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Holy crap!! Decent 3D on GBA?


The ghost of Dreamcast past
That NiGHTS idea for the DS would work with the concept of the game really well. NiGHTS gameplay is very synesthetic in nature where the flight path across the sky was already highlighted by the trail of stars left behind and was intertwined with the combat system (paralooping). Essentially giving the user the ability to draw those paths/trails and attacks would make for a complementary experience very much in the spirit of the game.

That's how NiGHTS was meant to be updated in truth, not just with the tiresome pursuit of better and better graphics. The actual pseudo-sequel to NiGHTS that Sonic Team had in development for Saturn, AeroNiGHTS, expanded upon the game with similar aspirations for a new, creative contol solution, adding a tilt sensor in the controller to enable full 3D flight (flying in and out toward the screen).


well, the DS stylus is an analog control device. Definetly not the same thing as an analog stick though.

Agent X

jarrod said:
But if you'd really like to play that tit for tat game... I don't remember touchscreen interface, microphone support, network play or dual displays being "PSone technology". :p

It certainly was possible to network PlayStation systems together. I know this because I have the official Sony PlayStation link cable, which I bought in 1996 and used on exactly one occasion (to play head-to-head Doom and Descent).

If you want to get literal, though, the link cable port was omitted from the smaller "PSone" systems. So, in that regard, your statement would remain correct. ;)
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