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Hours after Trump signs Muslim ban, Texas mosque goes up in flames

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Any Trump supporter denouncing this is full of shit and everyone on the planet knows it by now. We know where their priorities lie. They don't even fucking care about disabled people.

You cant convince them that they are the bad guys, or responsible for voting and supporting Trump. They will denounce this, but wont understand why its spreading and happening.

It's fascinating as it is frustrating.
Don't forget the millions who voted him in

I'm more pissed off at the other half that couldn't be bothered to vote and give a fuck, and especially pissed at the Both sides are the same/Lesser of two evils/But DNC Emails!/Clinton Speeches = corruption crowd that focused more on damaging the democrats then the orange master that now in the Oval Office.
I'm more pissed off at the other half that couldn't be bothered to vote and give a fuck, and especially pissed at the Both sides are the same/Lesser of two evils/But DNC Emails!/Clinton Speeches = corruption crowd that focused more on damaging the democrats then the orange master that now in the Oval Office.

If you believe this mosque still wouldn't have burned down with Hilary as President you're naive. These people were emboldened the moment he showed up, losing the election wouldn't mean shit.


Most Trump supporters will denounce this. They wont see how the President's actions is allowing this to happen.

Even if they won't say it publicly, I'm more inclined to believe Trump supporters are cheering for this kind of atrocity privately. Prejudice & oppression against Muslims was part of Trump's campaign platform.
Upwards of half of our country is made of racist white evangelical trash. It was always going to come down to this with old conservative white people and white evangelicals becoming radicalized by right wing media and the evil corporate interests that fund it.
Those damn terrorists.

Seriously. But as we know from US history, only brown people can commit terrorism.

Really hope Trump voters are watching closely. Denounce it all you want, this was in the cards the moment Trump's xenophobia was apparent. You helped elevate it.


I'm convinced the end goal for Trump and his supporters is to try to deport every Muslim in the country by any means necessary.

Someone else mentioned it but if there's no more attacks by terrorists in america or in western countries Trump can claim his ban on immigrants was effective.

If there is another attack though he'll push for stricter control and eventually deportation. I can fully see it happening.
Of course it's my hometown. This is the second time I can remember Victoria made national news. The last time was a couple of years ago when a cop tazed my buddy's father after the officer incorrectly assumed the old man was breaking the law. Gotta love Texas.


Good luck America Muslims. It's a headache being a Muslim in the uk but at least the government and the average person isn't against me. I'm expecting post 9 11 responses to Muslims now which is going to include sikhs because trump supporters need to hate anything that looks Muslim.

Won't be surprised when American Muslims just give up because 4 years of trump won't be easy.

Yep, as Muslim who lives in UK, I feel shit lucky. Good luck to every Muslim in the state!


Just remember guys punching Nazis is wrong and apologizing to ignorant racists is the key to winning the minds and hearts of deplorable people.
I'm convinced the end goal for Trump and his supporters is to try to deport every Muslim in the country by any means necessary.

Someone else mentioned it but if there's no more attacks by terrorists in america or in western countries Trump can claim his ban on immigrants was effective.

If there is another attack though he'll push for stricter control and eventually deportation. I can fully see it happening.

Trump is playing with smoke. The dude has too much money tied up in the middle East. He's not stupid but is pandering to the stupid hillbillies in this country by banning people from parts of the world that are barely wealthy enought to put food on their own table


Misleading title? Is that website even legit?

Bunch of other news sites just reported the fire, the others feeding it into going into flames right after Trump signed his border security.

All of this sadly feeding into more fear.


Yeah, batten down the fucking hatches.

I feel for the muslims living in the US, I really do. If you ever had plans to go somewhere else, this might be a good time to do so.
Muslims are just the canary in the coal mine.

You think the fascists are going to stop at Muslims (which is something in people's head and is going to be impossible to enforce anyways)? They just used that to get power. Anyone who is not a straight white male christian should be very alert right now and fighting back.
Sad. Attacking places of worship. Lucky noone was hurt (or were there?)

Looks like a nice building too. There was a graffiti incident not long ago (says my Google-fu skills) considered as hate crime, so surely this would be the same? Of course, there is no proof. Yet. But let's not be dense.


This and all recent events read exactly like the playbook of 1930s Germany.

I said something similar on Facebook. A response I got, quoted word for word:

"Were not lining them up and killing them!!! Knock off the mamby pamby crap and comparing us to Nazi Germany!!!"

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