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High-quality AVP theatrical trailer online (no heavy metal)

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This is the FIRST good trailer I've seen for this movie and it indeed pumps me up enough to want to see it. It almost makes me think that this film might actually be good :)


I hope this is done well enough that the franchines will be revived and we can get an Aliens Earth War or similar based off the Dark Horse comics.

evil ways

Looks great, but right now there are 3 things that could really send the movie down the crapper, which are putting too much focus on the humans, shitty/corny dialogue, and a bummer ending where 1 or more humans survive. If they keep the cheese from the dialogue to a minumun and steer clear of the other 2, the movie will not disappoint.


being watched
Well there's no way in hell can it be as un-ambitious and badly directed as Alien Resurrection.

Nice trailer as well. RE2 & AVP - TEH YEAR OF PAUL ANDERSON. AICN will hate them both whatever.
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