Maybe holding using 9/11 to start his own Vietnam against him? All I got. Cause he handled his largest crisis fairly well IMO.Crisis Leadership:
George W. Bush 25th.
outranked by a hypocritical slave owner. And it's honestly hard to argue against it.
Agreed on the reading it would help immensely to understand their train of thought in regards to policy
Maybe holding using 9/11 to start his own Vietnam against him? All I got. Cause he handled his largest crisis fairly well IMO.
I can't imagine they are holding the 07 crash against him as a crisis. He was barely in office to fix it.
Maybe holding using 9/11 to start his own Vietnam against him? All I got. Cause he handled his largest crisis fairly well IMO.
I can't imagine they are holding the 07 crash against him as a crisis. He was barely in office to fix it.
He supported women's suffrage at the state level. He didn't lead the charge at the federal level, but that's not the same thing as opposing it.His hand was forced on the 19th. He never saw "their" side.
So you think only white guys benefited from pioneering anti-trust law to rein in corporations? Or historic reforms to the tax system that set the stage for all subsequent big government expansion? Or the first big push to regulate child labour (which the Supreme Court subsequently vetoed, but that's not Wilson's fault)? Wilson set the stage for the New Deal; if you like FDR's domestic agenda, you really can't disparage Wilson's.I dunno. I put more weight towards equality for all humans over matters of policy that only benefited white guys.
I can argue he is better than every president listed below him. He still ain't shitBill Clinton shouldn't be so high, no, I'm not sorry.
Yeah it's weird to say, but I agree that it's hard to argue against ranking Jefferson higher in fighting for equal rights than Reagan.
If each is being graded as a product of their time, you can almost excuse Jefferson (not forgive, mind you). Reagan has no "product of the distant past" to shelter him. His track record against minorities and the oppressed practically defines the term "institutional racism."
For all the good he did in the Cold War and in driving economic growth, his work against minorities weighs on his legacy and, in my opinion, should place him a few spots lower on that list.
I can argue he is better than every president listed below him. He still ain't shit
So you think only white guys benefited from pioneering anti-trust law to rein in corporations? Or historic reforms to the tax system that set the stage for all subsequent big government expansion? Or the first big push to regulate child labour (which the Supreme Court subsequently vetoed, but that's not Wilson's fault)? Wilson set the stage for the New Deal; if you like FDR's domestic agenda, you really can't disparage Wilson's.
Maybe holding using 9/11 to start his own Vietnam against him? All I got. Cause he handled his largest crisis fairly well IMO.
I can't imagine they are holding the 07 crash against him as a crisis. He was barely in office to fix it.
Harry Truman was one of the worst fucking human being. Asshole dropped 2 nuclear bomb for sake of it. He should be last in the list. So fuck this list.
For 9/11, he did handle it pretty well for something that hasn't been scene on American soil since the Civil War.
He chose the best option among multiple. The Japanese weren't going to surrender, they didn't believe in it. Would you have rather we invaded the mainland and cost millions of people their lives? (Not just American lives, many Japanese would have died as well)
Dropping a nuclear bomb shouldn't be taken lightly and I don't think he did. He weighed how many lives it would have cost plus the ongoing cost of the war to invade Japan and chose another option. His choice still resulted in a lot of people dying, but it was orders of magnitude less than if we had invaded.
War is messy and there is rarely ever an "I'll go with Option C" choice where nobody dies.
I can see an argument for the first atomic bombing, and to be perfectly frank, that was the uinverse paying Japan back for its foul behavior in Nanking and other places across Asia.
But the second nuclear bombing was a demonstration of great cruelty and inhumanity in my mind and the moral defenses for it are extremely weak.
I can see an argument for the first atomic bombing, and to be perfectly frank, that was the universe paying Japan back for its foul behavior in Nanking and other places across Asia.
But the second nuclear bombing was a demonstration of great cruelty and inhumanity in my mind and the moral defenses for it are extremely weak.
I think a single use was justified, to help establish the nuclear deterrent and ensure relative peace for a few decades. The western world seems to now believe that the nuclear bombs ensured Japanese surrender, when in fact they did very little to move the needle. Russia knocking on Japan's door was what pushed them over the edge.
FDR said:For twelve years this Nation was afflicted with hear-nothing, see-nothing, do-nothing Government. The Nation looked to Government but the Government looked away. Nine mocking years with the golden calf and three long years of the scourge! Nine crazy years at the ticker and three long years in the breadlines! Nine mad years of mirage and three long years of despair! Powerful influences strive today to restore that kind of government with its doctrine that that Government is best which is most indifferent.
For nearly four years you have had an Administration which instead of twirling its thumbs has rolled up its sleeves. We will keep our sleeves rolled up.
We had to struggle with the old enemies of peacebusiness and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.
They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.
Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for meand I welcome their hatred.
I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master.
How were the Soviets a non factor? They would have been which is the point that the nukes negated.Let's not have this turn into an atomic bomb thread where all the people who say dropping the bombs aren't justified get schooled by the history enthusiasts to the point where they result to arguments like dropping warning nukes. It was justified, it saved a lot more lives that it took, Japan wasn't going to surrender after the first bomb, Russia wasn't going a factor in Japan's surrender, and it wasn't an easy call for Truman to make.
I reject your characterisation of the options availabe to Truman after the first bombing, Nagasaki being bombed a mere 72 hours after Hiroshima was a draconian move meant to humiliate and punish the Japanese.But they didn't surrender after the first. What should we have done, then? Invade Japan? That doesn't make a lot of sense.
This is simply not true. The Nuclear Bombs made Japan surrender.
I mean, why would Russia joining the war make that much of a difference to Japan? If an invasion happened, they were going to be conquered whether it was the US alone or the US and USSR together.
I reject your characterisation of the options availabe to Truman after the first bombing, Nagasaki being bombed a mere 72 hours after Hiroshima was a draconian move meant to humiliate and punish the Japanese.
How were the Soviets a non factor? They would have been which is the point that the nukes negated.
Throwing a nuclear bomb in a non millitary city cannot be justified under any utilitarian bullshit. Killing civilians unrepentantly is not war. Fuck that noise.He chose the best option among multiple. The Japanese weren't going to surrender, they didn't believe in it. Would you have rather we invaded the mainland and cost millions of people their lives? (Not just American lives, many Japanese would have died as well)
Dropping a nuclear bomb shouldn't be taken lightly and I don't think he did. He weighed how many lives it would have cost plus the ongoing cost of the war to invade Japan and chose another option. His choice still resulted in a lot of people dying, but it was orders of magnitude less than if we had invaded.
War is messy and there is rarely ever an "I'll go with Option C" choice where nobody dies.
Maybe its just me but isn't it a bit early to judge that?
Throwing a nuclear bomb in a non millitary city cannot be justified under any utilitarian bullshit. Killing civilians unrepentantly is not war. Fuck that noise.
To be fair to Tyler, a lot of that hate comes about because his contemporaries never viewed him as the rightful President. They referred to him as "His Accidency" and his own cabinet (which was actually Harrison's cabinet) tried for a power play by telling him that they would handle all executive actions themselves before he shut them down.
The infighting that followed his rise to power overshadowed his few accomplishments, like settling parts of the US-Canadian border and starting toward the annexation of Texas (which, while controversial, was instrumental in shaping the US).
Edit: And yes, I'm aware he was a racist shitbag. It's pretty well settled that just about every president was around this time. And yes, I know he even won a spot in the Confederate House of Representatives (I think it was). I'm just saying it's not like he accomplished absolutely nothing.
Even though Russia was making strides throughout Japanese occupation in China, the Japanese weren't going to surrender to Russia is what I mean. When people try to refute the use of the nukes, they like to make up this alternate universe where the Japanese were extremely close to surrendering to Russia just before the bombs dropped.
Throwing a nuclear bomb in a non millitary city cannot be justified under any utilitarian bullshit. Killing civilians unrepentantly is not war. Fuck that noise.
America definitely posed the immediate threat and Russia had only recently declared war on Japan before the bombs were dropped. The US and UK had plans drawn for a land invasion of Japan (Operation Downfall) which was going to be a real mess since Japan was training and arming civilian men, women and children for the campaign. While Russia was putting pressure on Japan from the north, I'm not exactly sure that they would have the naval power for an invasion of northern Japan as it seemed that Japan was going to stage a defense of it's land.So the Japanese didn't care about Soviet involvement at all? They were only worried about the Americans?
This is absolutely false.Harry Truman was one of the worst fucking human being. Asshole dropped 2 nuclear bomb for sake of it. He should be last in the list. So fuck this list.
Nah. I agree. In general I think a 20-year moratorium on that kind of appraisal is prudent.
Also, I cannot put Lincoln above Washington. The guy turned down being king and prevented a military overthrow of the government. He's basically the single greatest factor in why the American Revolution successfully transitioned to a peaceful republican government and didn't get mired in years of civil war and strife like the vast majority of revolutions since.
Both of their scores on international issues though really shows how much of these rankings are informed by presidential preferences first, categories second, though. Presidential rankings are basically the historian's equivalent of arguing about who's the greatest sportsball player,
Agreed. Lyndon had really good domestic policy that he makes my top 10. FDR being three seems a little low. Guess the internment camps pushed him lower than Washington. Washington is also a super overrated president. Great leader but really dumb. A lot of his excellence came from luck. Andrew Johnson is way worse than Buchanan imho. He put our country over 100 years behind based on his fucking horrible laws. Because of his dumbass deciding to put the military in the south, there is still bitter resentment about the civil war that is felt today with all the white supremacy taking seats in the government.Reagan and JFK are both laughably high.
Real talk: Had the USSR not died when it did or had JFK not been assassinated, neither would be ranked that high.
Agreed. Lyndon is had really good domestic policy that he makes my top 10. FDR being three seems a little low. Guess the internment camps pushed him lower than Washington. Washington is also a super overrated president. Great leader but really dumb. A lot of his excellence came from luck.
If America had accepted a conditional surrender from Japan, the second bombing could've been avoided. Also, the US could've continued a devastating conventional bombing campaign after Hiroshima, it's not like there was some kind of false choice between dropping a second bomb versus inaction or an outright invasion.So, basically you are taking the position that if we waited another week or two, then Japan would have eventually surrendered, even though there is no actual evidence from Japanese communications that they would have?
I agree I think it does but FDRs actions define what we expect out of the modern day presidents. His expansion of power into the executive branch was paramount to giving the branch of government real tangible power. He does lose significant points for being an extreme racist.As others have pointed out, I think a lot of Washington's admiration comes from how he handled the power of the presidency and how he gracefully bowed out after two terms.
The man became leader of a new nation with a type of govenrnment that was somewhat foreign to the people who put it together. That deserves some points.
If America had accepted a conditional surrender from Japan, the second bombing could've been avoided. Also, the US could've continued a devastating conventional bombing campaign after Hiroshima, it's not like there was some kind of false choice between dropping a second bomb versus inaction or an outright invasion.
He was pretty good but the dude has some extreme lows. War of drugs, expansion of the police system, reganomics setting the scene for the housing bubble that crashed the economy, etc. Imho hes is right below Obama at 12-13ish. Just not top ten.Reagan is arguably one of the best Republican presidents and GAF obviously loathes him. My guess is that if you are on the right you are rated too high for this site. Gonna go ahead and say the responses to my post proves my point.
The second bomb was flexing the US's power to say that we are the superpower of the world. It wasn't because we still thought the Japanese would continue fighting. The first bomb is justified to me, not the second.If America had accepted a conditional surrender from Japan, the second bombing could've been avoided. Also, the US could've continued a devastating conventional bombing campaign after Hiroshima, it's not like there was some kind of false choice between dropping a second bomb versus inaction or an outright invasion.
I get what you're saying on Washington, but I'd still put Lincoln higher. He held the Union together through a bloody Civil War that was fought (primarily) so that we could finally move toward living up to the phrase "All Men are Created Equal" written by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence.
And yes, we're still fighting to live up to that creed. But Lincoln (as well as countless known and unknown slaves, freed former slaves, and abolitionists) took one hell of a massive step in the right direction.
Agreed. Lyndon had really good domestic policy that he makes my top 10. FDR being three seems a little low. Guess the internment camps pushed him lower than Washington. Washington is also a super overrated president. Great leader but really dumb. A lot of his excellence came from luck.
He was pretty good but the dude has some extreme lows. War of drugs, expansion of the police system, reganomics setting the scene for the housing bubble that crashed the economy, etc. Imho hes is right below Obama at 12-13ish. Just not top ten.
How tuned in are you to the field of history exactly? I'd say since around the 60's the field has been stressing continuity more than change, to its detriment no less.
How Regan handled the USSR situation alone puts him up there. He was better than Clinton imho.Nice post. I do agree he isn't top 10, but he wasn't a shit tier president like a few we could all name. He is up there as one of the best, but top 10 is a tad bit high.
Reagan is arguably one of the best Republican presidents and GAF obviously loathes him. My guess is that if you are on the right you are rated too high for this site. Gonna go ahead and say the responses to my post proves my point.
He was pretty good but the dude has some extreme lows. War of drugs, expansion of the police system, reganomics setting the scene for the housing bubble that crashed the economy, etc. Imho hes is right below Obama at 12-13ish. Just not top ten.
Not Grant personally.Wait why the FUCK is Grant so high. The dude committed one of the biggest fraud scandals in president history.