Currently having the beginnings of a mild attack here, methinks. Chest tightening.... struggling to breathe... it's barely bothering me right now, but I should probably get to a clinic.
It's been... I dunno how many years. Several might be an understatement. I don't even think I went through something like this during high school. But it was a regular happening when I was a kid. .....generally at ~1am, too... the perfect time to ruin sleep for my parents.
Any fellow Asthma brethren here? Let us bond in our shared handicap.
It's been... I dunno how many years. Several might be an understatement. I don't even think I went through something like this during high school. But it was a regular happening when I was a kid. .....generally at ~1am, too... the perfect time to ruin sleep for my parents.
Any fellow Asthma brethren here? Let us bond in our shared handicap.