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HoNGAF Season 2 IHL lOTl Taking your sodium levels to new heights.


Kapura said:
watchtower and darkwood are shit maps.

What does it matter to you, you never play with us!

and when you do you get crunched mid huehuehue

I guess we could all try to lighten up on the tryhard and salt a bit. It's not Thor or Swiftlame's fault that Pebbles is Pebbles afterall.

As for I, I'd like to apologize for any disturbance I may have caused to some of you. I hope you understand that I never seek to simply whine as it may appears to some, but only to voice feelings that I, as the non-official representative of the Learning Class, believe that our silent majority possess. I am - we all are - always aiming forward a better fairness and competition in this IHL for all.

And with this, I'll see you guys tonight, albeit I'll try to mix a little more offensive ganks in my hero choices and playstyle from now on.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Guesong said:
I actually think this is a good idea, would lighten up the atmosphere once in a while.

1. All same Mumble Channel.
2. All Pick (no ban)
3. Tier Lanes
4. Watchtower (or w/e is the name of the other 5v5 map)
5. Themed Teams
6. Legion vs Hellbourne (can only pick appropriate heroes)
7. Tier Rumble (all the higher players on one side, all the lower on other side ; lower players decide every hero for the opposing team)
8. Single Draft
9. No STR heroes
10. No INT heroes
11. No AGI heroes
12. Grimm's Crossing (3v3) (iffy)
13. Deadwood Vale (4v4) (iffy again, restrict people)
14-20. Regular IHL

I'm cool with this, till it hits No INT heroes. Then I fucking hate it.


Sanjay said:
1999, what an amazing year.

Guesong you should play a strength hero, time to bring out Flux etc.

You just ruined it Sanjay, foiled my first pick on arrival more, will you.

Guess I'll settle on Geomancer tonight!


Thorinbei said:
ex. 1 - everyone will be in the same mumble channel.
2- All pick (with some perma banned heroes like magebane. NOT magmus)
3- tier lanes (experienced players face off at this lane, average on this lane, learning tiers on mid lane)
4 - watchtower map
5 - themed teams (team dig, team bug, team beast, team ezito, team global)
This is such a good fucken idea


Guesong said:
What does it matter to you, you never play with us!

and when you do you get crunched mid huehuehue

I guess we could all try to lighten up on the tryhard and salt a bit. It's not Thor or Swiftlame's fault that Pebbles is Pebbles afterall.

As for I, I'd like to apologize for any disturbance I may have caused to some of you. I hope you understand that I never seek to simply whine as it may appears to some, but only to voice feelings that I, as the non-official representative of the Learning Class, believe that our silent majority possess. I am - we all are - always aiming forward a better fairness and competition in this IHL for all.

And with this, I'll see you guys tonight, albeit I'll try to mix a little more offensive ganks in my hero choices and playstyle from now on.
doesnt change the fact theyre shitty maps


Yo Guesong, this spiel is relevant to what you were talking about earlier.

Some DRD Nerd said:
Just a summary on how to get to 1900, haterz can hate all you want, high as shit when i wrote this, most of this shit is obvious deal with it, but playing with Jangbang prompted me to write this.

So basically most hon player’s goal is to reach the next something-hundred. For example 1650’s want to become 1700’s and so on. Here is what you need to know to get to that next level.
First of all, being a good player can only get you so far. You can solo q all you want, but the fastest way is to find a team of good players and smash your way to the top. I first had to solo q to 1900, it was hard and i didnt have good players to play with, it was as hard as being a computer science major, or playing starcraft in korea, and maybe even trying to grow to be 6ft as an asian. Its really fucking hard to solo q to 1900! Then I played with Moiravus and Daggius and just basically throwing kids into the trash. Now I’m like 1962 LOL.
People don’t understand this, you can try to explain to people in game, but they just don’t have enough brains or time to understand. You have an oj that picks a carry and most people are like FML not another BR. But personally I’m fine with it as long as they listen. This is a rule I like to go by, if you’re bad, then just listen to the good players. If you’re the blue, don’t rage at him unless he’s completely trolling you. Losing sucks, but if your team wards, doesn’t feed too much and it’s a good game, then its okay to lose sometimes, that’s what win percentages are for. No one wants to see that 100% nerd garbage shit. Team play is crucial in this game, unless ur moon, but moon is intimidating to play with cause its like playing hon with your mom, the whip will come out if you do not get an A+ in every class. Other than that team play/chemistry is the best way to win.
Know your role as a hero. If your support, you have to ward and do whatever it takes to make sure your carry gets the farm. Give them lane wards, give them potions, buy them a bottle. Support is the bitch, the babysitter, the janitor, the milf. Call it whatever, but they are what do the dirty work, and without them your team is trash. This is the difference between 15-1800, Raven has already said this, but WARDS WIN GAMES. Everyone wants to be carry, but did you know that support is the new “carry”? Start supporting. I am not the best support I know that, everyone knows that, but at least I try and I do what I know.
#3; the carry rule
Carries only have 1 goal, farm like people during the depression. Take everything you can, steal that creep ur retarded support is trying to jungle, steal that hero kill that you did absolutely nothing to help with. Just take all the gold you can and get some shiny new killing items and start slaying some 1700 support noobs. Just kill kill kill and don’t stop until your mom says dinner’s ready. Also, try to die as least as possible, I know this sounds easy, but people don’t take it seriously enough. The time you waste respawning can be used to farm. 1 creep wave = roughly 1 hero kill. When I’m high I play the best because I’m so careful and shit and I’m like, where the fuck this parasite at? WTF hes INSIDE A CREEP WITH EMPATH INSIDE OF HIM INSIDE THE CREEP. So I’m like aight aight I see you, then I fucking use my illu bottle send my illu in so he jumps out of that snitch and uses all his shit on my illu. Then I used deadwood’s falcon punch on his ass, ez 1 shot
#4: go big or go to church
When I was first played a game with moon; I felt like I was in a classroom. Lectures left and right with a little bit of rage, but all in all one thing stuck. Went something like this, “The difference between a good player and a great player is that great players man the fuck up. They take risks and put everything on the line. That’s why “some pro player” (I forgot the name) sucks dick because he plays so passively and never takes risk”. Don’t take this advice as a go dive towers 24/7 to get that extra kill, but if u see an opportunity to get a little extra, rob that rich bitch and run like you just saw jangbang in person.

It sucks playing a game when the atmosphere is so ragey. If you really want to win you gotta sweettalk the BR’s, like “please don’t pick the scout”. Then when the BR finally does pick him. You don’t say anything and be like ok get a runed axe and just farm and help us sometimes. Then when he fucking gets that level 5 codex u can take the raven/moon ragepill, open up that insult generator, and start smashing your keyboard. Other than that just make a free to play smurf account, wreck some kids, get that confidence up, then you’ll play like an all-star when the real deal comes around. If your initation man the fuck up and go in and if you die, you have an excuse to eat ur food, you see moons stream? hes always eating between deaths. Start your journey to 1900 now! So we don’t have to wait 25 minutes for q time.


Yo long text post inc. cause I'm lttp.

kagete said:
It might be time to move away from drafting, since as a captain you are compelled to draft to have the best chances of winning, and go back to manually balancing games based on league rating with a consensus vote needed to start the game. Captains and drafting promotes hardcore behavior, which newer players might not necessarily have fun with.

You're talking about drafting players right? Unless we do happen to get a fast method of assembling fair teams, I think that drafting is still the best bet.

Gues, I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the IHL system itself, but instead some issues between us as players that need to get ironed out.

Everyone pointing out that there are not enough avg/learning tier players willing to play is right. We just aren't getting enough players from these tiers willing to sit in an IHL. When a team ends up with Loki/Thor and an additional experienced player or two, it's not that they might be trying to swindle, but that they don't really have a choice. You want to win, yes, but what can you do with such a small pool? I DO think that people, regardless of picks, should try and balance/encourage a fair game. We want to bring up the average skill level through all these games don't we? It might just take one captain saying to another, 'Hold up, I feel this team is a little stacked, so why don't we swap so and so? Even though I drafted him before you'.

We have until December to get in 15 games as a player eh? Do we NEED to have every single game as an IHL? A lot of times we'll get 10-12 players willing to play, but necessarily a balanced pool of players to pick from. Why not just play a regular IH? 'But regular IH games are just trollfests now' Why did our regular IH games delve into trolling? They might not have the same tryhard feel, but that doesn't mean they can't be a semi-serious game. Try out new heroes, strats, etc, but I feel that when it's at the point where the one team doesn't take the other seriously might be where we need to stop. I have seen instances where we turn an IHL into IH and a handful of specs decide to sit. I'm guilty of that myself. I don't play often, so I feel that jumping into an IHL won't be fair to my teammates as I'll have to deal with my rust, amoung other things. Instead, I'd love to sit in an IH game and pick someone like Kraken or Valk and practice a hero I don't normally take.

tl;dr: Why force the issue? If there are not enough, turn the IHL into a IH game. Yes, stats won't be tracking, but that's no reason to turn it into a troll game is what I'm saying.

Sebulon3k said:
Essentially the tool for new players to actually learn the game, became the tool for people to fool around.

I feel that Swag says it best right there. That's pretty much how I feel about the IH vs IHL situation. As a player in the sub 1500s, these IHL/IH games are the only place where I get to see the stuff that I do and experience a competitive atmosphere. In my TMM games, people don't ward, myrm bottle only mid, what is a tp? etc.

Anbokr said:
ANYTHING that has a reward, tracked stats, and a leaderboard will always be an epeen contest
Yeah, true. However, so many of us know where each others skills lie, and how good you might be relative to another player of the same level that I feel this whole EPEEN attitude is so unnecessary. I agree with what Alumnus/Kag are posting for the most part on that.

The leaderboard and tracked stats idea was proposed to help balance games with how many IH games we used to get going right? Coins were added as a reward to those who participate and play exceptionally well AFTER the fact.

Actually, that leads me to ask, what is/was the goal of the IHL? What do you feel is the goal of IHL?

For example, is it to;
- Bring up the average skill level in our community through the sheer quality/quantity of high level games played? Practice makes perfect and playing in these would surely lead to that.
- Establish a ranking system to determine where players stand in relation to the rest of the our group [so as to encourage balanced and fair matches in regular IH games?]
- Both? Neither? Other? (like what)

What I'm saying is, at the end of this IHL, where should we stand? I feel that if we can come to agreement on this, we'll be better off and have to deal with less of this, pretty much.

Will we keep the final player ladder and use that to help balance our games? A player ladder based on the IHL's elo/trueskill final score would be useful, after all. Players who are unhappy with their placement could get the chance to redeem themselves in the next IHL league, and show that over the course of these leagues, they are getting better and deserving of moving up the ladder? Of course, that would probably lead to some bm between players, but I think most of us are above that anyhow.

Tryhard in IHL, bring your best role to the table. If a team is okay with you practicing a certain role, go for it, otherwise delegate that to an IH game or something? But so long as IH games are just troll fests maybe that's not going to happen and you'll get people like Gues (not calling you out btw) voicing his opinion on the fact that he's not having fun anymore.

I'd love to get an avg/learning game going, and I think we had 9 willing to go at one point! Too bad that didn't work out :(.


Bull on a Donut
I don't know how it started, but I was never a fan of normal IH trollfests. If you're honestly trying out a new build, go for it; if you're going to go chronos mid, miss all your leaps, and buy an astrolabe ;), you're just going to piss off your team and ruin the game.

Back when we used to play IH with some wards, with a semblance of tryhard, and serious "practice" picks, IH was really really fun (to me anyway). When IH turned into a codex, no ward, feed fest; I just gotta say, thank god for IHL.

56 more posts to go... so hard


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Once DOTA2 comes out there will probably be a flood of newbies.

When my coursework lightens up I want to put together a comprehensive beginner's guide to DOTA, including terms, phases, roles, warding, pulling, strategies, items, heroes, slang glossary, the works. It will probably have its own thread, which will be a place for newbies to ask questions.

Obviously, I'm not so well versed in the game that I can do the whole thing by myself. (I haven't even touched DOTA for years so half my knowledge is outdated). Most likely, I will ask for contributions for heroes and strats.

Should I go forward with this y/n and would the experienced players of HoNGAF be willing to contribute?


Halycon said:
Should I go forward with this y/n and would the experienced players of HoNGAF be willing to contribute?
I'm sure everyone would want to contribute something for their favorite heroes etc.


Just to disprove the whole IH = troll theory.

We just went against the nerdiest team ever in an IH while we rolled 5 potential middle lane heroes.

IH is only troll when you guys make it troll. And now Puppet ain't even here anymore!


I really like the IHL game we played last night. The themed one of "female characters only".

The great thing about it I felt was that it felt pretty even for a long time, and thus I think everyone did enjoy themselves.

Maybe Kagete is right, we should balance the sides like a normal IH, but play with the relative seriousness of an IHL.


You only enjoyed it because you got to DPS us with FA while procarbine did all the work with defiler :|

I like the game after where we won EZ despite being down 30 kills to a team with a garbage WS and elephant.
Guesong said:
Just to disprove the whole IH = troll theory.

We just went against the nerdiest team ever in an IH while we rolled 5 potential middle lane heroes.

IH is only troll when you guys make it troll. And now Puppet ain't even here anymore!
IH are pretty hardcore. Everytime we play neki picks fayde and hardcore gank me, how's a repulsor supposed to counter that?


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I almost feel like we're trying too hard to get this IHL going right (somtimes at least). I'm alright with trying to balance teams like we do in normal IHs, and I'm pretty okay with the way we do things now save for the similar team comps (player wise, get supa asians first, then reg asians, then shit tier americanas, etc...).

Real but cheese talk: I'd like to get to a point (if possible) where everyone is generally satisfied on how we do things. I WANT EVERYONE TO BE HAPPY MAN.

It doesn't sound like we're far off from it really, just a few things here and there that need to be looked at.

Also just wanted to add, I still like the idea of theme games so as long as everyone is cool with the selected themes. Seems like the FEMHAUS all female heroes game went really well last night.

kagete said:
Tomat, are you changing majors from CS to Pimping yet?
It's a work in progress. It doesn't look like my school offers a bachelor's in pimping yet, so I'm going to see if they can get that going. Otherwise Im going to have to transfer schools or something.


Tomat, are you changing majors from CS to Pimping yet?

PillowKnight said:
IH are pretty hardcore. Everytime we play neki picks fayde and hardcore gank me, how's a repulsor supposed to counter that?

As a spec, watching your jungling repulsor makes me squirm


PillowKnight said:
IH are pretty hardcore. Everytime we play neki picks fayde and hardcore gank me, how's a repulsor supposed to counter that?
doing my best azuki impression. someone's gotta keep the fayde alive.


Meteorain said:
Oh I thought everyone enjoyed. My bad, must have missed all the complaints.
That game was super fun, but not as fun as the game that followed with my big Midas Plays distracting the enemy team while our creeps won the game.


Neo Member
kagete said:
You only enjoyed it because you got to DPS us with FA while procarbine did all the work with defiler :|

I like the game after where we won EZ despite being down 30 kills to a team with a garbage WS and elephant.

Swag kept eating my big, big hyper beam


Neo Member
Guesong said:
I actually think this is a good idea, would lighten up the atmosphere once in a while.

1. All same Mumble Channel.
2. All Pick (no ban)
3. Tier Lanes
4. Watchtower (or w/e is the name of the other 5v5 map)
5. Themed Teams
6. Legion vs Hellbourne (can only pick appropriate heroes)
7. Tier Rumble (all the higher players on one side, all the lower on other side ; lower players decide every hero for the opposing team)
8. Single Draft
9. No STR heroes
10. No INT heroes
11. No AGI heroes
12. Grimm's Crossing (3v3) (iffy)
13. Deadwood Vale (4v4) (iffy again, restrict people)
14-20. Regular IHL

thanks for expanding the idea.

maybe just remove the 12 and 13 and just expand some of the other types. for example just put 9-10 as no str, 11-12 no int, 13-14, no agi.
I just thought of a sick idea.. 15. double roll. (mixture of two numbers whenever possible. ex: no str, no int game. watch tower AP)

- Thorin (I didn't know loki was logged in. and i can't find the option for deleting a post.)


Freakinchair said:
Me and Pro died a little bit inside over the course of that game.

Must be hard playing Magebane and Silhouette while us striding support die, ward and gank for you. The life of a Kraken.


Okay so is HON down at the moment? I keep getting 'connection failed'

Also I play a ton of this game on USW as Panticles. Add me if you dare


odd_morsel said:
Okay so is HON down at the moment? I keep getting 'connection failed'

Also I play a ton of this game on USW as Panticles. Add me if you dare
HoN is down for maintenance, and you should just /join Clan Neogaf, thats where we all hang out.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not all IH games are IHL games, usually the title specifies.
Yeah, your match is recorded on the site. Now just read over the rules (u need minimum of X number of games to claim gold coins), and be on to play more games


Apparently I am supposed to say in here that I want to play hon with you guys.

I use the account JoeFu, and I would probably be Learning tier unless I am much better than I think I am. (which I doubt)


Guesong said:
I utter one sentence and Loki misinterpret it and small scuffles starts?

This is HonGAF, welcome back. :D
to be fair you do complain about learning tier/balance a lot
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