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Homeland - Season 6 - Sundays on Showtime

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I can't believe people a few pages back were wishing they killed Quinn off. He has been the best part of this season. I also loved the part with Max at the alt-right media compound. Season definitely started slow but it was to set the stage for what we are getting now.

Caja 117

I had the same reaction when not-Alex Jones showed up in the lobby...

This is probably to take out Dar as the mastermind behind the bombing, we already learned he didn't sent Astrid and Quinn to get killed, it will be easier to just say the alt -right actually made the Attack on NY.


One thing that always annoys me about these things is when a super secret agenty type will pop up, try 4 times to fire before realising nothing has happened and just stay there exposed. grrr

I can't believe people a few pages back were wishing they killed Quinn off. He has been the best part of this season. I also loved the part with Max at the alt-right media compound. Season definitely started slow but it was to set the stage for what we are getting now.

Always been the same with Homeland from what I recall on here. I always just try and sit back and let the story unfold as everything seems to have its place.
The sockpuppet warehouse produced CSI: Cyber levels of cringe in me. The Dar angle is so wacky and unmotivated that it's tough to keep caring. (I guess I hope he gets killed just so it will stop.) It's impossible for me to feel for Carrie about her daughter being taken away, given that Carrie is the world's worst parent. Saul's hilarious bungling of the Javadi situation, followed by it being immediately fixed by the convenient recordings, made me roll my eyes. Quinn's impaired-action hero storyline is entertaining, but that may have more to do with the actor than the writing.

The one super high point: Carrie and Saul sitting on a bench and criticizing each other for fucking traitors/spies. I like to think that was the writers winking at the smarks out here and going: "Don't worry, we realize what we've done... and we're sorry."

Still missing Chris Brody.


I shot people I like more for less.
That line from Dar to the driver seriously cracked me up. Solid episode. Liked the stuff with Quinn, Max, and when Carrie and Saul met up.


Confirmed: Quinn has better phone tracking technology than the CIA.
Confirmed: Max has better intelligence than the FBI.

I'm surprised Saul and Dar were able to cover up something many people knew about. You'd suppose someone would spill the beans, someone who wouldn't be easy to discredit like Carrie is..

Okay, Dar didn't order the hit but his 'partners' did (The character played by the actor who played T-Bag we saw briefly one ep?). This still doesn't make a lick of sense. So this spying dude, who was gathering evidence on Dar's orders of Carrie's arrangement with Keane, they stumble onto this kid Carrie was representing and what? Decide to do a bombing and frame him? Were already planning to do a bombing and get handed a prime suspect by luck?

And what, they are worried this mess of a man named Quinn would unravel it all? They are worried anyone would listen to this wack-job? Worried anyone will take this 'hostage taker' seriously? What the hell? Quinn was isolated talking to walls, when Dar and Co. choose to smuggle him out and actually enable Quinn becoming any kind of threat by being free!

And what, the other partners were fine with Dar getting him out but few days after they want to kill Quinn? Why not inject him with something at the ward and be done with him right there and then?

Heck, why was Astrid part of the smuggling team? (which also included the neighbor guy right?) So Astrid knew the guy who killed her\they were working together?

Then we have the FBI who are completely clueless and can't even pull up Conlin's car's GPS records to start investigating the complex he visited. And ofc Carrie is keeping her and Max's lead to herself! This is pathetic. Homeland's obsession with 'one woman\man against the world' is pathetic. Always alone. Authorities always out of the loop. Asinine reasons to keep info away from authorities. Limitless incompetence and just nothingness by authorities to keep beating the 'one against all' drum. They might as well not exist.

This is how you get a shell of a man with zero resources having better tracking tech than the fucking CIA. This is how you get one computer person doing what the entire FBI seemingly can't.
Confirmed: Quinn has better phone tracking technology than the CIA.
Confirmed: Max has better intelligence than the FBI.

Lol, the first part was something I brought up when the episode finished. But I forgave it because Quinn is just THAT dude. Nobody fucks with him (well.... Besides what happened last season, lol).

But yeah.... The "Intelligence" Community doesn't. Seem. So. Intelligent right now, lmao. They all seem more hellbent on backstabbing each other or hiding their motives from each other.
And what, they are worried this mess of a man named Quinn would unravel it all? They are worried anyone would listen to this wack-job? Worried anyone will take this 'hostage taker' seriously? What the hell? Quinn was isolated talking to walls, when Dar and Co. choose to smuggle him out and actually enable Quinn becoming any kind of threat by being free!

I think Dar just had Quinn plucked out because he has a soft spot for him. Who knows if Dar even got the go-ahead to do it.

This is how you get a shell of a man with zero resources having better tracking tech than the fucking CIA.

That's the same gadget Quinn used to find out where Carrie was in Season 5. You have to know whether the call is originating from, and be located nearby to intercept the call. Not really comparable to the CIA's tracking efforts.

Then we have the FBI who are completely clueless and can't even pull up Conlin's car's GPS records to start investigating the complex he visited. And ofc Carrie is keeping her and Max's lead to herself! This is pathetic. Homeland's obsession with 'one woman\man against the world' is pathetic. Always alone. Authorities always out of the loop. Asinine reasons to keep info away from authorities. Limitless incompetence and just nothingness by authorities to keep beating the 'one against all' drum. They might as well not exist.

Cmon dude. This is just going out of your way to criticize. Who knows what the FBI are doing, they are not characters on the show. The people who are actually characters on the TV show are who we see doing stuff. That''s... any TV show.


I just binged all of Homeland in the last three weeks. The themes in this show are insane. I fucking love how delicately interwoven the arcs from previous seasons have been in this newest one. Everything's so damn relevant.


I think Dar just had Quinn plucked out because he has a soft spot for him. Who knows if Dar even got the go-ahead to do it.
Perhaps, but there's no sense of Dar trying to hide Quinn away. The assassin sent after Astrid and Peter was the one who smuggled out Quinn.

Immortal Technique said:
That's the same gadget Quinn used to find out where Carrie was in Season 5. You have to know whether the call is originating from, and be located nearby to intercept the call. Not really comparable to the CIA's tracking efforts.
Was it? Don't remember. I'll accept the point but that seems like a weird thing for the show to adhere to. Authenticity was almost never a concern, and it doesn't change how uselessly the CIA is being depicted.

Immortal Technique said:
Cmon dude. This is just going out of your way to criticize. Who knows what the FBI are doing, they are not characters on the show. The people who are actually characters on the TV show are who we see doing stuff. That''s... any TV show.
Of course it's about the FBI and the CIA. It's a show about terrorist attacks and conspiracies on national level, where the national authorities are depicted as clueless incompetent stupid people. Them not being in the picture at all is probably the main criticism against Homeland for years: Everything is about Carrie. She's the only person capable of uncovering things. Only Carrie possesses that special magic that makes her break the case. It's egocentric beyond belief and with no limits. Carrie is the plot-magnet while entire agencies can't do shit but shut her out at every turn.

It always has to be about Carrie and she always has to tough it out pretty much alone and in order to maintain this 'theme' they have to piss on authorities and write nonsense.

If Homeland was written with any shred of credibility then you wouldn't have to worry about Carrie or Max. Because Max wouldn't be going investigating alone. It would be the entire fucking FBI on the case because you know why? Because they checked the dead agent's GPS record and saw where he last visited. Because the dead agent in the first place wouldn't go investigate the place alone and would have informed someone on this lead. Because when Max encourages Carrie to talk with the authorities about seeing the guy who killed the agent, she wouldn't comeup with crap excuses like 'they won't believe me'. Really? The person that was right in the face of anyone else in S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5.- that's the person the FBI is going to tell 'Nah, this is far fetched,go away'.

Because when Carrie shares with the Solicitor General the pictures Quinn took, then an APB would immediately go out for that car instead of being met with no implicit or explicit action by the FBI.

Heck, nothing of that would have happened, because no one would over react and send the guy to kill a FBI agent just for snooping around the once.

But all of these things do happen. Because Homeland is obsessed with this notion that everything comes down to Carrie. She's right and everybody else wrong. She's the only one who can pull it off and all the resources in the FBI and CIA can't. Which by definition means you're going to fuck up the writing of everything else so it can fit this mold.

The consultant one site had reviewing last season got it right calling Homeland 'Hollywood' again and again.It is so painfully so.

When you think about it, it's quite ironic how 'Homeland' was called out not being able to let go of Brody and his story-line. If these last 2 seasons show us something, it's Carrie that the writers can't let go of. She has to be the center of it all even when she's long gone of the agency. Of course she's consulting the president-elect. Of course Dar is spying on her. Of course, it is her client framed for the bombing. Of course Dar is taking Franny away from her. Of course dear friend Quinn is embroiled in all of this. This isn't the main character being the main character. It's bending backwards to force a certain narrative template that probably shouldn't be attempted.

How can Danes\Mathison remain the main actress\character in Homeland is she's just a civilian? Can't possibly make a show about Carrie living her life and raising Franny.




Season lost me for a few episodes in the middle but it's back on track now and a definite improvement over season 5. Laughed pretty hard at Quinn reaching out to catch the imaginary beer though. Also, Saul is able to bypass Max's security measures in like ten seconds with little to no effort? And the super secret black ops safehouse hasn't updated its security system or even changed the passcode in like a decade?


Tonight's episode was LIT

They might just save this season at this rate, quality has skyrocketed over the last two.

All of the fake news stuff is so timely and perfect, and the Quinn + Carrie + Saul power team is back in action for the first time in like 3 fucking years.


What physical impairment does Quinn suffer from? He has a limp and some kind of brain damage, right? Did they ever specify what he's suffering from?


Why does he wear the mask!?
Great episode. Fantastic acting from the lady who plays Elizabeth Kean too

What physical impairment does Quinn suffer from? He has a limp and some kind of brain damage, right? Did they ever specify what he's suffering from?

No, just brain damage


Sailor Stevenson
This season has been killer.

I like how Quinn's mental health has been such a huge part, feels So right for this series and the perfect way of utilizing him.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I just realized we're at Episode 10 and the season is still pretty good. I was bracing for a full collapse like previous years but it's holding strong.
This season has been killer.

I like how Quinn's mental health has been such a huge part, feels So right for this series and the perfect way of utilizing him.

I love it too. Quinn is so much more interesting now. It's awesome to see all the training and instincts still there in the character as well.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I don't understand why Carrie didn't just come out and tell the President Elect that Dar had her daughter?

I might have missed something, but I don't think she's aware he was behind it.

What physical impairment does Quinn suffer from? He has a limp and some kind of brain damage, right? Did they ever specify what he's suffering from?

It was implied that he had a massive stroke from the hemorrhage he suffered when Carrie had him woken up.


this season is legit good and engaging. So happy this show is hitting its stride again. When Saul went into carries "brainstorming" room I had chills. Thats the Carrie I love! I´m glad they reminded us she is fucking brilliant. I just wish there would be a bit more motivation behind her actions this season. She´s been distracted.


Seasons 7 and 8 have already been confirmed, I just found out. Considering the success of season 6 to achieve such relevancy to current events, along with how gracefully they tied together characters from previous seasons, I am beyond excited. I'll have to avoid the show until it's fully aired, though. Waiting a week is torture.

Last episode could just be the wrap up. Next week may be when everything happens.

Ah, good point! I still feel like there's too much to conclude in just one more episode, and we'll see the conclusion and denouement in two weeks.


oh my Dar is the shit, truly the most excellent of villains he is really not fucking around.

Oh and the reveal of Carrie board, now that's how I like her just making sense out of chaos

All pieces are falling into place to a great finale


Hunky Nostradamus
I might have missed something, but I don't think she's aware he was behind it.

I'm pretty sure she knew...

I think she's afraid that Dar could do anything. I mean Dar set off a bomb in NYC. And Carrie will not do anything to jeopardize her daughters safty.

But like what harm would there have been in telling the President Elect? They were alone and she knew the PE was on her side.
Why couldn't the whole season be this good.

Dar adal?, that's dar adal? I thought that line was so cool in the early season, think it was the first or second.
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