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House adopts rule that permits hiding how public funds are used

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They should call it the "It's okay to be a thief" rule. That is the sole reason it needs to be in place. I'm not even disgusted anymore because the entire gov't has turned into a bad Boris and Natasha cartoon.


The House is a gerrymander cesspit, so this should come as no surprise to anyone and its not really where you'd have to go to fight this sort of bullshit. Have to go to the source of how it has become so stacked in Republican favor and overturn gerrymandering. This would also serve as a way to solve a lot of state-level problems from similar bullshit.

Otherwise, soon the only way that will remain to challenge some of these amoral assholes will be to drag them into the streets because they will do everything in their power to obstruct the reach of the law when it comes to the legality of their actions and bury as much evidence as possible behind as much red-tape and lawyers as possible.


The House is a gerrymander cesspit, so this should come as no surprise to anyone and its not really where you'd have to go to fight this sort of bullshit. Have to go to the source of how it has become so stacked in Republican favor and overturn gerrymandering. This would also serve as a way to solve a lot of state-level problems from similar bullshit.

Otherwise, soon the only way to challenge some of these amoral assholes will be to drag them into the streets.
I have a feeling that's going to happen in one of these protests.


I have a feeling that's going to happen in one of these protests.

That would be terrible, but it also wouldn't surprise me eventually. Republicans are fighting a losing battle with regards to population and urbanization, sooner or later that dam is going to burst regardless of what rules they try to break and bend in their favor. The more they fight it, the more the violent the eventual wave.

Automation will destroy the modern Republican party sooner or later. Their voting base will be out of jobs, obsolete, and angry, meanwhile urban and suburban centers will continue to expand and develop their socio-economic position.


That would be terrible, but it also wouldn't surprise me eventually. Republicans are fighting a losing battle with regards to population and urbanization, sooner or later that dam is going to burst regardless of what rules they try to break and bend in their favor. The more they fight it, the more the violent the eventual wave.

Automation will destroy the modern Republican party sooner or later. Their voting base will be out of jobs, obsolete, and angry, meanwhile urban and suburban centers will continue to expand and develop their socio-economic position.

None of what you said will matter.


In what sense? Unless you think that cities and urban centers will phase out of this plane of reality, it will matter sooner or later.

What you are describing has already happened, and this was the result. It's all down hill from here.


Somehow i doubt american soldiers would accept order to shoot upon american citizens.

Such thing could spark a civil war.






Interesting, never knew of that event (but then, i'm not American, is it common knowledge there?).

But it was in 1970 and only four dead. The situation right now might be a tad different.

Well. Either way, let's hope nothing like this happens.


People called Romanes they go the house?
So....can someone bring this to the courts, get it declared unconstitutional or something?

Because the idea that Congress is somehow above the law is absolutely reprehensible.


It's going to come down to violence. There is no other option left given the current administration.

And that will set us back even more, all thanks to those who engineered it.


We're going to need an American Spring. It's tipping over.
With some luck, you might get American Winter at this rate. (EDIT Hopefully sort of good luck... as i said, things may get worse before they get better.)
Trump could just lose it some day, really turn everyone against him.

Even with Drumpf gone, how do you deal with the 63 million Americans who voted for him?

It's why this whole situation is a lose-lose no matter what happens. You could replace his entire administration tommorow, but the other half of the country would refuse to accept it.
I was out today doing routine errands. Wal-Mart, Kroger, etc. I looked at people and just couldn't imagine that stuff like this gets back to them. We must have one of the least engaged populaces in the entire developed world.


Even with Drumpf gone, how do you deal with the 63 million Americans who voted for him?

It's why this whole situation is a lose-lose no matter what happens. You could replace his entire administration, but the other half of the country would refuse to accept it.

Honestly, no idea.

I hate to say this but perhaps Trump does something so horrible even his supporters and voters turn against him. I dare not to think what could do that though.

Either way, it seem to me that American hegemony is collapsing. Either Trump enacts his idiotic isolationism and turns away US allies, or the federation becomes dysfunctional for a time due to other reasons.
it really is something isn't it?

country was founded on racism, laws coded in racism, our electoral system catered to the racists at the time...

not hard to see why at this point.
If it is that deeply ingrained, and everything I see points to that, then America is a failed state. Having such inherent divisions in your foundation will always lead to problems. Maybe postwar America has just been a slow spiral down the toilet?

Cause after all the shit they done did to black people their still here and fighting. How would you feel if your supposed to be "superior" to someone but they still hang around and catch up.
I know what you are saying. I think it is a bit of that and a lot of anti-black propaganda that is continually used to perpetuate the us-vs-them rhetoric the ruling class uses to subvert democracy.


If it is that deeply ingrained, and everything I see points to that, then America is a failed state. Having such inherent divisions in your foundation will always lead to problems. Maybe postwar America has just been a slow spiral down the toilet?

I know what you are saying. I think it is a bit of that and a lot of anti-black propaganda that is continually used to perpetuate the us-vs-them rhetoric the ruling class uses to subvert democracy.

We fucked up Reconstruction after the civil war and are still paying the price today.


Even with Drumpf gone, how do you deal with the 63 million Americans who voted for him?

It's why this whole situation is a lose-lose no matter what happens. You could replace his entire administration tommorow, but the other half of the country would refuse to accept it.

By communicating with them in a way that does not begin and end with hostility.

I know it's distasteful, but that is literally what the United States of America is: a potentially distasteful amalgamation of people.

We cannot start treating them as less worthwhile while criticizing Trump for doing the same in regard to others.

Nelo Ice

I was out today doing routine errands. Wal-Mart, Kroger, etc. I looked at people and just couldn't imagine that stuff like this gets back to them. We must have one of the least engaged populaces in the entire developed world.
It's horrifying me that people still don't give a shit or think I'm just over reacting. Yeah I'm in a full blown meltdown but good god how is all this fuckery not setting off alarms!?. People really won't give a shit until politics affects them directly.


By communicating with them in a way that does not begin and end with hostility.

They don't care. If you're hostile then they're the poor victims of your hostility.

If you try to reason with them then you're a pussy that is too weak to be respected.
Really glad I'm not having kids and with the shitty health insurance changes I'll get cancer not be covered and die I can't wait.


Even with Drumpf gone, how do you deal with the 63 million Americans who voted for him?

It's why this whole situation is a lose-lose no matter what happens. You could replace his entire administration tommorow, but the other half of the country would refuse to accept it.
Won't they just fall in line?


The premise of "both sides are the same!" was always moronic. Stuff like this is demonstrating why.

It was moronic, but it worked. We need to stop writing off this kind of bullshittery just because it seems transparent to us. That con job won a monster the presidency.


I am Korean.
It was moronic, but it worked. We need to stop writing off this kind of bullshittery just because it seems transparent to us. That con job won a monster the presidency.

I doubt most that said that mind. This is basically the best case scenario for Libertarians.
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