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Holy crap!! Decent 3D on GBA?

Lisa Lashes said:
Well I've seen GCN selling for cheaper than the GBA SP in many stores here. So, how can an underpowered unit like the GBA SP be similarly priced to something like say the GCN? What factors allow for such a price similarity?

maybe because GBA sells like hotcakes regardless, while GC has struggled and has 2 stronger competitors. IThats the way things work. Why do you think you pay $50-100 for a pair of shoes that cost 10 cents to make? While you are at it, why don't you ask Sony why their technologically inferior PS2 sells for the same price as the Xbox?


I have the game, and the 3D-engine runs remarkably well. There's a bit of warping on close objects, but otherwise it's fast, colourful and with tons of stuff happening at once. As a showcase of 3D on GBA, it's unparallelled. The gameplay is standard fare, though. Very repetitive battling, and you're supposed to collect hundreds and hundreds of tokens that lie everywhere if you want to unlock the various bonus-stages. It's ok designwise, though, with nicely hidden extras and pleasant environments.

It's decent, but the console-versions of the same game are obviously better.


Competition. Exactly. Had the GBA some then we'd see it priced more reasonably and more adequately powered. I'd be doing the same thing Nintendo is too though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
akascream said:
The gospel according to dark10x.

Damn straight! The GBA remains our only reliable outlet for 2D games...and to try and pull off poor 3D instead is just foolish.


GameBoy's always had comptition, not only from handheld gaming rivals like Nokia, Sega, NEC or Bandai but from other forms of mobile entertainment (phones, music, etc). I think the fact that GBA alone has outsold all portable CD players combined, all portable MP3 players combined and all Pocket PCs/PDAs combined says something. It's not as if Nintendo blindly stumbled into this level of success, just as Sony didn't with their PlayStation line. Saying GameBoy's number one simply because Nintendo has no competition is missing the point entirely...


Lisa Lashes said:
You might as well throw in dishwashers, cars and Douglas Fir trees into the equation then.
But they're not mobile entertainment. GBA is the best selling mobile entertianment device today (not counting the sea of differing stadard cellphones, which also have a very utilitarian focus). And the mobile market is gigantic...


I read that as "Descent 3D on GBA?" thinking this was a sequel/remake to Descent. Though it would obviously unpossible, boo to all of you.


There has to be something out there that is more successful than the gameboy line. Shit.. I bet there is more air and water than gba's.


jarrod said:
But they're not mobile entertainment. GBA is the best selling mobile entertianment device today (not counting the sea of differing stadard cellphones, which also have a very utilitarian focus). And the mobile market is gigantic...

I'm sorry but when one says "viable" competition for the GCN we look at the Xbox and PS2. We don't look at anything else. When a person wants gaming on the run they don't look at your list. They pretty much see the GBA because there is no other viable competition. Neither does NPD. I don't see them listing all the other gadgets you did when it comes to gaming. When one wants to buy a car they don't say:

"Hey, let me see what airplanes, wheelchairs or ships are on the market too!"


Lisa Lashes said:
I'm sorry but when one says "viable" competition for the GCN we look at the Xbox and PS2. We don't look at anything else. When a person wants gaming on the run they don't look at your list. They pretty much see the GBA because there is no other viable competition. Neither does NPD. I don't see them listing all the other gadgets you did when it comes to gaming. When one wants to buy a car they don't say:

"Hey, let me see what airplanes, wheelchairs or ships are on the market too!"

While your attempt here is cute, you gotta admit, there is only so much room in your pocket. A GBA and a MP3 player is a much more reasonable argument than the asinine comments you've come up with.
Charts and numbers be damned, I know I definitely had to choose between a GBA or iPod in my pocket. And I don't have an iPod. Guess who didn't get a sale because of the GBA? I know I can't be the only person who has done this.


*looks at all of his pants*

One pocket, two pockets.

*looks at half of his pants*

Three pockets, for pockets, five pockets.


But if somebody is in the market for transportation, they may consider public transportation, bikes, scooters, cars, trucks, limos, ect. If the destination is far enough, somebody will probably consider buying a plane vs driving (I know our CEO did).

It's not as if the Xbox and PS2 make fries and the GCN cleans your house. Not only are they all in the entertainment market, they all fit withing the smaller videogame market.


Lisa Lashes said:
I'm sorry but when one says "viable" competition for the GCN we look at the Xbox and PS2. We don't look at anything else. When a person wants gaming on the run they don't look at your list. They pretty much see the GBA because there is no other viable competition. Neither does NPD. I don't see them listing all the other gadgets you did when it comes to gaming. When one wants to buy a car they don't say:

"Hey, let me see what airplanes, wheelchairs or ships are on the market too!"
There's some definite crossover between consoles and other forms of home entertainment (PC, DVD, etc) and to an extent all entertainment competes for time/money. The home merket is even larger than the mobile market though, there's really isn't a device that's as comparably successfull as GBA there (though in terms of real numbers PS2's kept pace with GBA).

Mobile entertianment seems to be much more casual and disposable as well. Ignoring the fact that GBA's managed this astounding level of success in face of that seems misleading. You're essentially attributing GBA success to a lack of competition but at the same ignoring the highly competitive markets that *are* fighting with GameBoy. Stop thinking so small, we're past the Victorian era.

The word *viable* is also too subjective a term to use as your own personal disqualifier. Personally, I'd hardly consider DC/GC/XBox as *viable* competition for PS2 when they can't even manage a quarter of it's sales... hopefully PS3 has some *viable* competition to force Sony to drop prices, develop more potent hardware and ensure they don't simply luck their way to number one again. ;)


akascream said:
It's not as if the Xbox and PS2 make fries and the GCN cleans your house. Not only are they all in the entertainment market, they all fit withing the smaller videogame market.


jarrod said:
hopefully PS3 has some *viable* competition to force Sony to drop prices, develop more potent hardware and ensure they don't simply luck their way to number one again. ;)

This could very well be said for Nintendo and the GBA too.


jarrod said:
Try again. Just because you're too narrowminded to recognize competitive markets doesn't mean we're all in the same boat.

Umm, yeah. I'll lump electronic gadgets into the videogame world and ships, planes, wheelchairs and dump trucks into the equation too when looking for a car. Talk about the Victorian period.

I won't buy a discman or vibrator because that GBA caught my eye.

Nice logic.


If you can fit a vibrator, discman and gba into your, erm.. budget, then they wouldn't be competing with each other.. but sometimes people are limited by thier resources. Sometimes you have to choose between a dildo and a gba!


It's shows you how truly underpowered the GBA really is when people have to say:

"Wow. That's impressive for the GBA!"

Nah...It shows how there are developers who can push nice graphics with effort.


Lisa Lashes said:
Well I've seen GCN selling for cheaper than the GBA SP in many stores here. So, how can an underpowered unit like the GBA SP be similarly priced to something like say the GCN? What factors allow for such a price similarity?

Prices aren't solely based on how powerful a unit is. The main reason you're finding GCN's cheaper than GBA's is because the GCN isn't selling as well, while SP's still sell rather well, so the markup is larger (is there even a markup on 'Cubes, or is Nintendo losing money on them?).

Also, you said the GBA is underpowered, but underpowered relative to what? It's a 2D system, and this game does a good job of a 3D title, which just shows the devs have really pushed it. You can take *any* title and say the GBA is underpowered to current systems...


The Amiga Brotherhood
I always thought Monkey Ball Jr. was a very impressive bit of 3D for a GBA game. Played well enough as well, considering you only had digital control.

Although I got completely stuck on one of the Advanced levels, grrr!
Lisa Lashes said:
Well I've seen GCN selling for cheaper than the GBA SP in many stores here. So, how can an underpowered unit like the GBA SP be similarly priced to something like say the GCN? What factors allow for such a price similarity?
That the GBA probably takes about 3% of the physical volume and includes a screen and speakers?


That's "decent" 3D? The draw distance is atrocious, the polygons warp and have weird clipping problems....the only impressive things (trees, background and characters) are sprites and not 3D. It's like the Build Engine except you can't see as far.

With the amount of shovelware that the system got, there may have been games that looked that awful on the PSX.....but the Asterix game doesn't look like most of the 3D on the PSX. I would say it is somewhere in between "shitty GBA 3D" and "shitty Ngage 3D".
Actually, beyond the graphics the game looks fun. Did you see those water effects in the distance? Nice. And it appeared to have very response, or at least quick, controls. I may import. I love platformers and this is something I would've bought on the PSone.


ypo said:
Well, it is impressive for a 15-year old tech.
I don't remember anything this impressive on TG16 or Genesis? Hell, even arcade boards like System-16, NeoGeo MVS or CPS weren't doing 3D like this...


it makes me laugh when I see people saying GBA tech is 10-15 years old..which it is clearly not. The ARM7 chip isn't that old, and your forgetting that its a 32-bit risc cpu.
evilromero said:
Actually, beyond the graphics the game looks fun. Did you see those water effects in the distance? Nice. And it appeared to have very response, or at least quick, controls. I may import. I love platformers and this is something I would've bought on the PSone.
Trust me, it isn't fun.


border said:
Probably closer to Doom-era technology.....so it's like 1993, 1994.... ;)
Well PSP is closest to Dreamcast technology going off the software demonstrations... so is PSP really old 1998 technology? ;)


Well, there are two questions we should made to ourselves :

1. Was GBA the max tech available when it was released (for a HANDHELD device)?

2. Was the wise solution due to price/battery constraints ?

These are two very different questions that I am sure everyone of us can answer without problems. So stop bitching about GBA !!!


ourumov said:
Well, there are two questions we should made to ourselves :

1. Was GBA the max tech available when it was released (for a HANDHELD device)?

2. Was the wise solution due to price/battery constraints ?

1. Nope.

2. Somewhat.


"Well PSP is closest to Dreamcast technology going off the software demonstrations... so is PSP really old 1998 technology?"

Well that's still better than PSone technology. wink wink.


jarrod said:
Well PSP is closest to Dreamcast technology going off the software demonstrations... so is PSP really old 1998 technology? ;)
I'm talking more about what's going on in this game then the hardware that's running it.


ypo said:
"Well PSP is closest to Dreamcast technology going off the software demonstrations... so is PSP really old 1998 technology?"

Well that's still better than PSone technology. wink wink.
Cute but you've missed the point entirely. Comparing handhelds directly to home consoles for performance is inherentaly flawed. It'd be like criticizing PS1 in 1994 for not having Model 2 level visuals, or SNES in 1990 for being below NeoGeo/CPS... it's irrelevant as different markets are held by different restrictions.

But if you'd really like to play that tit for tat game... I don't remember touchscreen interface, microphone support, network play or dual displays being "PSone technology". :p


Tag of Excellence
bjork said:
So how are they going to do GTA on GBA
They already have, the game is called Payback and it's still in development. Looks to be a VERY competant GTA clone with some very decent 3D graphics (albeit sluggish framerate).
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