some search engine optimization for something back in the day and that Facebook videos almost get as many views as YouTube. So I think all the complaining can be laid to rest. It'll also be good for the international scene.


He's still the most awkward host ever. The awkward silences and transitions are unforgivably bad and happen far too often.

Jhow would be a far better host


This is standard to me
1. Shield, storm if it's a bad stacking map like boe
4. Armor, lifesteal situational
7. Usually range
10. Archon
13. Dmg reduction
16. Armor reduc, can get dbl storm if you got the storm lvl 1 but it's not great
20. Archon

After a couple of matches with Alur, it's pretty much what I hovered around for 10 and below. Wasn't sure yet for post 10 but I was about to converge on that too. I'm glad I could figure it out by myself instead of relying on net builds. It was a nice exercise to try and learn what works for a refreshed character.


Yah once you start thinking it out you can pretty much do it for the entire roster

I usually start from a baseline and tweak things here and there depending on the situation but that was the first I was going in blind and figuring things out.

None of you play in EU ?

My friends don't play anymore and i'd like to TL sometimes !

Pretty sure there's a couple of EU folks around here like Maladict or Familie at the very least.


Since there are a couple of Rexxar players here, why would you pick him over baseline warriors like Diablo, Dehaka or Johanna? How do you approach the frontline or your positioning? Do you use Misha to harass and Rexxar as a bruiser or more like a ranged assassin?


The two builds I used either focused around using Garrote or around buffing Vanish to generate more energy/speed/etc.

FWIW, here's the build McIntyre recommended in his video on building Valeera: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/valeera#gOhd

He's going for max energy/uptime/stickiness in his build and recs:

1) Vigor
4) Relentless Strikes
7) Fatal Finesse
10) Smoke Bomb
13) Elusiveness
16) Thistle Tea
20) Nightslayer

So, when would you ever use assassinate?

I legit don't know. Feels like an early game talent that you don't get til early game is almost over (level 7). After 10 most people are grouped, so you'd basically have to go full Medivh in bird form and wander around without your team hoping to catch someone to get value out of it. Doesn't seem worth.


Ambush is so much worse than the other two stealth abilities, idk if I'll ever use it or a talent that enhances it.


Yeah I don't see any use over a stun or silence. The talent that augments it to do massive damage is nice and all, but getting value near impossible.


I like that Valeera is a fun hero to play solo with when I'm not playing with you guys.

Someone said she has Nova level waveclear and that's not true. It's not great, but you attack so quickly you can do a passable job if necessary. Beyond that I feel like you are more survivable than Nova or Zera so you aren't reliant on spotty QM healing or tanking, and being able to setup kills or finish people is nice.

I'm not surprised her winrate is lower, honestly, after seeing all the feeding on her launch day. I think she's in a pretty good spot despite that. If they buff her I'd be kind of shocked, but I'll take it for sure.


The games I've seen people I know play her/I've played her she has been highly effective or at least not detrimental (ie: feeding, not contributing to fights, etc). When I've watched randos play her, it's been a feeding frenzy most of the time.

I watched some streamers do work with her, but also watched Dunktrain stream her on release day and feed like crazy. At first he said she sucked, and then finally he was like I think I'm just bad at her so I don't know if she sucks.


I don't see how she could "suck." A 1.5 second stun, a silence, a long ass blind.. she's got interesting and powerful cc tools. She will probably be a niche pick and a small group of players will get obnoxiously good with her ala Nova and Samuro.


Melee slot often reserved for solo so shed have to get picked w/ something like dehaka or rexxar (who prob synergize w/ her well, cc for days)


I'm not one to tin foil hat on Blizz, but it feels like the matchmaking has been a bit wonky recently. It was most notable in the Bloodlust Brawl, but just now...

I'm 2900+ on my alt. I was just in a game where the next closest player was 2360 on my team and the others were 2k and 2100. The opponent team had a 2400 and a bunch of 2100 and 2ks. It was an insane amount of feeding and just dumbassery.

They had an Abathur who went Monstrosity and he literally took 2 forts, a keep, and then half the core with it because I can't do shit against it as Valeera and our team just did not even look at the map.

It was like being trapped in Bronzeodia.


I'm not one to tin foil hat on Blizz, but it feels like the matchmaking has been a bit wonky recently. It was most notable in the Bloodlust Brawl, but just now...

I'm 2900+ on my alt. I was just in a game where the next closest player was 2360 on my team and the others were 2k and 2100. The opponent team had a 2400 and a bunch of 2100 and 2ks. It was an insane amount of feeding and just dumbassery.

They had an Abathur who went Monstrosity and he literally took 2 forts, a keep, and then half the core with it because I can't do shit against it as Valeera and our team just did not even look at the map.

It was like being trapped in Bronzeodia.
You could go abathur hunting with Valeera just like people do with nova and zeratul. But otherwise you are kind of worthless in that scenario


The thing I've noticed the most fighting against Valeera's is how unimpactful they seem to be. Like getting stunned and losing half my health sucks, but it always seems to have no consequence.... like I can just walk away after that and lose nothing, or she has to run and nothing comes from it. Playing against her she just seems like a worse zeratul In more organized games, and a worse nova in more chaotic games.

I only played against one Valera where I thought they were really good at the hero, and it was mostly just them being super annoying with the disables and getting away with it every time.


I think she's a high skill cap hero, so it'll be a couple of weeks until we see what she is actually capable of in the right hands. I imagine 90% of the Valeeras you encounter are people completely new to her and just testing what they can get away with and/or feeding relentlessly.


Can someone explain how smokescreen works to me?

Like she's just in there able to do whatever she wants without getting revealed right? She can still be hit with aoe? Does hitting her reveal her? You could force her out with gust or expulsion zone or sunder or something?

Play me ketch I'll show you son

Oh god, no thanks. You're annoying enough when we're on the same team.


Yeah you can hit her but don't think you can unreveal her until it's over. If you started a channeled ability it will persist.


Can someone explain how smokescreen works to me?

Like she's just in there able to do whatever she wants without getting revealed right? She can still be hit with aoe? Does hitting her reveal her? You could force her out with gust or expulsion zone or sunder or something?

She takes damage and can die while in her smoke bomb, she can't be revealed and she should be able to be knocked out (hasn't happened to me yet) but everything else connects with her.


The thing I've noticed the most fighting against Valeera's is how unimpactful they seem to be. Like getting stunned and losing half my health sucks, but it always seems to have no consequence.... like I can just walk away after that and lose nothing, or she has to run and nothing comes from it. Playing against her she just seems like a worse zeratul In more organized games, and a worse nova in more chaotic games.

I do agree that she can often feel unimpactful, and definitely agree that if no one is with you beyond the opener the enemy can easily escape unless it's late game and you have completed your quests (if that's the build you take). She's reliant on her teammates following up on an opening, or her teammates bursting a target that she can then finish.

I don't think she feels like a worse Zera or Nova, though. For the most part they are always unimpactful, in my opinion, particularly the Zeratul's, and Nova's problems beyond being a good ganker are myriad.

Granted I'm talking about all of this through the QM prism, but I'd certainly rather have a Valeera on my team than either of the other two because there is at least some utility there.


Them being cautious on Valeera's tuning shouldn't be a shock given her high skill cap and that she's based on one of the most uniquely obnoxious classes in WoW.
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