Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
gotta fix the minimap with the white dots and one white dot with a circle
I'm currently working on making Sniper contracts that can be completed silently from one single high point location. First up is doing it from the Church Tower.
Contract is on PC -
1-03-7078558-76 is the ID.
I'm currently working on making Sniper contracts that can be completed silently from one single high point location. First up is doing it from the Church Tower.
Contract is on PC -
1-03-7078558-76 is the ID.
If you figure out who is the person spotting the body, you can influence their route by shooting close enough to them (making them interrupt their routine to check the sound) and have then enough time to reach the exit.I remember red guy from one of the existing sniper featured contracts, where, as I recall, you have to shoot him with the right timing relative to all other NPC loops. Then you run to the exit before anyone loops back and finds the body.
Of course, I failed to find the right timing. At least all the other targets are easy enough!
This is awesome, but I'm having trouble with the two targets inside the mansion. Is there some trick to hitting them from the Church Tower? I've tried shooting out windows and such.
Has anyone done The Szilassi Darkness recently? (Sapienza Escalation) I'm having a bitch of a time trying to get SA, I'm getting bodies found every single time. I always hit the guy on the pier into the water, and try to get the guy in the tower when he's downstairs, but I just can't get it working. I've gone through every sniping spot I can think of but it's the same every time, no idea what I'm doing wrong.
Has anyone done The Szilassi Darkness recently? (Sapienza Escalation) I'm having a bitch of a time trying to get SA, I'm getting bodies found every single time. I always hit the guy on the pier into the water, and try to get the guy in the tower when he's downstairs, but I just can't get it working. I've gone through every sniping spot I can think of but it's the same every time, no idea what I'm doing wrong.
Okay, I just tried it and it does seem screwed up right now.
The guy in the tower is not a problem, but like you said, no matter where you shoot from you always get "Guards Alerted" from shooting the guy on the pier. I always end up losing "No Bodies Found" and sometimes even lose "No Noticed Kills."
My instinct is that random head-turning by the guy next to him is the problem, but I have no idea how to make sure that guy is looking away while aiming through the scope.
How many locations are there for the mine disarm device in Adamoli Fascination (Paris)? I thoroughly checked the two spots I've seen listed online (Sheik's pillow and the back garden meeting area/circle) and don't see it in either spot.
I've tested it around, and it seems the issue is with the guards that hang around the performer dude. For some reason they seem to have super vision.
There's only one other spot: in the grass at the feet of the guard standing in front of the helicopter.
Okay, I just tried it and it does seem screwed up right now.
The guy in the tower is not a problem, but like you said, no matter where you shoot from you always get "Guards Alerted" from shooting the guy on the pier. I always end up losing "No Bodies Found" and sometimes even lose "No Noticed Kills."
My instinct is that random head-turning by the guy next to him is the problem, but I have no idea how to make sure that guy is looking away while aiming through the scope.
The American accents in this game is really obstructing the experience. Being in Morocco and hearing regular American voices is a bit disappointing
Found this on Reddit, can't stop laughing. ALWAYS HOLSTER YOUR WEAPONS GUYS! PS.: Trump should get rid of his water bottle (or not).
I'm super pumped for tomorrow's Elusive Target. I have to redeem myself and finally get that amazing Winter Suit, after losing SA rank on Chef at the last second.
This is the opposite of everyone else's experience; how did you do 1-4?Blergh just got really back into the game and doing the Mallory escalation in Colorado. I really liked the first 4 stages. Even not being able to pacify the stalker in lvl 4 was a cool element I thought since you get the perfect item unlock in Colorado to take him out of the game for a while, the emetic syringe.
Lvl 5 is just bullshit though. I tried for like 3 hours and ended up looking at a YouTube guide which is something I absolutely hate when playing Hitman. Not really a fan of these challenges that involve a good portion of luck.
I never bothered to re-bind any keys for Hitman on PC, so there were a few times in escalations where I would accidentally hit Caps Lock instead of Shift and pull out a knife or pistol.
Forced me to delete that binding.
So I never realised there were Escalations for the ICA Training missions and I tried one of the boat ones, The Einarsson Inception.
Apparently the route I was taking was already the best one, as every added escalation was something that I could easily just do along the way, or didn't really impact me at all.
My level 4 run was 4:45 so I was a little worried about the final escalation, but then I had a dream run and everything lined up.
Found this on Reddit, can't stop laughing. ALWAYS HOLSTER YOUR WEAPONS GUYS! PS.: Trump should get rid of his water bottle (or not).
Can someone explain how the challenges/mastery works?
Do I need to finish the mission, since the challenge complete pops up whether I finish or not.
What does increasing mastery do? Is it just a number increasing because numbers increasing feels good, or does it actually do something?
Can someone explain how the challenges/mastery works?
Do I need to finish the mission, since the challenge complete pops up whether I finish or not.
What does increasing mastery do? Is it just a number increasing because numbers increasing feels good, or does it actually do something?
Can someone explain how the challenges/mastery works?
Do I need to finish the mission, since the challenge complete pops up whether I finish or not.
What does increasing mastery do? Is it just a number increasing because numbers increasing feels good, or does it actually do something?
Wow, thanks for the great responses, super fast too!
I've just been doing Paris over and over and really like it. Some of the challenges are crazy though, not even sure how I'll go about them. Figuring that stuff out is half the fun though!
I did notice that a bunch of new starting locations unlocked after I finished it once, I guess it's because I levelled up. I thought it was just because I finished.
The dates on the schedule put out by IO are only to show the week the content will be released. The ET probably won't go up until Friday next week.
Speaking of PC controls, am I the only one who thinks they're... not good? It's both drastically different from the previous games and also feels cumbersome because there's just too many keys to keep track of - I constantly feel like I'm bumbling around the keyboard, so eventually I just switch to a controller.I never bothered to re-bind any keys for Hitman on PC, so there were a few times in escalations where I would accidentally hit Caps Lock instead of Shift and pull out a knife or pistol.
Forced me to delete that binding.
Not for me.Is DX12 still prone to crashing on PC?
Even more drama in the making: a Hitman speedrunner noticed that the Hitman Blood Money run was fraudulent because the runner didn't actually kill the last target. At 48:50 you can watch the intended kill, and 49:50 you see him exit the level. The mission completion screen then shows only 1 kill, even though the level has 2 targets, who must both be killed before you can exit.
The implication is that he could only have exited the level if he had Cheat Engine running in the background the whole run as a "backup strat".
Interesting post from the AGDQ thread about the Hitman Blood Money runner using cheat engine and not killing a target.
That's what I advise most newcomers here. Get Mastery Rank 20 on the map and move on. Once you complete Mastery on all maps you go back and finish the remaining challanges.I feel like I'm part of the problem having opportunities on full rather than minimal. On one hand, it does give directions to how execute the opportunities (to the point of being trivial). On the other hand, it feels like the game is holding my hand and I'm not finding it naturally my own. So I'll keep opportunities minimal from now on
And I dunno about you guys, but now that I've gotten Mastery 20 in Paris, I'm not really in the mood to complete the rest of the Paris challenges (Save for the Holiday Hoarders challenges), and I'd rather focus on the next mission challenges as some challenges sound tedious or rather too obscure to finish them (Like the redacted ones).
I don't really care about anyone cheating during one of those live events. It's all about just showing off what the run is like, not about setting WR or anything. He didn't get SA on one of the levels and he didn't bother replaying it because he just wanted to show people the run so if he messed up on the last level and used cheat engine it's w/e to me.
And I dunno about you guys, but now that I've gotten Mastery 20 in Paris, I'm not really in the mood to complete the rest of the Paris challenges (Save for the Holiday Hoarders challenges), and I'd rather focus on the next mission challenges as some challenges sound tedious or rather too obscure to finish them (Like the redacted ones).
That's what I advise most newcomers here. Get Mastery Rank 20 on the map and move on. Once you complete Mastery on all maps you go back and finish the remaining challanges.
I wasn't planning on bringing the AGDQ stuff into this thread, but since we're here:
Of course live events aren't about setting WR - but they are about seeing real backup strategies. All the other runners will show us their plan B for killing a boss or finishing a level when their plan A falls through, why shouldn't this guy?