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Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores is getting slammed on Metacritic (story spoilers)


Sorry, she is the clone of Elisabet Sobeck, who was confirmed in the main game, not the dlc, to be lesbian and in a relationship with
But we didn't see any kind of hints that Aloy is gay in the 2 games.. not a bit, So that's like comes out of nowhere, anyhow i'm not bothered by it and will see it for myself eventually when i play Burning Shores, still sounds out of place and like i said i don't care for sexuality in games.
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I can’t imagine being offended or upset by this.

1. Gay people exist in the real world
2. A vast majority of Sony characters are not gay
3. A vast majority of video game characters are not gay
4. Anyone paying attention during the second game saw this coming from a mile away

No one should give a fuck about MC user scores. Literally every first party game on all consoles get their share of console warrior reviews.

Lastly, it’s fucking Horizon. The writing and characters are so terrible, why waste any emotion on it. It’s very telling that more than a few posters in the thread reference characters from either of the games and have no idea what their names are. It’s all trash writing and forgettable characters. Who cares if someone is gay. It doesn’t matter.

Show some empathy for a change. As a straight white man, none of this diversity stuff bothers me because there are literally ENDLESS options for me if I want only consume entertainment where straight white men are the focus. Gay people and minorities sure as shit don’t have those options.

Because this is political, and politics is tribal, small-minded, and cruel, and therefore the antithesis of art, or even engaging storytelling (which this game might have been, even if it blatantly fails to even approach being art).

That's why this whole 'woke' phenomenon is oppressive and stultifying.


But we didn't see any kind of hints that Aloy is gay in the 2 games.. not a bit, So that's like comes out of nowhere, anyhow i'm not bothered by it and will see it for myself eventually when i play Burning Shores, still sounds out of place and like i said i don't care for sexuality in games.
No, but romance is still an option in the DLC, you can choose to reject her but everyone is making it out to be mandatory apparently.


I pretty much don't give a fuck about these sorts of things bit this does feel Hella forced.

Haven't played the DLC though. Maybe it's a nothing burger.

It kind of makes sense considering if you've played forbidden west the let's say "history" of where aloy comes from is too a lesbian. It's a pretty big part of the campaign actually.

That being said.... Erend deserved that flange. Still the best char in the games. Dude likes metal
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Because this is political, and politics is tribal, small-minded, and cruel, and therefore the antithesis of art, or even engaging storytelling (which this game might have been, even if it blatantly fails to even approach being art).

That's why this whole 'woke' phenomenon is oppressive and stultifying.
Why is it political?


Gold Journalism
Wasn't Ellie enough? Does everyone has to be gay in Sony games?
I'm gay and I'm disappointed because it's just to tick a box.
It would feel more natural to the game if she was straight since she had plenty of male suiters in both games and then they shove a lesbian interest in a short dlc that not everybody will play.
She is not. Do not be swayed by these Internet trolls and salty fanboys.

It is an RPG, and the game offers you a choice of making it romantic if you want to. The same choice is offered for both a guy (Avad) and a girl (Seyka).

Similar to how it is done in Assassin’s Creed, Cyberpunk 2077, or Mass Effect.

You can make her straight, lesbian, bi, or nothing.


Do not be swayed by fake outrage by these salty fanboys.


Personally, when I first heard Solid Snake hit on Mei Ling in Metal Gear Solid in 1998, I broke my PlayStation in half and threw it at my Dalmatian named Charles…so I get what you’re saying.
I don't get users like you or others that give a similar reply.

All I'm saying is that I want more games that puts far more importance on the plot rather than on the "drama", or the narrative. And for the ones that focus on the characters/narrative/"drama", to stop thinking that sexuality is a character trait and give it too much importance.

All so that ypu stop breaking your Playstations and Nintendo consoles and spare poor Charles from your dementia.


She is not. Do not be swayed by these Internet trolls and salty fanboys.

It is an RPG, and the game offers you a choice of making it romantic if you want to. The same choice is offered for both a guy (Avad) and a girl (Seyka).

Similar to how it is done in Assassin’s Creed, Cyberpunk 2077, or Mass Effect.

You can make her straight, lesbian, bi, or nothing.


Do not be swayed by fake outrage by these salty fanboys.
So Guerilla, just like many other RPG devs, gives an option to romance someone of the same sex. A player chooses to romance the same sex character, so... who is actually gay? Alloy or the person who made that choice?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Ellie and Alloy. That's it, it's a vast minority of the heros in Sony games.
Other than Selene what other lead female characters does Sony have?
Obviously active ones, not ones that haven't had a game in decade.
Because this is political, and politics is tribal, small-minded, and cruel, and therefore the antithesis of art, or even engaging storytelling (which this game might have been, even if it blatantly fails to even approach being art).

That's why this whole 'woke' phenomenon is oppressive and stultifying.

It’s not political, nor is it a “phenomenon”.


Wait, it’s a roleplaying choice? And you can romance a guy as well?
Internet, I’m disappointed at you!


If the rumors are true and we're getting another Uncharted game but this time Cassie Drake is the main character and turns out she's also gay... it'll be 3 for 3 (Ellie, Aloy, Cassie). lol

Although, i could see the developers making Cassie bisexual. This way she gets to be part of the LGBT anyway.

On topic, i haven't played the DLC and plan to but i just wish it had been done already in the first game. Aloy did have more chemistry with one of the female characters in that game like someone mentioned but i forget her name.
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Why disable it... freedom is always fundamental wheather you hate how somebody else thinks or not... canceling speech and thought is exactly what fascism is.. nobody should tell people how to think, feel and what to say.. otherwise well be living in some plastic artificial world where everybody has a forced smile on their face and just says amen to everything...

It is clear as day that the media the news the music the movies and games are pushing some lgbt agenda... literally anybody with a brain can see this, and denying people to express how they feel is just plain stupid... this is similar to the recent budweiser ad with a trans that didnt go well... and idiots pretend they dont understand the backlash, if they had a brain they would know beer just like video games are a very male centric products. And besides the gay stuff the game is really boring i said this earlier and it seems most people think the same.. its tech demo with virtue signaling as a bonus

So Bud shouldn’t be told what to think, or they should?


Ruined a great character?

Clearly these people never actually played the games.

P.S Isnt her progenitor lesbian as well?
I don't know about her progenitor, but it is a fact that the Progenitor Virus turns you gay (for Chris)


right guys ? Am i the only one with that side effect ??

Anyway, once again a pointless controversy will occult the discussion about the real problems of that game (and gaming in general). Devs must be happy they will nevermore be judged on what they produce, but on pointless societal postures... I wish i had it this easy at my job (and i'm a librarian so i already have it rather easy...)


Havent played the DLC but loved the main game, it's my goty. If what I read is right, there are a ton of issues with this...she became colder and more calculated, more detached from everyone, it's how they build her character in parallel with Sobek and I loved that about her, which many did not, yet all I see in the DLC is the complete opposite of her character. I'm gonna go ahead and agree that this was an agenda for both the people that complained that she was lacking personality/being cold in the main game and to get lgbt points. Eh, guess I'll skip it.
Do you skip the dlc of your goty because of other people opinions?
I don't know about her progenitor, but it is a fact that the Progenitor Virus turns you gay (for Chris)


right guys ? Am i the only one with that side effect ??

Anyway, once again a pointless controversy will occult the discussion about the real problems of that game (and gaming in general). Devs must be happy they will nevermore be judged on what they produce, but on pointless societal postures... I wish i had it this easy at my job (and i'm a librarian so i already have it rather easy...)
Chris is the reason I lift


I just think it's funny the people complaining about her preference in partners must have picked the "love" option at the end, so I'm not sure what they expected?!? lol

There are literally two other options, one to tell her you arent sure, and one to tell her you're staright up not interested, but no, the hate crowd picked the option that would enrage them the most it seems
People twisting reality to shit on horizon?



It was retconned in the second game. In the first game she had two male love interests who were cast aside in the sequel since it no longer made sense to have her be attracted to men.
She is bisexual like aloy.

You literally have a love choice with avad after he declare to her, she like both dicks and muff.


Aloy is a clone of Elisabet, who was in a relationship with Tilda.... why would anybody be surprised that Aloy is gay too?



Why is having straight characters in games such a problem now? Why cater to a minority of the population for stuff like this? What's next? Will Aloy transition to a male for the next game.

This is Late Stage Feminism on display. In the end, they will just replace all female performers in entertainment with trans men. So, we'll all be playing games with bald space marines again.

Maybe this is part of the lore where the machines put something in the water to turn everyone gay. With the population all gay, no one procreates and the whole human race dies out.

If the Devil is anything, he's the ultimate troll.
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She is bisexual like aloy.

You literally have a love choice with avad after he declare to her, she like both dicks and muff.

Avad isn’t a love interest. Her reaction to him basically throwing himself at her is exactly why everyone should have known she is gay.

The closest she gets to him being a love interest is that the idea of settling down somewhere sounds nice but she can’t focus on that right now. And he basically replies “well if you ever decide to settle down and that place happens to be where I am, look me up!”

Not even close to a legitimate “love interest”. Unless maybe he’s in the DLC and becomes an actual interest?


Because it's very obviously in line with the almost universal political obsessions of virtually all game developers. If you haven't noticed this shit before you'd have to have a head made of concrete.

It's probably the "wokest" single cohort in the entire world.
You're not answering the question. What about the way Horizon handles this topic is political? How is this in line with "virtually all game Developers" when gay main characters are extremely rare?

Or is your opinion that every inclusion of a gay character in a video game is political?
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who gives a flying fuck about user reviews? hell, no one should care what so called critics say either, just watch some videos, watch a streamer play it and decide for yourself.


Avad isn’t a love interest. Her reaction to him basically throwing himself at her is exactly why everyone should have known she is gay.

The closest she gets to him being a love interest is that the idea of settling down somewhere sounds nice but she can’t focus on that right now. And he basically replies “well if you ever decide to settle down and that place happens to be where I am, look me up!”

Not even close to a legitimate “love interest”. Unless maybe he’s in the DLC and becomes an actual interest?
He declare his love to her and she says that she want to see him again, that's the most direct she has ever been with another npcs outside of seyka, and she doesn't have a big adventure with avad to know him better and grow stronger feeling for him, you literally saw him in like 3 occasions in 2 games.

Seyka has just more time to pass with her so she can get the first kiss, if the dlc was about re-building meridian and avad was the companion npc you would have had a romantic choice with him.

A pure lesbian would never respond in that way to a love declaration and give him hope, let's be real, if he had even a slight chance, it means that aloy like both men and women and it just happened to kiss a woman first (if you chose to do that, it is not a canon choice)
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Doesn't letting you choose your love interest hurt the character? The entire "love who you want" trope of recent games makes for hollow characters. I'd rather have a meaningful relationship explored in a realistic way instead of everything being player choice for a diversity checkbox.


You're not answering the question. What about the way Horizon handles this topic is political? How is this in line with "virtually all game Developers" when gay main characters are extremely rare?

Or is your opinion that every inclusion of a gay character in a video game is political?

There's nothing specifically about the way that Horizon introduces it that is political, and it could be that it isn't. But it's just too much of a coincidence for me to believe.

You misunderstood what I was saying about virtually all game developers: not that they all make their characters gay, but that they're very politically correct and often enthusiastic fighters in the culture wars. This has been my consistent experience when encountering them.
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I see that you aren't familiar with women.
This is not straight with straight, this is a supposed lesbian giving hope to a straight guy and if you heard the cutscene, her voice seems everything except a lie (also i doubt that the developers are playing 4d chess with fucking avad).

Are you familiar with being tricked by lesbians? Because i'm not.
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Wasn't Ellie enough? Does everyone has to be gay in Sony games?
I'm gay and I'm disappointed because it's just to tick a box.
It would feel more natural to the game if she was straight since she had plenty of male suiters in both games and then they shove a lesbian interest in a short dlc that not everybody will play.
I haven't gotten to that part of the game... but apparently it's a choice. It's not mandatory.

IDK if it's like Mass Affect, where you can choose a male, female, or alien... I've always played the game and made choices like Aloy didn't like anyone lol so IDK if you can romance anyone else.


I guess the thing not sitting well with players is that it feels shoehorned with how little time it takes for Aloy to warm up to this new character when she stated many times during Zero Dawn and Forbidden West that "it's not the time for that. That humanity is at risk of facing another extinction event if she doesn't do what it must be done".

In reality Aloy was just trying to be polite. The reality wasn't "there is no time for it".

The reality was that she thought all options at the time were mid

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I don't get users like you or others that give a similar reply.

All I'm saying is that I want more games that puts far more importance on the plot rather than on the "drama", or the narrative. And for the ones that focus on the characters/narrative/"drama", to stop thinking that sexuality is a character trait and give it too much importance.

All so that ypu stop breaking your Playstations and Nintendo consoles and spare poor Charles from your dementia.
You said:

“god I can't stand this trend of every character having to have a sexual preference”

And I pointed out a totally normal and accepted example of a protagonist having a sexual preference in a game most consider among the GOATs, not just hitting on one but practically all of the females he interacts with in the game. And nobody had a problem with it then or now. But a female protagonist being into chicks? OH MY GOD GET YOUR POLITICS OUTTA MUH GAMEZ CAN’T WE HAVE WHOLESOME DADS??

I find it tiresome. And good old Charles has long since passed, but I’m a wholesome dad to my own actual kids now, and I don’t think they’ll ever be upset if a girl kisses a girl, and that’s a good thing.
People is that slow at the point to release a dlc for them notice that this game its just another Sony woke agenda bs game ?


I Iove my PlayStation, but for third party and indie Exclusives.
I can't stand those Sony AAA games, only 2 or 3 max...
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