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Holy...PISS!! "The Loss of Sexual Innocence"

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WTF. So this movie comes on HBO as I'm surfing and messing with my new monitor. From the occassional sideways glance (my TV is at a near perpendicular angle with my monitor, not far from my desk) the movie appears to be typical arthouse schlock with not much dialog to speak of.

Interlaced with what appear to be more modern accounts of sexuality are "flashbacks" to two nude Adam & Eve figures. Each of them rises from a pond (presumably fresh from creation) and later encounter one another throughout the small snippets peppered throughout the film.

Well at one point, the two of them return to the pond in pursuit of a fish. After grabbing and examining the fish, Adam abruptly begins PEEING IN THE FREAKING POND. As the disbelief hits me, the camera flashes over to Eve, who, apparently in response, STARTS PEEING IN THE POND TOO!! This prompts them to notice their differences, and after Adam touches Eves breasts, Eve proceded to prod at his dangling crank.

So the damn point of the thread is: You can actually URINATE in an R-rated film with no consequence? And this can be aired on HBO? Or is it only allowed because of the primitive trappings of the characters (kind of like Aboriginal titties on Discovery Channel etc)?? I figured onscreen urination/defacation would be up there with erect penises and vaginal penetration as far as "beyond R" rating material would go.

Regardless, who the fuck would sign up a for a role that involved urination? Most actors see "full frontal nudity" and pass on the role. Apparently "reciprocal pissing in a pond that you and another actor will be standing in" wasn't enough to scare off these thespians. Might have been worth it if the film wasn't shite..


wtf, I wish I had HBO this sounds intriguing...

is this supposed to be a Christian movie (ala The Passion or Saved), or a mocking thing or what?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
HBO has some interesting adult entertainment sometimes. And don't even get me started on Showtime, once the sun sets things just get crazy on that channel. Urinating for the camera, well most of those actors are desperate for jobs so I dont think they care.


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Did it actually show their specific pieces as the urine comes out? If not, I don't know what the big deal is. Shit, I've seen urine on Chappelle's Show more than once and it's only on basic cable.
Well there are Chrisitan overtones but it's basically just some arthouse flick about sex. Very heavy handed with loads of pregnant pauses and leering eroticism. Pretty fucking corny basically, and I'll watch almost anything with boner-inducing potential. Not only was my wang flacid while watching this film, my brain went limp also.

EDIT: And yes, you saw the full meal deal as they drained it. I honestly can't remember ever seeing a standing woman urinate before, much less directly observe urine spurting from her urethra. Of course I see a man urinate every time I go to the bathroom, so maybe that wasn't quite as shocking, but I just couldn't belive that stuff made it on TV. Hell "True Romance" was on another HBO at the same time, and it had Chrisitian Slater pissing while talking to Elvis, complete with urine stream and all. But you didn't see his crank, much less actually watch the piss flow out. Anyway I'm done talking in detail about people relieving themselves.
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