Anyone about 10ft or less away from the door I’ll hold it for. Anything more than that seems awkward, unless it’s an elderly and/or physically disabled person, then I’ll wait longer.
She said "Wcryz cryx wyz wryc".
Was she having a seizure?
I once held the door open for a Polish lady at work and she had a right go at me. She said "Wcryz cryx wyz wryc". Cheeky bitch.
Was she having a seizure?
Sounds polish
Oh fuck, you're right! I thought they typed "posh lady" and didn't see it was "Polish lady". Whoops.
Sarcasm? Because I didnt read the post about her being polish ffs
No. 100% serious. They typed polish and I read it as posh. I could edit or delete it, but we're too far gone now.
lol passive aggressive door holding
Holding the door open for someone that's too far away does fuck with the natural rhythm of things.
Some of you need a smack. Hold the fucking door for fellow humans. It's normal where I come from.
If you didn't have to walk faster to not make it awkward. I'll 2nd the sentiment.I had a moment last week.
Good thing she was a teen and friends with the demon witch that lives above me so I'd let it go.
Just sad to see the lack of common courtesy..
I was 2 meters behind her. BITCH. Ahem.
i like dicks
I'm a lesbian and even I like cawk
Why would you eat at a restaurant with a garbage bin at the front door? Who does that? We live in a society.This happened yesterday. AITA?
Walking out of a restaurant through a single door, push out to open. Directly beyond the door was a large garbage bin, partly blocking the entryway. To hold this door open, you would either need to stand against the door itself or reach awkwardly over the bin.
As I walked out, a woman was waiting to go in, standing back a ways. Wanting to hold the door open, but feeling I would have to be within her "personal space/social distancing range" to do so, I continued on past the garbage bin to clear the area, which allowed the door to partly close before she could reach it.
So, AITA? What Would Larry David Do?
Can confirm, died.Anywhere you see an open door you sprint towards it or you die
If you didn't have to walk faster to not make it awkward. I'll 2nd the sentiment.
After I open and hold the door I look the person in the eyes and then look at my watch and back at them and then the watch again so they can see that I am judging them.
Serious: If they are close, I hold it open, if they are elderly or sick they get a bit more distance allowed and I tell them to not rush, it's no problem.
If the Christian Heaven isn't a real place, then it's an ideal to strive for. The way it's described in the Bible is a place where everyone serves one another. A flat hierarchy where others' needs go above your own, but your own needs are covered by others in reciprocity.No in was walking behind her going downstairs for a good minute and she noticed me most definitely. I even cought up because I walk slightly faster. And I was 2 meters behind her still approaching ofcourse and she opened the door and walked through. It didn't even fully closed when I reached said door. No manners..
If everyone would be aware of each other and more inclined to service to others, EVEN a fraction. Life would be so much nicer. Traffic is a fine example.
And hey I can have a bad day and be a hypocrite I'm not always acting out what I preach but still.
And yeah over here it's kinda normal to say hello or at least nod for acknowledgement. I judge people on if they greet me or not. Even though that's BS. More like a hobby
Then again greeting falls under social interaction which is inherently complex and context dependent so.
But FFS turn on your turn signal when you see me waiting for what your npc ass want to do. Jfc
If the Christian Heaven isn't a real place, then it's an ideal to strive for. The way it's described in the Bible is a place where everyone serves one another. A flat hierarchy where others' needs go above your own, but your own needs are covered by others in reciprocity.
By analogy, that woman who didn't hold the door for you and drivers who don't signal intent are literally creating Hell on Earth![]()
A golden oldie on YouTube. Don’t know why I remembered this video
A young man held the door open for me today on my way in to Chipotle. I was about to thank him, when fortunately I remembered this thread.
It's really icy here in Ohio today, so my leg sweep sent him to the ground fairly easily. I stomped his mouth to make sure the lesson was learned. Obviously after that, I had to order the hard tacos.
Thanks OP, another social faux pas avoided.
Shaun Micallef did the world's greatest sketch on this theme
So much nuance in working out whether to hold the door open or not
That biscuit looks like a dick and balls
You monster!while a youngling, I held the door for an elderly lady and as she approached the door her foot caught the threshold causing her to fall right onto her face. She busted right onto the concrete floor right in front of me. Her face was a bloody mess and had to rushed to the ER. I felt so bad about it. I still don’t hold the door for anyone to this day. If she had opened the door herself, even if she tripped, she could have supported herself holding the door.
I knew someone would say that.That biscuit looks like a dick and balls
He's eating all the manI knew someone would say that.
But no, he's eating a gingerbread man.
Including the cock and balls, yes.He's eating all the man
All that sweet tasty gingerbread cockIncluding the cock and balls, yes.