Well folks, I'm pretty excited. That last patch seems like a major indicator that beta is near and that fact was only further confirmed by Cory in this interview that just happened today (he described it as "very close" but reconfirming that the beta is gonna be in pieces):
Some interesting tidbits:
-- Next patch will include new coin flip, victory screen, and more polish
-- Beta is near
-- When the beta comes, the Auction House likely won't release with it, but it will come in the first patch to the beta
-- ALL of the Kickstarter money is going to the game itself (game development) -- the money for marketing will come from elsewhere and CZE will obviously appreciate it if the fans help market it via word of mouth as well
The double back won't be coming with the alpha or even the PVP beta -- it's more of a PVE thing so it'll be coming in with that. This is the post by Cory confirming that:
And the store/pack implementation is in already with the AH being confirmed for closed beta so it looks like beta is gonna be soon! =P
Of course, I know you posted that before it was implemented, but I'm just stating how surprised I am that it's come so quickly.