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House of Cards Season 4 |OT| Anything for America. Netflix March 4th


Five episodes in, just wanted to say that so far I'm pretty satisfied with the quality. Obviously there's still the bulk of the season to go, but fears averted of another season 3 where half the plotlines are falling flat.

Still not the highs of season 1 though, the Russo/Frank plotting was really entertaining and the actor charismatic. Show hasn't matched that subplot since.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Only had time to see the 1st episode (geez, why am I so sleepy). Just happy to see Doug in Full-Time Frank-Time. Wasn't good having that strange disconnect in S3.
I feel like this is going from bad to worse. May be I am being biased but I don't feel the edge of my seat excitement I felt for the first 3 seasons.


I feel like this is going from bad to worse. May be I am being biased but I don't feel the edge of my seat excitement I felt for the first 3 seasons.

Yeah, I'm around episode 6 and I'm not feeling it. It also doesn't help that the show is completely divorced from any political reality. Additionally, politics despite how fictional they were has taken a back seat to pure nonsensical drama that isn't as gripping or engaging.


Season 3 was carried by NotPutin and Stamper's crusade against electronic devices, so if this season gets back to making Frank and Claire the center of attention, I'll enjoy it.

Starting it tonight, can't wait.


Ok, episode 8 and 9 are almost like season 1 eps, shows how much breaking the 4th wall helps.

Definitely better than season 3 so far, maybe even better than season 2.
Yeah, I'm around episode 6 and I'm not feeling it. It also doesn't help that the show is completely divorced from any political reality. Additionally, politics despite how fictional they were has taken a back seat to pure nonsensical drama that isn't as gripping or engaging.

Yup. And this thing they are dragging from episode 4 to episode 6 so far, everyone knows what's gonna happen in the end and all this feels like filler non sense. Can we just go back to the election.
Yup. And this thing they are dragging from episode 4 to episode 6 so far, everyone knows what's gonna happen in the end and all this feels like filler non sense. Can we just go back to the election.

I couldn't agree more. I thought the first couple of episodes were pretty good, but these episodes after (Episode 4 spoiler)
Frank got shot (I'm finishing episode 6 right now)
are just awful
The difference between first six episodes and the later stuff is so stark, it literally feels like a different season altogether.

Also anyone hoping for finally seeing some Frank Underwood destruction, lol nope. They gonna drag this for another season or two. I might not even finish this one.


Episode 4:
Holy shit. Really didn't expect that to happen and so soon. Reintroducing the reporter guy made me think he would do something but damn so soon. Especially since,
British Mini-Series spoiler:
the original series ended with Franks assassination. I thought they were setting up him to do that to end the series.

As for my thoughts, much better than season 3 so far. Sure some of it is absurd but considering the Mini-series had equally absurd elements I don't mind at all. I'm in it for the drama now, not realism.
The difference between first six episodes and the later stuff is so stark, it literally feels like a different season altogether.

Also anyone hoping for finally seeing some Frank Underwood destruction, lol nope. They gonna drag this for another season or two. I might not even finish this one.

Hell, the difference between episode 6 and 7 is night and day. It's like they flipped a switch and said, yeah, we are done killing time


Just finished it and in episode 13
that last shot when they both looked at the camera was just chilling.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Episode 3:
Why is no one considering that all of this shit is coming from Claire? Considering the overt games she was playing in the first two episodes? Ridiculous that it took a confession for Frank to look at the person actively messing with him rather than a bunch of other people he has no active reason to suspect.

This VP suggestion by Claire is utterly absurd. In no way would that enhance his chances of winning.


Homeland Security Fail
Watched the first two episodes. I'm liking it so far.

Spoilers for episode two:

Frank trying to knock Claire down a notch was an awesome scene. I also liked that Claire got back up. She has always been a strong woman and someone that knew what she wanted (except when they ruined her last season).
Six episodes in, I'm enjoying this season a lot more than I did season 3. It actually feels like this are happening this time around, whereas season 3 felt largely forgettable and unimportant.


Just finished episode 3. I'm done. Ridiculous. Writers lost their damn mind.

Yeah episode 3 jumped right over the shark for me.
Fuck you Claire you've never done anything in your life. You're spoiled and terrible. And now you want to just leapfrog up to VP? That's really where this is going?


It's there but there's a lot less of it. One episode does have a really long speech directly to the audience which really was great.

They nixed it in season 3.

In Season 3, there was just much less of it. I thought you meant there was none at all. Well, I'm glad the narrative tool is still around though it's a minor consolation at this point.

I'll look forward to that speech!


I totally hated what they did to Claire's character so much in season 3 that I couldn't finish watching it, plus it felt like a filler season. Is there a chance I'll enjoy Season 4?


In Season 3, there was just much less of it. I thought you meant there was none at all. Well, I'm glad the narrative tool is still around though it's a minor consolation at this point.

I'll look forward to that speech!

Well I lied a bit, it's not "really" long but considerable. You will notice it when you see it. What episode:
Its early on, Episode 2 I think.


I'm so of Claire. So utterly sick of her. I hated her in S3, and in S4, after 1 episode. She hasn't changed.

Same here, although I'm not sick of her, just not really liking her. Episode 2 and 3 basically shows that her entire motivation is
not wanting to wait until Frank wins the election to start "building her legacy" All of her ideas are just impatient and spiteful.


This season is WAY better than the last one. Big improvement. I'm ep 10 now, and it feels like it's on the level of S1.
I just realized how terrifying the political landscape of the House of Cards universe is: The GoP is still as strong as it was in the early 2000s, the democrats are essentially right-wing, and the political field is still dominated by male WASPs.
Same here, although I'm not sick of her, just not really liking her. Episode 2 and 3 basically shows that her entire motivation is
not wanting to wait until Frank wins the election to start "building her legacy" All of her ideas are just impatient and spiteful.

Seems poorly written. But humans are poorly written in real life. So maybe it's the most accurate kind of writing you can get. Funny right?
In regards to the soliloquies this season:

I really like how they didn't ramp them up back to s1 levels until after the shooting. That was nice.
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