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Homeland - Season 6 - Sundays on Showtime

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I always thought of Dar as someone who was shady as fuck but always a patriot. Even if sacrificing one life lead to saving others I don't think he'd be down for that but this season has a lot of intrigue...makes me think he is behind it all.

I still enjoy Quinn. I'm glad that even when he's crippled he's a badass. I would watch this show if it's just him going rogue and everyone else trying to keep up.


Quite enjoying this now after the weak start. Last two episodes were really good. Totally knew that person was going to get it though.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Should have done a soft reboot with this season. Quinn dies at the end of the last. Carrie takes a break. Saul and Dar fired from the CIA after the farce in Berlin. New team, new blood. Homegrown terrorism plot. Dana Brody fresh out of the FBI academy (not sure how old she's supposed to be now..). Heck, they could have made it about a deal to get Brody's body back in favor of releasing this or that guy and how it plays in a grander terrorism plot.



What, it only makes sense if the season involves bringing Brody's body back..And that's how you get Carrie into the picture again, instead of being a terror-plot magnet. Also Max, the unsung character of the show.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I'm an episode behind but when Quinn grabs that news reporter by the throat and then shoots the guy throwing rocks 😂😂


S5 was alright but Quinn stumbled into the big terrorist plot in the most random way. I can't believe someone wrote that


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
S5 was alright but Quinn stumbled into the big terrorist plot in the most random way. I can't believe someone wrote that

Quinn found the instigators of the bomb plot because they were doing surveillance on the house he's living in.


Quinn found the instigators of the bomb plot because they were doing surveillance on the house he's living in.

he wanted to kill himself, a random dude who turns out to be a doctor finds him and bring him to his appartment where he accidently overhears a conversation of terrorists planning a bomb attack that happen to live in the same building. Am I misremembering something?


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
he wanted to kill himself, a random dude who turns out to be a doctor finds him and bring him to his appartment where he accidently overhears a conversation of terrorists planning a bomb attack that happen to live in the same building. Am I misremembering something?

Aaah, the S5 plot.
No, that was a coincidence-based shitshow.


I binged watch the first five or six episodes last night (therapy for a wicked head cold). It's funny reading the replies, here, as the season is revealed. I feel like this happens every season. Silly moments that look dumb as they happen become extremely relevant once the true plot is revealed mid season.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Lol, it looked like Carrie was thinking "Damn, Franny stay snitchin'" during that court proceeding.

I knew someone had to be pushing child services into taking Franny. Things were moving way too quick for it just to be happening naturally.

Dar has his fingers in everything
I remember when people lost their shit when Haqqani totally got away with everything he did. The reaction would be amazing if Dar Adal gets away scot free. But I don't think he will. He crossed the line going after Carrie's kid, man :(
I remember when people lost their shit when Haqqani totally got away with everything he did. The reaction would be amazing if Dar Adal gets away scot free. But I don't think he will. He crossed the line going after Carrie's kid, man :(

I have a feeling he is going to get away with it because the writers love to give shit endings like Brody's failure to detonate or the one you mention. But they are setting him up to be a pretty despicable person with the implied sexual relationship with young Quinn.

edit: Actually, I would love to see Dar's plan succeed and the president elect gets indoctrinated and goes full on Trump to reflect the current political climate. That would be awesome but they'll never do that. He'll probably blow up in a car or something stupid.


Subete no aware

They found a reason to have Carrie do her crazy face again. I hope she goes crazy and just nukes everyone and everything.


Man as much as I try to dislike Carrie for all the dumb shit she pulls during the average season of Homeland, they got me in the anti Dar corner now. Carrie was finally looking pretty stable and Dar exactly knows the effect of this whole Franny ordeal on Carrie's state of mind. Now I feel sorry for her. Can someone take out Dar already
I have a feeling he is going to get away with it because the writers love to give shit endings like Brody's failure to detonate or the one you mention.

Well, those are two different kinds of endings. With Brody it was, they just didn't want to end Brody's storyline yet, so that was a way to keep him on the show. WIth Haqqani, that was simply the bad guys winning. Nothing inherently wrong with the latter, and in a show like this, it probably needs to happen sometimes.


"My client was a Terrorist and I freed him, no biggie or anything, need to organize a babysitter first"

WTF was with her reaction to the phone call.
Irresponsible parenting justice! The best type of justice!

Love this episode - Carrie got what she deserved.
Irresponsible parenting justice! The best type of justice!

Love this episode - Carrie got what she deserved.
Exactly. She's been a shit parent since Franny was conceived - I'm surprised it's taken this long for the state to step in.


Dar Adal and Quinn revelation felt like an unforced error.

It's been a slow burn to turn Dar into the full out evil mastermind, but I suppose it was about time. Carrie has been a shit parent, so the CPS detour is not completely unjustified.


I told ya that slimy fuck was in deep in this, never trust Dar Adal

I can see the plot now, Iran is aquiring nukes with the help of Dar and his friends(they don't know is Dar and friends), and promoting war footing in the US against Iran. In the middle of this is the Mossad who is allying with Dar.
Episode high points:

- Dar now performing evil for evil's sake.

- Astrid drops all her other life commitments to become Quinn's steward at Dar's request. (What the fuck?)

- Dar casually revealed as sexually interested in Quinn.

- Franny revealed as conspiring against her mother.

- Carrie, apparently obsessed with the child she never talks about, finally gets her chance to go bananas.

- Child services agent also strongly committed to evil.

- Majid Javadi rescued by unknown superhero (who is then promptly executed by Javadi in cold blood).

- Carrie's high-powered lawyer buddy phones it in and lets Carrie go loco in front of a judge.

- No one too worried that fed dude got offed last episode.

9/10. Core Homeland.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I honestly felt like they've hinted at Dar/Quinn before so I wasn't particularly surprised by it. I always got the sense there was something more to it.

Good episode, but I think the part with Dar on the phone at the end was a bit much. The audience could have put 2 and 2 together. We didn't need to see it.


I shot people I like more for less.
Way too obvious that Dar was behind the child services deal. Mainly because he's seemingly behind every other thing this season too lol
I hope their intentions aren't to make Dar Adal be the big bad for the entire show cuz idk if I can take another two seasons of bad things happening followed by countless reveals that Dar Adal was behind it the whole time.
I hope their intentions aren't to make Dar Adal be the big bad for the entire show cuz idk if I can take another two seasons of bad things happening followed by countless reveals that Dar Adal was behind it the whole time.

I felt like season 5 was so disappointing because they detoured from the mind fuck season 4 end. This feels like where the show was supposed to go


Garbage. Which means we are nearing peak-Homeland levels.

Dar is doing his own thing with Quinn and asks Astrid for help. Astrid. The German woman who works for the Germain Intelligence agency. Who is totally up for it. Who her bosses are totally fine she's going to help the head of the CIA in something that is of no consequences for them. WHAT IN THE WORLD.

AGAIN, It's Carrie all by herself. I fucking hate this trope. 'This FBI dude got whacked but i won't tell anybody because who knows how deep it goes, TRUST NO ONE'. Such lazy and trash writing to stonewall progression and again make it Carrie against the world. May i remind you Carrie has the President-elect's ear?

I fail to see Dar's end-game here. So the stalking guy works for him? Why keep tabs on Carrie/Quinn since the start? Is Dar behind the bombing in order to manipulate the president-elect to change her policy and funnel more money to the CIA and take Dar's stance? And pinning it on Carrie's client is what? Bonus of souring the relationship between Carrie and the next president? For the latter to stop getting advice from Carrie? And the Franny angle? Did he bank on a Carrie meltdown that would embarrass her in the president's eyes? What the heck is this.

Oh, the good old 'establish sexual misconduct' to make the viewer dislike the blossoming villain.

Deku Tree

I think all of Dar's motivations are red herrings. I think there is gonna be a big twist with whatever Dar is doing. He's probably not gonna be the good guy but what exactly he is up is not exactly what the show is leading you to believe right now. It's always more complicated.

Carrie knows that she doesn't have proof of anything, and that she can't go to the authorities because when she did a high level FBI agent got killed.

I didn't like the filler episode whose whole purpose was to get rid of her kid. Next
Carrie and Saul will team up again.

Then things will happen, and hopefully the bad people get caught. Hopefully it is fun to watch along the way.
They're making it way too obvious that everything is being set up by Dar. We all know that won't be true later in the season where everything is revealed.

As much of a badass Quinn is, I can't watch him struggle anymore. The dude just wants to be left alone drunk and high as fuck. He knows there isn't much for him anymore. Just let him have some fun until he dies. Regardless of that, I want to see where this goes and I hope he becomes this badass crippled assassin. It does suck that Dar knows how dangerous Quinn is and it seems like Dar wants to keep Quinn to himself for that reason and others.


Oh for fuck's sake, Quinn.

Also, trying not to be baited into Dar being this big bad this season...but it's getting harder by the episode.
Oh for fuck's sake, Quinn.

Also, trying not to be baited into Dar being this big bad this season...but it's getting harder by the episode.

I like the idea since he represents everything bad about our intelligence apparatus, but I don't know where they go after this and I think I would stop watching if he gets away with it
Ugh, tonights episode felt like a punch in the gut....

Lol, I feel the same.

Dar is just making the smarter plays. He's literally there before anyone else.

The Alex Jones bit, I felt bad for the guy from TWD. He really felt like not lying but then he went and did it out of pressure. He was all, "I don't really think he was running away. I just remembered him running past me......" Then Dawn of The Dead guy goes and remakes the shooting scene. No damn shame. Wow two guys from zombie fiction in a scene, lol.

Quinn, you have been correct so far. Start trusting your instincts more. It just turns out that he trailed the wrong guy. He had the look down but got the wrong guy. Feelsbadman but next week looks more promising for Quinn!
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