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HoNGAF Season 2 IHL lOTl Taking your sodium levels to new heights.



those were pretty close games

If we had more average + learning players waiting to play this would be easier. But everyone wants to watch or sit out and do homework all night. I also think teams are also mostly balanced. I played one match tonight with 2 experienced on our team vs 3 (with thor on the 3 team) and we won. Just like in TMM you're going to end up going on losing streaks and winning streaks. Sometimes it's best to just take it in stride and keep trying.

Also - if you want to try to carry just ask. Alot of the experienced players are good at playing support/gankers and we can use those skills to win games too.

Anyways, if you guys want to you can move me up to experienced tier. It might help balancing maybe?

you're already experienced, derp.


Neo Member
65394982 , 65387490, 65398712. IHL games for tonight. please post!

Freakinchair... i thought you were experienced from the start?

who won on the third link neki?


I already uploaded the last two matches you gave me, but the first one is giving me problems when I immediately try to update it. I'll have to ask delirium later about that. And hellbourne won the 3rd game I linked.


Oh don't worry guys, I know it's In-House League. I understand the whole concept of it and the necessity to tryhard. I understand why I can't carry. We'd lose the game if I did.

It does not mean I have to like it, though. Most low-AVG and LRN bailed out by now, or play like 1 game a week, so that leave the IHL with mostly experienced and god tiers players, in which case it's Hello Plague Rider/Witch Slayer/Monarch for me. And I can't Monarch when I captain, and apparantly I'm captaining much more than I thought I would since people dodge that shit like it's smallpox.

Since I don't foresee a change in players for the next 2 months, and that by virtue of playing support most AND captaining Hellbourne (and thus being mostly against the God 3 ; not sure I'd pick them even if I chose Legion so that's a moot point) of what I do is answer "yes, yes, coming" when people ask for more wards and getting crunched, thus having a leet GPM of 30-100 with no marchers 15 minutes in...

I dunno. Do you guys realize that's not fun at all for me, or for anyone who'd be stuck in that? And for 2 more months!? No.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Nothing wrong with playing Support, you're doing something wrong if your GPM is that low though, especially with someone like Witch Slayer.


Ikuu said:
Nothing wrong with playing Support, you're doing something wrong if your GPM is that low though, especially with someone like Witch Slayer.

Getting crunched by massive pushes, Swiftlame Pebbles, and leaving all the last hits to Valkyrie during laning will do that, trust me. T'was actually 30-50 gpm that game.

And I don't last hit anything elsewise anyways, so no money, and there never seems to be a good time for me to go farm lanes because again, carry need the farms.

So I just doodle around hoping to get assists.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Depending on the Support you pick, you can be roaming around setting up ganks. If you don't want to babysit someone then go like Andro or Myrm and go gank some people. If you want more Gold/XP then take bot/top and do some pulls.

Obviously playing Support isn't for everyone, but there's more to it than just sitting back and letting the carry get all the last hits.


I think we all voiced the same concerns right before this second season started. It might be time to move away from drafting, since as a captain you are compelled to draft to have the best chances of winning, and go back to manually balancing games based on league rating with a consensus vote needed to start the game. Captains and drafting promotes hardcore behavior, which newer players might not necessarily have fun with. Yes, I know this is a league just like all the hardcore players wanted but it's starting to slowly exclude players by virtue of them losing so much or not having fun in general.

Guesong is at least vocal about his issues but I'm sure other players would prefer to just fade away from playing. If this continues then our league would have failed in my eyes :(


Guesong said:
Getting crunched by massive pushes, Swiftlame Pebbles, and leaving all the last hits to Valkyrie during laning will do that, trust me. T'was actually 30-50 gpm that game.

And I don't last hit anything elsewise anyways, so no money, and there never seems to be a good time for me to go farm lanes because again, carry need the farms.

So I just doodle around hoping to get assists.
just sit on him mid and he'll go all depressed feedermode


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Guesong said:
...of what I do is answer "yes, yes, coming" when people ask for more wards and getting crunched....

Get enslaved.
The app needs to say who won each game.

The problem with IHL is the skill range. Expecting learning-tier players to adopt competitive strategies is nearly impossible. Experienced players dominate nearly every game, and the only way to counter that is by hard counter-picking heroes and/or stacking both teams with experienced players. This naturally leaves learning players on the sidelines, or playing support heroes with 90GPM.

Also, regarding Guesong's fun comment, I agree sometimes even winning isn't that fun when it's a stomp (and losing in a stomp is definitely not fun). And seeing/playing the same heroes every game can get boring after awhile. Witch, Plague, Kraken, Magmus are in almost every game.
I think that average and learning players should just speak up if they want to do something other than support. So far, people don't say what they specifically want to play, and rely on the higher level players to tell them exactly what role they should play. Honestly this is more of an issue with the learning and average tier players than anyone else.

If I can recall, it was Thor who brought up the example that all the time, captains would ask their teammates what they want to play, and essentially 100% of the time people just give the "anything" answer. And then afterwards there is complaint that people can't play what they want? Honestly, this sounds more like an issue that these individuals need to deal with, rather than the entire league itself.

When we ask you what you want to play, we mean it. If you don't give an answer, what the captains and higher tier players are forced to do is either assign you a role or painstakingly offer you every role in the game until we get an answer. The latter option isn't very fun, and often quite difficult to do since we are continually met with the "I don't know/don't care" answers, and that ultimately leads back to square one.

If you are sick of supporting, say so. Then pick a carry, or whatever else you want to play. It might be intimidating or something, but if you have a problem with it then it is up to you to step up. We can't read your mind, so don't make us try. For instance, just look at kagete. He's a huge support player naturally, but in plenty of games he asks to play Magebane, and almost like magic, his team gladly allows it. Even on occasion, experienced tier players deliberately choose support, and try to get new players to expand their roles. Even then, new players are still hesitant. I'm sure most of us would agree that we simply don't care what role you play; if you want to play it then go ahead. Stop worrying about winning or losing so much. What's the point if you get no experience or enjoyment out of it?

At the very least, don't complain about the roles when it might have your doing to begin with.


Apparantly you can Sanjay. As Alumnus pointed out, you and me can go Chronos and Sand Wraith for the next 25 straight games, and no one is supposed to yell and salt at us when they keep losing because of it. They'll embrace losing over and over and pat us on the back.

Yeah, no. In a league where people are all about tryharding to win - as it should, really - it's a pipe dream. I'd give you 10 matches before you'd crack and yell at me.
Sanjay said:
So I can pick Arachna...?
Being reasonable is a big part of it. No one would care as much about your Arachna picks if they weren't chosen with 1-2 seconds left on the clock and we already have a set team with a good composition (i.e. we already have appropriate heroes to fill that role).

Again, Guesong you are taking my words to the extreme. You can pick Sand Wraith, but at a point, when you're picking an awful hero that doesn't fit with your team composition, you are no longer playing outside of your role, you're just trolling. If you think I'm wrong, then just shut up and deal with it because you're doin nothing but running in a circle of irritating complaints.


Bull on a Donut
FromTheFuture said:
If you are sick of supporting, say so. Then pick a carry, or whatever else you want to play. It might be intimidating or something, but if you have a problem with it then it is up to you to step up. We can't read your mind, so don't make us try. For instance, just look at kagete. He's a huge support player naturally, but in plenty of games he asks to play Magebane, and almost like magic, his team gladly allows it. Even on occasion, experienced tier players deliberately choose support, and try to get new players to expand their roles. Even then, new players are still hesitant. I'm sure most of us would agree that we simply don't care what role you play; if you want to play it then go ahead. Stop worrying about winning or losing so much. What's the point if you get no experience or enjoyment out of it?

At the very least, don't complain about the roles when it might have your doing to begin with.

The problem with this is what happens when a new player goes magebane, gets ganked all game, goes 0-9 with 100 gpm? We get another salty forum post about how playing IHL is dumb because it's so tryhard. Unless, like I said earlier, there is an all learning/average IHL game, but I don't see that happening anytime soon (maybe thanksgiving/christmas break? Idk).

Honestly, I'm going to say that in IHL picking whatever the hell you want is usually disastrous and leads to even more salt for yourself and for your team. You might end up picking a "trial" hero, but you sure as hell know 80% of the other guys will pick their best heroes and make your life difficult. TMM and normal IH is the place to troll, experiment, practice roles, and do whatever. But like pro said, with stats, coins, etc... on the line IHL will always be tryhard--it's just the nature of the beast.
Anbokr said:
The problem with this is what happens when a new player goes magebane, gets ganked all game, goes 0-9 with 100 gpm? We get another salty forum post about how playing IHL is dumb because it's so tryhard.

Honestly, I'm going to say that in IHL picking whatever the hell you want is usually disastrous and leads to even more salt for yourself and for your team. TMM and normal IH is the place to troll, experiment, and do whatever. But like pro said, with stats, coins, etc... on the line IHL will always be tryhard--it's just the nature of the beast.
It's one thing to pick whatever the hell you want all the damn time another thing to defer your regular role to another player once in awhile. You guys are ridiculous.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Honestly in a league game I'd want people playing roles/heroes they're competent with, if you want to learn something then wait for IH or do some pub games. Now the problem is everything is IHL, so people aren't getting this chance.


Bull on a Donut
FromTheFuture said:
It's one thing to pick whatever the hell you want all the damn time another thing to defer your regular role to another player once in awhile. You guys are ridiculous.

That doesn't diminish my point. What happens when a learning player trying to carry gets ganked all game by experienced players, and gets barely any last hits in laning phase (this is tough for new players). SALT SALT SALT SALT. It's one thing to try carrying in an average/learning game, but due to the nature of IHL; I don't see any positive coming out of it in an experienced game.

Edit: Like Ikuu said above me, and like I've been saying for awhile--some normal inhouse games every now and then would be fun. Yeah yeah, we get 10 gold coins per IHL game, but seriously, if people aren't having fun, just take a break, play 10 normal IH games and then head back into tryhard territory.


Sanjay said:
So I can pick Arachna...?
Nothing wrong with Arachna bro, didn't you see my two big quad kill plays that Arachna game?

Fromthefuture said:
If I can recall, it was Thor who brought up the example that all the time, captains would ask their teammates what they want to play, and essentially 100% of the time people just give the "anything" answer
I always ask people to Shadow pick what they want so I can get an idea of what people are leaning towards, and I always get the response of "anything", if you want to play a carry go ahead and pick a carry, but don't use the IHL game as a "practice" game for learning to rice on Sand Wraith or something, your team would expect you to be somewhat skilled with the hero your using.

Anbokr said:
That doesn't diminish my point. What happens when a learning player trying to carry gets ganked all game by experienced players, and gets barely any last hits in laning phase (this is tough for new players). SALT SALT SALT SALT. It's one thing to try carrying in an average/learning game, but due to the nature of IHL; I don't see any positive coming it.
This just means that new player isn't capable of playing that role and should practice it more in other match forms? Don't troll your team by picking something your not capable of playing even decently. Example, yesterday Silhouette wasn't banned, team wanted me to pick it, but my silhouette is terrible, so I picked CD instead and did fine vs Thor.

Anbokr said:
Edit: Like Ikuu said above me, and like I've been saying for awhile--some normal inhouse games every now and then would be fun. Yeah yeah, we get 10 gold coins per IHL game, but seriously, if people aren't having fun, just take a break, play 10 normal IH games and then head back into tryhard territory.

Normal IH games aren't fun, because their full of troll picks / item choices.
Well I guess that is just the fundamental flaw with IHL as a whole. I always believed that the idea of it was to take IH, something we've already been doing a lot, and turn it into something official that we could keep track of in order to progress as individual players and as a whole. On top of that, get rewarded for doing so by getting coins for our efforts. Instead, it's devolved into some monotonous e-peen leaderboard that just makes players more irritated, and restricts both learning and experimentation in what would be a more real-game applicable setting. Perhaps I just had a different view about what the league was supposed to be all about, and that disappoints me because perhaps, at least in my regard, IHL simply can never truly be a success in any fashiom other than producing salt and swindling gold coins from Nome.


Bull on a Donut
FromTheFuture said:
Well I guess that is just the fundamental flaw with IHL as a whole. I always believed that the idea of it was to take IH, something we've already been doing a lot, and turn it into something official that we could keep track of in order to progress as individual players and as a whole. On top of that, get rewarded for doing so by getting coins for our efforts. Instead, it's devolved into some monotonous e-peen leaderboard that just makes players more irritated, and restricts both learning and experimentation in a more real-game applicable setting. Perhaps I just had a different view about what the league was supposed to be all about, and that saddens me because perhaps, at least in my regard, IHL simply can never truly be a success. Other than producing salt and swindling gold coins from Nome.

What did you expect? ANYTHING that has a reward, tracked stats, and a leaderboard will always be an epeen contest. Not every mode/IHL structure will please everyone. IHL is meant to be the tryhard counterpart to IH. You can argue that some players don't enjoy the tryhard, but then you can turn that around and argue that some players enjoy playing highly competitive tryhard games.

To me, smurf TMM has become my "relax, practice, do whatever" fun HoN mode. IHL is fun for me too, because it kinda makes you feel like a competitive player when you're not lol, and lets you try out these strats and tryhard comps, etc... HOWEVER, I usually will only play 1-2 in a row because it's easy to get burned out. Moderation!


Hmm. It's interesting to see a discussion sparked where a player comes and say "Isn't this IHL?", and another respond "No, THIS is IHL", and a third comes by and say "Nah you're both wrong THIS IS IHL", with a 4th making signs behind the groups.

No harm done Alumnus, my goal wasn't to piss you off or anything, just trying to represent the silent majority of the LRN/AVG tier.

So Swag, you're basically asking me (and some other learning players) to stay out of IHLs?Because I'm not sure my support is even decent compared to the level at which you guys are aiming.


Ikuu said:
Honestly in a league game I'd want people playing roles/heroes they're competent with, if you want to learn something then wait for IH or do some pub games. Now the problem is everything is IHL, so people aren't getting this chance.
because we're hard pressed enough to fit in IHL games as is. if we replace some IHL games with IH games, we'd be getting one to two IHL games every day.
Anbokr said:
What did you expect? ANYTHING that has a reward, tracked stats, and a leaderboard will always be an epeen contest. Not every mode/IHL structure will please everyone. IHL is meant to be the tryhard counterpart to IH. You can argue that some players don't enjoy the tryhard, but then you can turn that around and argue that some players enjoy playing highly competitive tryhard games.

To me, smurf TMM has become my "relax, practice, do whatever" fun HoN mode. IHL is fun for me too, because it kinda makes you feel like a competitive player when you're not lol, and lets you try out these strats and tryhard comps, etc... HOWEVER, I usually will only play 1-2 in a row because it's easy to get burned out. Moderation!
Of course I expected it, but the point is I hoped for something else.


FromTheFuture said:
Well I guess that is just the fundamental flaw with IHL as a whole. I always believed that the idea of it was to take IH, something we've already been doing a lot, and turn it into something official that we could keep track of in order to progress as individual players and as a whole. On top of that, get rewarded for doing so by getting coins for our efforts. Instead, it's devolved into some monotonous e-peen leaderboard that just makes players more irritated, and restricts both learning and experimentation in what would be a more real-game applicable setting. Perhaps I just had a different view about what the league was supposed to be all about, and that disappoints me because perhaps, at least in my regard, IHL simply can never truly be a success in any fashiom other than producing salt and swindling gold coins from Nome.

would you really want to record a game like yesterday where no one bought wards, one side picked five mid heroes, swiftlames did bubble jungles and pillowknight did a basher deadwood build? inhouses are just trollhouses now.


FromTheFuture said:
Well I guess that is just the fundamental flaw with IHL as a whole. I always believed that the idea of it was to take IH, something we've already been doing a lot, and turn it into something official that we could keep track of in order to progress as individual players and as a whole. On top of that, get rewarded for doing so by getting coins for our efforts. Instead, it's devolved into some monotonous e-peen leaderboard that just makes players more irritated, and restricts both learning and experimentation in what would be a more real-game applicable setting. Perhaps I just had a different view about what the league was supposed to be all about, and that disappoints me because perhaps, at least in my regard, IHL simply can never truly be a success in any fashiom other than producing salt and swindling gold coins from Nome.
There is a world of difference in a normal IH and an IHL, hero composition, lane composition, actual item builds. It's similar to what the very early iterations of the IH used to be, before it turned into a "joke" league for 5 melee teams etc. Essentially the tool for new players to actually learn the game, became the tool for people to fool around.

The application of the rules of the league isn't happening , which is leading to the increase of SALT. When the IHL started and there were 22/22 games vs the 14/22 games we have now, which meant we had a bigger average / learning pool and thusly the games were more balanced / fun. However now games tip between being a stomp vs a semi close game on the basis of which team has majority of the 1900 tier players, which I figured people would do the gentlemen thing during picking but it doesn't seem to happen.

The only thing that I could imagine fixing the balance problem, would be to start balancing around IHR ( ELO ) to prevent the tier swindling etc but that's hard to do because it would take forever without bot assistance.

Guesong said:
So Swag, you're basically asking me (and some other learning players) to stay out of IHLs?Because I'm not sure my support is even decent compared to the level at which you guys are aiming.
No I'm saying, if you want to pick a carry, as a captain I have no problem with that, however, don't pick a carry you've never played before, and expect to magically win. That's unfair to your team, I don't pick heroes that I have little experience with, and I hope that people on my team don't do that either.


Bull on a Donut
Guesong said:
Hmm. It's interesting to see a discussion sparked where a player comes and say "Isn't this IHL?", and another respond "No, THIS is IHL", and a third comes by and say "Nah you're both wrong THIS IS IHL", with a 4th making signs behind the groups.

No harm done Alumnus, my goal wasn't to piss you off or anything, just trying to represent the silent majority of the LRN/AVG tier.

So Swag, you're basically asking me (and some other learning players) to stay out of IHLs?Because I'm not sure my support is even decent compared to the level at which you guys are aiming.

You guys are all REALLY good supports (way better than me), so don't say you ain't decent. But I think this is what swag is saying: For example. Team tells Anbokr to pick carry. Anbokr picks sand wraith and proceeds to go 0-15. Anbokr loses game for team and pisses off team (especially procarbine he is hanging himself at this point). I do that shit in smurf tmm (and people still get pissed at me ;] ), but you don't just want to pick a "practice" hero in IHL unless you're pretty confident. Same thing with my soulstealer.

Unless something changes:
1) IHL = tryhard (stats, coins, and it's straight up the tryhard mode for people that like tryharding)
2) IH = trollhouse of practice and do whatever the f u want; don't take your team seriously.
3) Smurf tmm = my relaxation/perfect practice mode for heroes
4) 1800+ tmm = tryhard(stats, coins, and it's straight up the tryhard mode for people that like tryharding)
5) Midwars = sometimes fun, sometimes dumb; not serious at all.

Anyway, that's how I see the game modes.


I expected it but I am actively against it, and was from before we started. I'm not fully invested in going hardcore during IHL games because I would just get stressed if I did. The disconnect is definitely still there between some peoples expectations and others.

Honestly I have the exact complete opposite view of when to tryhard and play your best -> that's what TMM is for. That's the globally tracked ladder system with persistent stats that gives directly proportional coin rewards for your performance, with no need for a 2 month season to lapse before payout. In house games for e-peen? Isn't that redundant anyway? We're already in tiers, and we already know who is better than everyone else. Hundreds of games of tracked stats are already available either way. Why can't we have fun while IH games are played? I wished back then that all IH games we played would suddenly be tracked IHL games instead but since that assumption isn't shared by everyone that plays it won't turn out that way.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
kagete said:
I expected it but I am actively against it, and was from before we started. I'm not fully invested in going hardcore during IHL games because I would just get stressed if I did. The disconnect is definitely still there between some peoples expectations and others.

Honestly I have the exact complete opposite view of when to tryhard and play your best -> that's what TMM is for. That's the globally tracked ladder system with persistent stats that gives directly proportional coin rewards for your performance, with no need for a 2 month season to lapse before payout. In house games for e-peen? Isn't that redundant anyway? We're already in tiers, and we already know who is better than everyone else. Hundreds of games of tracked stats are already available either way. Why can't we have fun while IH games are played? I wished back then that all IH games we played would suddenly be tracked IHL games instead but since that assumption isn't shared by everyone that plays it won't turn out that way.
Because screw you Kagete. Welcome to THE LEAGUE

I think the drafting system leads to a lot of the try harding in a sense. Hell, I did it last night when I captained for the first time. I picked every Asian I could get my hands on.

You don't see that kind of tryharding in IHs (all the time) when we auto-balance first and then manually balance afterward.

kagete said:
Well at least we all know you're captain material now...
I have the track record to prove it. My win rate as captain is 100%.


kagete said:
Honestly I have the exact complete opposite view of when to tryhard and play your best -> that's what TMM is for. That's the globally tracked ladder system with persistent stats that gives directly proportional coin rewards for your performance, with no need for a 2 month season to lapse before payout. In house games for e-peen? Isn't that redundant anyway? We're already in tiers, and we already know who is better than everyone else. Hundreds of games of tracked stats are already available either way. Why can't we have fun while IH games are played? I wished back then that all IH games we played would suddenly be tracked IHL games instead but since that assumption isn't shared by everyone that plays it won't turn out that way.
Is anyone playing these games for e-peen? The whole point of the IHL was because people would rampantly complain about the lack of structure and focus that the IH had become, not everyone goes into normal IH games wanting to play 5 melee / mid / jungle slither comps. Some people actually wanted to practice new heroes in a normal HoN setting ( which currently isn't possible outside of low level TMM ).

Yeah sure I can go into TMM and tryhard, but I can only do that with a small pool of GAF players that are somewhere close to my skill level ( Outside of smurfing which is a fucken terrible practice ), I can't go into TMM with a 2-300 difference in MMR non smurf and hope to have an enjoyable even game.


There are numerous thread posts that exist that reference personal performance in the stats or tease others for their poor performance. Props are given to overachievers as well and there are lots of conversations about stats. Epeen in its crudest form is perhaps not something I would call the satisfaction/pride that some of the top performers would claim to have but we have been showing glimpses of deplorable behavior like ragging on someone for being a terrible IHL player when we would never even do that based on their PSR or MMR outside of IHL. I firmly believe that a lot of us now consider IHL to be even more hardcore than their normal TMM games, even if you do play in 1800s. Several have already admitted to doing so


kagete said:
There are numerous thread posts that exist that reference personal performance in the stats or tease others for their poor performance. Props are given to overachievers as well and there are lots of conversations about stats. Epeen in its crudest form is perhaps not something I would call the satisfaction/pride that some of the top performers would claim to have but we have been showing glimpses of deplorable behavior like ragging on someone for being a terrible IHL player when we would never even do that based on their PSR or MMR outside of IHL. I firmly believe that a lot of us now consider IHL to be even more hardcore than their normal TMM games, even if you do play in 1800s. Several have already admitted to doing so
If your referring to the Puppetyuber posts, I'm sure he means those in jest, the only conflicts that I can recall now are the Loki / Thor vs Sanjay posts and the MrMr troll incident, I may be wrong but those are the only ones that I can think of that have been direct Player conflicts, with all the other problems being the "victim" assuming malice was intended.

As for IH replacing TMM games, that's a possibility, but it shouldn't be a surprising trend as a large number of higher ranked GAF players don't TMM on their main account unless Loki / Thor / Puppetyuber are there to support them. Just count the number of smurfs you see online every day as evidence to this.


Neo Member
Tomat said:
Was about to be severely disappointed. I was pretty damn happy with that game.

Tomat did amazing that game. big double kills!
Tomat did pick the only asians in the pool that game (me, delirium)

Edit: me and Sanjay are good friends. I didn't mean to exactly attack him. I just wanted to point things out because i think it was morally wrong.

Personally, i believe in IHL, you guys are taking it too seriously. We should start every game with a "GL HF" in all chat. I personally believe if everyone has it in their minds to not think of these games too seriously and play for fun, it'll all be much different. We had a game when we got rolled but we didn't salt. We just brushed it off and didn't blame anyone on the team. We even said gg afterwards. (I know I lost us the game. hue. hue. hue.)
I think people should just put their sol's bulwark on POSITIVE and just stack armor auras.

Maybe we should do a /roll 20 before every game with each number depicting a twist in every game.
ex. 1 - everyone will be in the same mumble channel.
2- All pick (with some perma banned heroes like magebane. NOT magmus)
3- tier lanes (experienced players face off at this lane, average on this lane, learning tiers on mid lane)
4 - watchtower map
5 - themed teams (team dig, team bug, team beast, team ezito, team global)


Thorinbei said:
Maybe we should do a /roll 20 before every game with each number depicting a twist in every game.
ex. 1 - everyone will be in the same mumble channel.
2- All pick (with some perma banned heroes like magebane. NOT magmus)
3- tier lanes (experienced players face off at this lane, average on this lane, learning tiers on mid lane)
4 - watchtower map
5 - themed teams (team dig, team bug, team beast, team ezito, team global)

I actually think this is a good idea, would lighten up the atmosphere once in a while.

1. All same Mumble Channel.
2. All Pick (no ban)
3. Tier Lanes
4. Watchtower (or w/e is the name of the other 5v5 map)
5. Themed Teams
6. Legion vs Hellbourne (can only pick appropriate heroes)
7. Tier Rumble (all the higher players on one side, all the lower on other side ; lower players decide every hero for the opposing team)
8. Single Draft
9. No STR heroes
10. No INT heroes
11. No AGI heroes
12. Grimm's Crossing (3v3) (iffy)
13. Deadwood Vale (4v4) (iffy again, restrict people)
14-20. Regular IHL
Guesong said:
I actually think this is a good idea, would lighten up the atmosphere once in a while.

1. All same Mumble Channel.
2. All Pick (no ban)
3. Tier Lanes
4. Watchtower (or w/e is the name of the other 5v5 map)
5. Themed Teams
6. Legion vs Hellbourne (can only pick appropriate heroes)
7. Tier Rumble (all the higher players on one side, all the lower on other side ; lower players decide every hero for the opposing team)
8. Single Draft
9. No STR heroes
10. No INT heroes
11. No AGI heroes
12. Grimm's Crossing (3v3) (iffy)
13. Deadwood Vale (4v4) (iffy again, restrict people)
14-20. Regular IHL

I really like this idea tbh. As long as people still take the game somewhat seriously.
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