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Holy Macaroni, has anyone played Soldiers:Heroes of WWII?

This game fucking rocks.

If you have any manhood at all, you will buy this game. All the destructive impuslives you have ever had can be fufilled (more or less). Soldiers is basically a real time strategy game that seems light on the micro management and heavy on the destruction. It sort of reminds me of Commandos, but on steroids. Here are some pictures from the demo.


Notice the wheels on fire. A German motorcycle with passenger thingy came speeding towards me. Ka-Blam! One of the best things about Soldiers is the details. The explosions are just tremendous, you'll see all sorts of things go flying. In this case its motorcycle wheels, in other cases it can be body parts. I get the same feeling of glee from this game as I did when I played Warcraft (at least I think it was WC) way back when and threw a grenade into a pile of guys. Nasty business.


It isn't all tank warfare as this picture shows. See all the dead bodies? What's really cool about Soldiers is that you can make your soldiers go loot the German bodies for all sorts of equipment. You also have to check ammo crates for all sorts of cool stuff like Moltov coctails, tank fuel (preciousssss), and heavy machine guns. You can also make your guys go out and man artillery. Bad ass macho shit all around.

Basically everything in the game is destructable. You can run your tank through walls and certain buildings, run over everything, leave craters everywhere, set things on fire (lots of stuff you can do with fire...disable tanks if you hit a cocktail right, set a field on fire for cover...)...ecd.

The level of detail in this game is some of the best I've ever seen in this type of game. All the soliders running and screaming ("Here we come Hitler!!!"), taking out their guns, grenades, and whatnot...its like playing with your childhood GI Joes in some kick ass war game. Then there's all the little background details like tree's swaying in the wind, chickens running around at the farm, and tons of particles flying.

All this pretty stuff comes at a cost. I'd say this is a tough game to run, but not impossible. I've got a 1.7 GHz, Radeon 9800 pro, 640 MB Ram and The game runs around 15-30 fps for me. Its not nearly as bad it sounds though. The action isn't choppy as it is slow. Its definitely good though, even with the low frames.

This game is a winner. If you enjoy any game where you can blow shit up, this is for you. I'll be buying the final version tonight, more impressions later.

The Demo is here-



Thanks Ill check it out, I love these types of games but this one musta slipped past my radar. It sounds awesome
They just released a patch that is really supposed to help performance. So, when I get the game I'll check it out. Going off now...

j00 are welcome, AeroGod.

Malakhov, yes its REALLY fucking hard. However, its not like other RTS. Its got the micromanagement, but its kind of cool and not taxing. The emphasis is on blowing shit up big time, and watching the gore and particles FLLLLYYYY!
I got the full thing, and this game officially rocks. It will definitely keep me entertained for the next couple weeks while I wait for NCAA. OK, more impressions from yours truly (with pictures!).

Basically, Soldiers: Heroes Of World War II feels like the evolution of Commandos. At least it does to me. Its a bit more fast paced, so hardcore fans of the series might not like it. But, it requires icey nerves of steel and all that stuff...this game is hard.

There are around 30 missions (with room for mods and bonus missions). You can take command of the Russians, English, Americans, and in an interesting twist...The Germans.

Each mission starts off somewhat light. You don't get full blown destructive powers, and the odds are stacked against you. In the German one you have to hide 3 Tiger tanks (which look like they can destroy anything), and then command a handful of soldiers to take a bridge held by British commandos. Its pretty cool. You set out your heavy machine gunner behind an abandoned car, get two of your machine gunners on either side of the road and use the fourth guy as backup. Bingo, you've got a little ambush for the poor bastard walking point...The commandos wrecked me pretty quickly with well coordinated attacks.


The AI seems to be really good in this game. In the American mission, you a paratrooper who has to find his crew and a gun. I crawled along the forest while I watched truck loads of Germans shoot down American troops who had just landed. This particular scene reminded me of a Band Of Brothers episode. Anyhow, back to the AI. Somehow one of the German's saw me....I tried running away, but he called for backup or something. Because they sent out a friggin search party through the forest and really hounded my paratrooper. No details are needed on what happened next. So, lets forget about that and get into the really cool stuff. Tanks.


Notice the soldiers sitting on the tank! How cool. Because the missions start out with low weapons, my tank usage has mostly come through the training mode (which is well done by the way). Tanks can break through buildings, run over trees and people, and destroy basically anything you aim at (providing you are using the correct caliber). There are a variety of tanks in the game, my favorite so far would have to be the Tiger which is just HUGE.


There seems to be a really good emphasis on stealth, at least at the start when your a pip squeak without any weapons. In this picture, I'm controling a Birtisth commando who's job it is to make the docks safe for a landing ship. He comes equiped with silenced gun. I won't go into the details of this mission, but I fucked it up and was shot repeteadly by evil Germans.

Graphically, the game is a gem. You can tell just by looking at the screens I posted. What you don't see is the animation of the individual soldiers, its fantastic. So very detailed, everything like taking out a gun, crouching and setting themself in place is done very well.

The performance is better then the demo. Its definitely noticable. I'd say I was averaging 15-25 more fps then the demo. Nice.

Sound is pretty good. Standard explosions and whatnot, birds chirping and all sorts of nature sounds to remind you of the insanity of war. Voice overs are done well. The best part of the sound would be each characters reaction to you when you tell him to do something. Each nationality has its own accent and slogan. Pretty cool stuff. My favorite line would probably be from the Germans "Alright boys, who vants a medal for bravery".

I'll probably post more screens/impressions when I start blowing shit up. But so far this is a kickass strategy game. Its complicated, but not overly so...and it has an emphasis on action. Very cool game, highly recommended.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
i played this game at E3 and it was instantly one of my most wanted games of 2004. but i felt a bit ridiculous about it so i kept my mouth shut while everybody else was going apeshit over halo 2, et al. but yes, this game, above all others in the WWII gaming canon, gave me the most saving-private-ryan-esque feeling out of any game ever. maybe it's the fact that i only had a handful of troops and i was fighting off a huge german armor column, or ... well, yeah that's it really. it's all about desperation, intense environmental realism, and a lot of real-time strategizing.

if the multiplayer can be as good as the single-player was for that one level demo i played at E3, this will definitely be one of the GOTYs for me.


I've been playing it all night. Its pretty damn awesome. I've been stuck on the German mission. I killed the British commandos, but the friggin Americans are really fortifed in this small village. There's lots of weapons to use, and lots of different tactics to take. Its definitely one of the better games I've played all year (I can see lots of replay in this one), and one of the more satisfying gaming experiences.


I was pimping this game ever since the demo came out and I got my hands on it. No one listened :(

Awesome game.

Hard as FUCK. But EXTREMELY rewarding. When you finally get through a level or area, you really feel you accomplished something.

My game backlog is pretty heavy, so I haven't purchased it yet, I'm hoping some places have it on sale or less than 30 bones, then I'll pick it up.



I just played the demo and im fucking blown away. Far and away the best tactical RTS to come along in years. Im going the full game today.

It doesnt remind as much of Commandos as it does Silent Storm, except this is much better and alot more epic in scale, naturally it moves alot faster too. Definatly not for the weak RTS players as it kicks your ass on a constant basis. You people need to check this out, its fantastic
I'm glad you like it. Yeah, it may not be like Commando's. To tell teh truth, I haven't played this type of game much and that's the first one that struck out at me relation wise.

I agree, its a possible GOTY. I'm still stuck on the first German mission where I have to take the village. Its abitch. They have snipers in all the buildings (Who before they shoot, break the glass with their guns), a heavy machine gun on a truck, two artilery guns, and a bunch of soldiers.

Its fucking tough, but I'm loving every minute of it. I thought this was just tank wars, but its so much more.
The game just got much easier now that I learned about direct control. Still hard as fuck though. The AI is great. One of my guys got to close to the enemy base and they just kept firing everything at him. As he was running through the fields, artillery shells kept going off...just as he got close to safety BOOM! direct hit, his body is lunch meat. After that, they sent out guys to sweep the area...it was awesome. They check the bushes and all these nooks and crannies till they found my Captain. Had a really cool fire fight, where I had him lie down and shoot from underneath an abandoned truck. The cool thing was when one of the bullets hit the trucks tire and it deflated!

Here, cool pics from people with the game. And there are mods out already!

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