When you have politicians using tactics out of 24 to justify kidnapping innocent people and torturing them for years, then yeah we should be concerned when TV shows show things like Hezbollah and Al Qaeda working together during a time when there is talk about whether the US should invade Iran or not.
There are plenty of people who believe shit like this is accurate.
I would argue that's more the fault of the politicians dumb enough to get their political views from fictional television shows and the people that follow them than the people that make this schlock. People need to take the initiative of being more self-critical of how their political views are informed. 24 was a hilarious unintentional satire of the over-the-top nightmare world that Fox News wants you to believe in, if someone chooses to read it as reality then that's more a damnation of them than the show itself. If the Supreme Court is using fiction as a basis for its arguments legalizing torture, then it just goes to show how problematic our nation's ability to comprehend the difference between reality and fiction is. There's plenty of bad fiction in the world, and its easy enough to accept that perhaps an American made spy show for an American audience won't have the most accurate portrayals on the Middle East.
I dunno, I read this story and go "eh." Like no shit it got on air, it's an American made spy show for an American audience that knows jack shit about Arabic language or culture. Homeland's certainly got its issues and gets a lot wrong, but it's hardly "hoo-rah America we're the #1 best of all time" like 24 was. You're always going to have a market for entertainment playing off the foreign conflicts America gets itself involved in - it's a symptom of a larger problem that is a hell of a lot harder to untangle and deal with.