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Homeland - Season 6 - Sundays on Showtime

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Deku Tree

I really hope this season gets resolved. I am starting to feel like it's going to be another season 1 where things just get worse and worse every episode to set up a full next season of Dar vs. Carrie and Saul. That would be the worst. Gives me bad memories of Carrie's version of the Season 1 ending.


Subete no aware
I really hope this season gets resolved. I am starting to feel like it's going to be another season 1 where things just get worse and worse every episode to set up a full next season of Dar vs. Carrie and Saul. That would be the worst. Gives me bad memories of Carrie's version of the Season 1 ending.
Season ends with another round of electroshock therapy~


I've always tried to defend this show but this season has been fucking trash, the worst yet, and that's saying something because last season had huge problems too. The writers have been floundering ever since S4 ended, they just don't know what to do with anyone besides Saul and can't write Carrie or Dar consistently to save their lives. With Quinn, they're doing the exact same thing they did in S5, only now he's disabled. Essentially torturing him physically and emotionally while he drives the plot with discoveries or by being kidnapped. Instead of exploring his mental condition and disability with any meaningful depth, they're just kind of using it as a bit of a twist to the same formula.

I also have a lot of problems with turning Dar Adal into a full blown supervillain with no conscience whatsoever. Astrid's death would have been meaningful if Dar's plan to send a proven incompetant assassin to kill both of them in that lakehouse actually made any sense. That entire situation is dumb as fuck even for a bad season of 24 or a bad James Bond movie, he manipulates them both to go and stay there for 2 weeks but then can't think of a smarter way to take them out than sending in a sniper? Jesus christ. The more I think about it, the more staggering it is to see how far the quality of writing has fallen from S1 and 2. Showtime really does drive their shows into the ground.


This season has actually surpassed most of my expectations. Way better than I thought it would be.

But how many seasons has Dar been the bad guy or close to it and not have any repercussions?


I actually think this season 6 has been pretty good so far.
The one part where Astrid was talking to Quinn and Quinn says they are friends. And then Astrid replies and says You idiot you dont get it.
Was she trying to say that they are more than just friends?
She could take out a sniper in the dark, but didn't notice her gun was unusually lite?

They have to stop using the "person doesn't realize gun is empty" trope in TV and films. The weight difference between a loaded gun vs an unloaded gun is pretty significant. I'm surprised that you rarely see people bring that point up when they see it in TV and Film, especially when the person holding the empty gun is a trained professional.


Damn it Astrid, why nobody listens to Quinn? It would be nice if he wasn't a crippled, he would fucking rambo that guy ass.

Dar is playing some high level chess there, damn he is the villain this show always deserved


Hunky Nostradamus
The one part where Astrid was talking to Quinn and Quinn says they are friends. And then Astrid replies and says You idiot you dont get it.
Was she trying to say that they are more than just friends?

She was trying to tell him that she had feelings for him.


Indeed, "you're an idiot" is a time-honored way for women to express that they have feelings for someone -- especially in tv/movies. There is probably a tv tropes page on it somewhere

The movie "Definitely, Maybe" comes to mind as another example
I still can't get over Quinn telling Astrid they are nothing more than two people who needed to fuck. Savage as fuck, Quinn.

Then the rest was history.
so much misery and bad things happening, feels like im watching the election.

I really like this season, I just need a W for the good guys eventually........
So, Saul carts Javadi into a meeting with the president elect with zero documented evidence, no contingency plan, and just blindly trusting that Javadi will stick to the script.

That goes into the same box as the VP's pacemaker getting hacked over the internet, Abu Nazir flying to DC to live in a warehouse, and... well, all of Season 3.

The show's entertaining. But holy fuck does Homeland give zero fucks about characters' actions making a lick of sense.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The final scene was tense but damn if I'm not getting flashbacks to last season. We're midway through and once again Quinn is stumbling through another plot. Him and that friendly neighborhood operator have unfinished business. Quinn's going to take him out for sure.

This show wants to be 24 so bad sometimes and I honestly expect smarter writing here.

Still liking the season overall but it's losing steam. This episode felt like things happened​ just to stretch the plot a little longer.
I've always tried to defend this show but this season has been fucking trash, the worst yet, and that's saying something because last season had huge problems too. The writers have been floundering ever since S4 ended, they just don't know what to do with anyone besides Saul and can't write Carrie or Dar consistently to save their lives. With Quinn, they're doing the exact same thing they did in S5, only now he's disabled. Essentially torturing him physically and emotionally while he drives the plot with discoveries or by being kidnapped. Instead of exploring his mental condition and disability with any meaningful depth, they're just kind of using it as a bit of a twist to the same formula.

I also have a lot of problems with turning Dar Adal into a full blown supervillain with no conscience whatsoever. Astrid's death would have been meaningful if Dar's plan to send a proven incompetant assassin to kill both of them in that lakehouse actually made any sense. That entire situation is dumb as fuck even for a bad season of 24 or a bad James Bond movie, he manipulates them both to go and stay there for 2 weeks but then can't think of a smarter way to take them out than sending in a sniper? Jesus christ. The more I think about it, the more staggering it is to see how far the quality of writing has fallen from S1 and 2. Showtime really does drive their shows into the ground.
Agree with all this. What motivated Adal to decide to kill them at that moment? He could have done it any time if they were that much of a liability. And I know they couldn't have predicted the election, but them using the political situation and alt right fake news just feels quaint at best, and at worst like opening old wounds without anything insightful to say. The writers aren't incompetent, but whatever good will they had earned in earlier seasons about this show operating at a higher level than 24 is gone.
Yeah, I agree that just sending the assassin to the cabin like that is very bizarre. Maybe Dar wasn't behind it? The entire scenario was extremely sloppy and Dar is anything but sloppy. He's been two steps ahead of everything so far so his strategy of going through all the trouble of getting Astrid involved to take care of Quinn and then deciding to get them both killed makes no sense. Why even bother? Why not just get him killed inside the asylum? What was the purpose of bringing him to the cabin first? And why involve Astrid?! I hope the next episode gives an explanation that makes sense.


They should just start a spin-off that focuses on Quinn. Make it all 24 but with a mix of spying, action, and political intrigue. I'm always most interested in Quinn's sub-adventures that take place on the main show. It otherwise sucks.


Was it hinted at that Dar and Quinn hooked up when he was being recruited lol? I couldn't tell if they were or weren't hinting at that, but the Quinn says something along the lines of Dar liking little boys so I assume so...
Was it hinted at that Dar and Quinn hooked up when he was being recruited lol? I couldn't tell if they were or weren't hinting at that, but the Quinn says something along the lines of Dar liking little boys so I assume so...

Yes, they've turned Dar from a shady but credibly patriotic spook into a creepy mustache twirling pedo villain.

I thought they were out of good ideas a while ago, but the "Dar forgot to take his sane pills" plot this year is just ... ugh.
Was it hinted at that Dar and Quinn hooked up when he was being recruited lol? I couldn't tell if they were or weren't hinting at that, but the Quinn says something along the lines of Dar liking little boys so I assume so...
LOL I thought I totally misunderstood that line and brushed it off. So out of nowhere. I just thought Dar is into guys and that was their way of just dropping that random fact there. I didn't think anything terribly malicious of it, though quinn was recruited when he was young so it is weird.
The execution may be off, but the show has clearly set up for the last 5 seasons how Dar is not a particularly good person. He is a cold calculating agent who will pretty much do anything as long as it furthers whatever goal he has in mind.

I might have to rewatch (lol no way am I rewatching parts of this show), but they've also shown that Dar and Quinn have a very bad history.


Yeah, I agree that just sending the assassin to the cabin like that is very bizarre. Maybe Dar wasn't behind it? The entire scenario was extremely sloppy and Dar is anything but sloppy. He's been two steps ahead of everything so far so his strategy of going through all the trouble of getting Astrid involved to take care of Quinn and then deciding to get them both killed makes no sense. Why even bother? Why not just get him killed inside the asylum? What was the purpose of bringing him to the cabin first? And why involve Astrid?! I hope the next episode gives an explanation that makes sense.

In Season 5 they turned Dar into a complete moron who didn't know what was going on, and now in Season 6 turned him into a pedo with no moral compass. He's back to being two steps ahead of everyone else, but the moustache twirlingly evil tier he's now at feels extremely disconnected from the more grounded and principled guy he was in S1-4.
In Season 5 they turned Dar into a complete moron who didn't know what was going on, and now in Season 6 turned him into a pedo with no moral compass. He's back to being two steps ahead of everyone else, but the moustache twirlingly evil tier he's now at feels extremely disconnected from the more grounded and principled guy he was in S1-4.

I mean we haven't gotten a real explanation yet, but from his perspective he seems to see hte new president as a threat to intelligence apparatus and national security.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
In Season 5 they turned Dar into a complete moron who didn't know what was going on, and now in Season 6 turned him into a pedo with no moral compass. He's back to being two steps ahead of everyone else, but the moustache twirlingly evil tier he's now at feels extremely disconnected from the more grounded and principled guy he was in S1-4.

There's a very similar plot in another show-about-politics-airing-right-now, albeit explained a bit better. Apparently it's a clichè for certain IC high-level figures to feel so strongly about policy (Generally the Iran deal) to commit treason against their government for a misguided sense of patriotism.

(The show is
Madam Secretary
, it's obviously a spoiler just knowing there's a plot like that)
That was a fun episode. Nice to see everything unfolding, well nearly everything haha.

I wonder just how far Dar's reach goes. He's Kaz Millering everybody.

Also really love all those stupid and sad humans feeding the Alt-Right machine. That shit is so true and pathetic. I just hope Max will survive and not be figured out :(

What really brought this episode down for me was the tracking technology..... I can't believe that Quinn was able to track the hired killer faster than Saul's tracking technology, lol. But maybe Quinn is just that good. Evaded two cops and managed to start a car without alerting the two cops.
This season has had some bumps but it's been pretty damned good overall and amazingly relevant given what's happening in American politics right now.

Keane stating "What is wrong with you people?!" when referring to the IC got a chuckle.;)

Caja 117

What really brought this episode down for me was the tracking technology..... I can't believe that Quinn was able to track the hired killer faster than Saul's tracking technology, lol. But maybe Quinn is just that good. Evaded two cops and managed to start a car without alerting the two cops.

And getting all those guns as well, he went full
John Matrix in that gun store.
Fuck it. I can excuse how great Quinn is. The dude is the only one who has provided most of the action so he gets an excuse in my book. Nice to see a mentally unstable and physically handicapped Hitman putting in some work when nobody really believed him.

I just don't know what the writer's will do with him after the season ends. Does he just go off the records and lives a quiet life like another Showtime character? Does he go out in a blaze of glory?


That was the best episode so far this season and I have to eat some major crow assuming Dar ordered the hit last episode, the reveal that he was trying to protect Quinn and his dude went against orders was solid. The possible pedo angle is still very weird but overall they're doing a way better job writing Dar than last season, remains to be seen what his angle was on the Iran deal though.

Quinn pulling an Anton Chiruh move in the gun store was legit. Carrie revealing the Berlin info was dumb as fuck and irritating, but the writers always do whatever they want with her to move the plot along. The Pres Elect is also dumb as a bag of rocks, and Saul continues to be neutered almost entirely.

The season has to deliver big time on the last 3 or 4 episodes left to salvage itself, but this one was promising.

Also - ""Let me ask you something. Did I do anything, anything at all to suggest I was curious about the sound of your voice? No, right? So shut the fuck up."

F. Murray Abraham the gawd.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Great episode. They went there and I love them for it. This season is so relevant it's scary.


Hunky Nostradamus
So the super shady organization that got the FBI agent killed is an alt-right super troll farm?


On the one hand it's cheesy (it reminded me of the elite underground hacker group that Felicity recently joined on Arrow), but on the other hand I kind of liked it. I'm really curious to see where the show goes with it.


Love how the show is surprising me with this season. Its great. Didnt expect much from this season just like season 4. And they both were great. Love that.
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