Even taking into account the crappy low-bitrate 1080p stream this is blatantly a cross gen-limited game if this is what we're to expect from the gameplay later and the PS5 version as a whole. The trailer last year blew me away and yet it looks like we're just getting a top tier, late gen ps4 game with a few bells and whistles on PS5.
Nothing has disappointed me more than this game being announced as cross-gen, so much potential... There's just no getting around the gulf between the two systems. A part of me was just hoping Guerilla were going to step it up and branch off with two functionally different versions, but I guess there's no real business incentive to that approach.
Sony's past approach at the beginning of generations is to shift quickly to next gen only and really show off the system; and the intrinsic properties of the new hardware means that approach is even more important now. I see people arguing about the limited supply, but regardless of that, Sony have still sold more consoles in this timeframe than PS4 did, so it doesn't hold weight. PS4 has also had 7.5 years of great content, it's had a great run, it's had its time. Releasing newer first party stuff on it now just undermines the technical potential of those titles.
This 5 hour intro stream looks like a way to soften our expectations gently.