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Holy crap, the PStwo is small


Picked one up from TRU today. They got 4 in. BB says they get theirs on the 24th. All EBs and Gamestops sold out or didn't even get enough for presales.

Tiny is an understatement. It's so compact and cute. My old one is going in the front room on the 36in. Now I can finally play my gun games again without moving the system.


Miburou said:
So that C&VG article about current mem cards not fitting in the PStwo was bullshit, right?
i can't believe they were actually stupid enough to print that. it completely defies all logic.


Pedigree Chum said:
Extreme form of putrid BS, fuck C&VG, last time I read one of their articles.


The article has now changed and they have the following in their comments thread:

"Just to clarify: we've double checked with Sony and you WILL be able to use your current memory cards with the new PS2. The only piece of kit you may need to replace is your Multitap because the redesign has positioned the memory car and controller ports closer together.

Apologies for any confusion.

Graeme Boyd, CVG.com"


Nintendo Ate My Children said:
Minor question: Is there a cool blue LED light like on the old PS2s? Or any light at all?

There's a red/green power LED, but not a sexy blue one. I know, I'm as torn up as you about it.



lol, I just couldn't help myself when I saw this thing, it's just so tiny :D . I had to make an animation of it, lol, although it took long to get registered

I can't stop viewing those pics. I'm going to buy one. I recently sold my PS2 collection because I needed the money AND because I thought I was getting tired of gaming. But the PStwo is about the size of a dvd case. That's INSTABUY to me. awesome.
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