I wanted to be awesome and have the ability to grab life from the jaws of death. Pay's not bad, either.
Stumbled into it. I'm making it up as I go along.
No one has noticed yet.
Kinda fell into it. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. I don't enjoy writing erotica and romance but it's making me so much money I don't have a choice but to keep going.
I'd much rather write sci-fi and fantasy, or go back to my original passion which was 3D and lighting (but that industry is fucked)
Your mum pimped you out for tech skills? Damn.
Looking for a third career soon. I love my job, but I can't do it long term. I haven't decided what's next.Maybe I'm too old to go back to school.
Are you guys happy with your current jobs?
Are you guys happy with your current jobs?
Are you guys happy with your current jobs?
i didnt
kinda just fell into it through luck
its p good
ive seen you talk about your writing for a while now and I'm curious about it. I follow someone on twitter that seems to do the exact same thing as you. They write erotica/romance e-books and sell them on Amazon. Apparently they just look through the top selling e-books and follow trends. Would you say you do the same thing?
I have an English degree, went to school to be a teacher or journalist. Didn't want to do either as I was finishing up my degree. Got a sales job after school and enjoyed it, have continued on that path ever since. I'm a Pricing Manager now and I like the role. Everything worked out ok in the end.
Are you guys happy with your current jobs?
Thanks, I know. I tell people what I do and then how much I'm making when they ask (most of it is overtime, and I make money at times when I'm not even there) and most of the time they don't believe me. Oh well haha^Wooow. Getting one of those is like winning the lottery. Congrats. You're set for life.
Salesforce Admin. It just kinda happened.
I worked retail for almost 10 years, I had a pretty good job with probably the best company to work in retail for, but just grew tired of retail. I had an opportunity via networking to join a small company in an office. Took a pay cut and starting doing customer service over the phone. In my interview they asked me if I knew Salesforce, I did not, but I said in a few months I'll be a Salesforce guru.
After a couple months doing customer service, a Sales Support role opened up and I managed to get it. While doing Sales Support I quickly realized how poorly the Sales team was utilizing Salesforce. I dove into Salesforce and learned the ins and outs, made a bunch of changes to how they were using and got them on the right track. After getting the Sales team to a good spot, I made some improvements to how the Customer Service team worked. And then the Project Management team. Then Accounting.
Eventually I approached the CEO/owner and basically said I've outgrown my Sales Support role and I'm doing a bunch of other stuff not in the Sales dept, so a position was created for me. Now I'm basically a Salesforce Admin/Database Admin/Operations manager.