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Hot damn!! Finally got a new monitor!! No more flickery mess! Display question..

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Some of you may remember me bitching about my 17" Flatpanel monitor crapping out on me and degenerating into a flickering epilepsy inducer. I was torn on whether to get a Joe Blow CRT for cheap or to get this out-of-box $700 17" LCD TV and use it as a monitor.

Well I compromised and bought an 18" Microtek (I know I know, I bought it at Wal-Mart..fuck it) flatpanel LCD monitor. It's fucking pimp. Hell, just having a stable screen is enough for me, but in addition the damn thing just seems huge. It's like I'd swear that my old monitor was not in fact 17" (lyin ass Gateway ;) ) or that this one is somehow bigger than 18". The only thing that bugs me so far is that the thing is so fucking heavy (like 12+lbs) and the base is so narrow that it sways a little on my desk as I type. Maybe some tweaking will stabilize it a little..

Anyway, the monitor says it supports 1280x1024 resolution, but the slider on my display settings peak at 1024x768. My gfx card is an ancient GeForce 2 MX, but I figure it could handle 1280x1024 in XP, right? How can I take advantage of the higher resolution? Can I at all?

Seth C

LCD monitor measurement are screen corner to corner.
CRT monitor measurements are CASE corner to corner.
TV measurements are screen corner to corner.

So, your 17" CRT could very well have only been 15" where it counts. Certainly less then 16".


Congrats. Does Gateway use Triniton tech or is that just Dell? My Optiquest 19' recently had to go in the shop (FFXI is to blame) and I borrowed a friend's Sony 19'. This thing is AWESOME.


Go to Display Properties, Advanced, Monitor.

See what type of monitor it says. You can change it.

Normally, you can set it to plug & play, and if you're using a cable with DDC and no switchboxes that cut off DDC, the computer will know what kind of monitor you have, provided you've rebooted since you changed monitors.
Well it says that it's plug and play, but it doesn't appear that I can alter that setting. Should I just reboot my computer and see if it detects new hardware?


Seth C said:
LCD monitor measurement are screen corner to corner.
CRT monitor measurements are CASE corner to corner.
TV measurements are screen corner to corner.

So, your 17" CRT could very well have only been 15" where it counts. Certainly less then 16".

it doesn't measure case corner to case corner.

It's actually a 17" screen... but the viewable area is often less than the screen size (as the case has to hold the glass)... on average you'll find 17" has 15.7" viewable area, while 19" CRTs will have 18" viewable.


jeez ned, if u think its pimp now wait till u see its native resolution.

LCDs look soooo much better at native rez, because the pixels displays = pixels available = super sharp


Grifter said:
Congrats. Does Gateway use Triniton tech or is that just Dell? My Optiquest 19' recently had to go in the shop (FFXI is to blame) and I borrowed a friend's Sony 19'. This thing is AWESOME.

Out of curiousity what was it that FFXI did to make you take your monitor in? I've been having all kinds of FFXI problems but this just sounds interesting to me none the less.

LCD are nice, i love CRT's. If only they could mix the two for a perfect world.


I'm kinda kidding. It has been on for FFXI a lot over the past months but I think it was just a fluke ground shortage when my GF tried to turn it off. Haven't heard from the repairman yet tho.
Yeah seanoff, I'm there already. After re-booting, XP picked up the monitor and allowed me to up the resolution. I had to adjust the DPI setting to 120 because the damn text was so small. The crappy thing is that a lot of text windows in software etc seem off-center. Is there some kind of fix for these quirks or is it just the nature of the beast? Would returning to 90 DPI fix the alignment issues or is the problem with the higher resolution itself (wouldn't think that makes sense)??
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