Many games don't have VA because the cost is expensive. If AI means all games go 100% voiced, I'm 100% for it. I do have sympathy for those who have been or will be made obsolete. I'm not sure what could be done, but slowing down the progress of AI in our industry is not the answer.
Think of the blind people who will now be able to enjoy these games, maybe even the older ones, because they are voiced.
There are many solutions to this problem, but "stopping AI" is not one of them. It's like asking us to holup on building model Ts because the horses aren't ready to retire yet. Every day we go without improving AI is a day that is lost forever.
Let me ask you this. Do you believe in the social contract? Wokesters sure do. Next time a wokester tells you to stop AI because all the art jobs will get replaced first, tell them:
A. All art is arbitrary, and this proves it.
B. You are shirking your responsibility to the social contract by asking for AI to be slowed down
C. AI will help the disabled first, VA replacement with a real sounding voice is a HUGE part of that, be careful of what you are asking to be slowed down