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Hill staffers secretly worked on Trump's immigration order, signed NDA's

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Where the fuck are they. Why haven't we heard from barely any of them

They're slowly turning, but it's going to be a while before it happens. More than a few spoke out against the Muslim EO but it was less with the EO and more with how it happened.

Progressives and liberals have to come out and vote in midterms


Republicans have to realize that this isn't some one of thing, but how things will work going forward right?

Whatever illusions they have about Trump and being able to work with him and have a seat at the table, blah blah, have been shattered, right?


We can expect them to soon wake up and not put up with this shit?


Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
"Government is pretend now" is 2017's slogan.


If I could put a different spin on this (and by no means do I approve):

The use of NDAs and side-stepping 'chain of control' feels really Corporate to me. I've spent 30+ years in the corporate sector, and I can tell you from experience that it's commonplace for executive management to scoop up staff under an NDA to work on something big (e.g. M&A), and middle-management is often unaware that their staff is working on anything under NDA. I've been through this kind of thing countless times. I guess I just wonder if Trump is channeling his corporate behaviour into his presidential behaviour on this particular process.
How? None of this sounds illegal.

Legality has no bearing on Impeachment. Impeachment isn't a judicial process, it's a political one. Congress has full authority to decide what is and is not impeachable.

A President going behind their backs and forcing their own staffers to deceive them is certainly grounds for impeachment. The very act is acidic to the separation of powers.


They only care about themselves and maintaining power tbh.

Everyone else can go fuck off as far as they're concerned.

That's the crazy thing. Congress is being circumvented. He IS trying to take away their power. They have to know that if this keeps up one day he's going to just dissolve Congress and the GOP will have lost all their power all because they hedged on a foolish thought that he won't dare do the same thing to to them. It's like they're willingly trying to lose their power.


Misread OP as Hillary staffers secretly worked on Trump's immigration order and nearly lost my mind at the fuckery.. the truth doesn't really surprise me anymore.


Everyone please call your House reps to push for impeachment, especially Republicans. This is a clear cut circumvention of Congress and the judicial branch. Make that clear their own jobs are in danger from this admin.
Alright, I'll stop posting then. I hope things work out okay. I'm sorry I upset everyone, it wasn't my intentions. I don't see myself being alive much longer, but I do send out as much hope from my heart as I can that it isn't what it looks like and there is something that will pull us out of this. Be safe.

Don't talk like that. Get away from the news and the Internet for a couple days.


Everyone please call your House reps to push for impeachment, especially Republicans. This is a clear cut circumvention of Congress and the judicial branch. Make that clear their own jobs are in danger from this admin.

I agree with that. If they won't do it for us, they could at least do it for themselves, and coincidentally save us too.


I have been, I confess, but as I said in another thread, everything so far spells defeat. And we have been defeated by the last people on earth you want to be defeated by. I just don't see any way out now.

There is no way out unless America takes to the streets. You have to understand this. We need millions on the streets. We need thousands storming congress. We need republicans on full blast, every second of their lives.
Call again tomorrow during the day before 5pm eastern I think, they should be taking calls, there should be people answering the phones. I got through today.

No, both of my Senators are no longer taking calls at any time, or at least, that was what I was told via their Facebook last week. A friend of Bob Corker's family was offering to pass messages to him, so I told him about that and he said he forwarded it. But neither Corker or Alexander give a shit anyway. Diane Black is worthless, too. I don't know if she's taking calls at this point now, though. I guess I could look into it.


No, both of my Senators are no longer taking calls at any time, or at least, that was what I was told via their Facebook last week. A friend of Bob Corker's family was offering to pass messages to him, so I told him about that and he said he forwarded it. But neither Corker or Alexander give a shit anyway. Diane Black is worthless, too. I don't know if she's taking calls at this point now, though. I guess I could look into it.

Calling their DC office?
I wouldn't be surprised if many of these staffers who were willing to play ball ended up with jobs at State. I hear there are quite a few openings there these days.


No, both of my Senators are no longer taking calls at any time, or at least, that was what I was told via their Facebook last week. A friend of Bob Corker's family was offering to pass messages to him, so I told him about that and he said he forwarded it. But neither Corker or Alexander give a shit anyway. Diane Black is worthless, too. I don't know if she's taking calls at this point now, though. I guess I could look into it.
Just keep calling as much as you can. Make their staffers as fucking miserable as possible at least.


Just keep calling as much as you can. Make their staffers as fucking miserable as possible at least.
And while you're waiting on the phone, please also join in, retweet, and send comment to the only four non-Republicans who voted against delaying Rex Tillerson's confirmation... and call them too.


I have been, I confess, but as I said in another thread, everything so far spells defeat. And we have been defeated by the last people on earth you want to be defeated by. I just don't see any way out now.

Ir's been a little over a week. Relax. Democrats will be back at some point and Trump will give up power. And we can start the political cycle again. If we don't then we had a great run.
If I could put a different spin on this (and by no means do I approve):

The use of NDAs and side-stepping 'chain of control' feels really Corporate to me. I've spent 30+ years in the corporate sector, and I can tell you from experience that it's commonplace for executive management to scoop up staff under an NDA to work on something big (e.g. M&A), and middle-management is often unaware that their staff is working on anything under NDA. I've been through this kind of thing countless times. I guess I just wonder if Trump is channeling his corporate behaviour into his presidential behaviour on this particular process.
Another reason I never got the argument that someone who made it in the corporate world should run government. The nature and purpose of government is not the same as a business. This is fine in the private sector but we're supposed to have checks and balances in government to prevent one person from taking too much power.

(Not that I think Trump was a good businessman either, unless profiting for himself and screwing other people is good business.)


Ir's been a little over a week. Relax. Democrats will be back at some point and Trump will give up power. And we can start the political cycle again. If we don't then we had a great run.
Trump and his administration don't seem like the type to willingly give up power.
If I could put a different spin on this (and by no means do I approve):

The use of NDAs and side-stepping 'chain of control' feels really Corporate to me. I've spent 30+ years in the corporate sector, and I can tell you from experience that it's commonplace for executive management to scoop up staff under an NDA to work on something big (e.g. M&A), and middle-management is often unaware that their staff is working on anything under NDA. I've been through this kind of thing countless times. I guess I just wonder if Trump is channeling his corporate behaviour into his presidential behaviour on this particular process.

I'd say he's channeling his corporate behavior into pretty much everything. I'm not really too familiar with the corporate world but part of the chaos of this administration just seems to be that he does things wildly different than what government people are used to.

AYF 001

I posted this in another thread, but I don't know if they would go for this if we tried it:

If republican senators are spineless cowards only in it for themselves, why not use it to our advantage? Tell them that if they stand up to trump, they'll be considered heroes by democrats. If their base threatens to primary them, tell them they'll be welcome to have a spot running on the democratic ticket. That way the right will lose their most experienced sponges, the left can hopefully regain control of those states using the candidates' knowledge of their constituents (we don't necessary have to vote them in, but they'll be useful nevertheless), and it'll be a step towards ending the hyperpolarized destabilizing politics that Putin seeks to benefit from.
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