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House of Cards Season 4 |OT| Anything for America. Netflix March 4th

With regards to Freddy,
I don't know that scene didn't feel earned to me. Like, what exactly did Frank fucking do to you? Freddy fucked his own self over when he had his idiot convict son waive a loaded firearm around reporters. This was during when he was trying to capitalize on Frank's name as a frequent visitor to his shop to open up a franchise. Then when all was over Frank got him a job at the White House, which I don't care what you do there is going to look impressive on a resume, and seemingly turned out great for him. But, Frank is a "motherfucker" because he wanted some ribs? He was using you and you were using him. The fuck are you upset for?

Yeah, that was the only really transparently horrible part of s2 for me.

Man Conway's wife is hot.

"I just got up, but now I think I'm gonna fuck my husband."
On episode 7 and avoiding spoilers. For those on the fence with watching this season (non-spoiler),
Season 1 Frank appears to be back halfway through the season. Overall as good as Season 2 so far, might improve by the end.

Conway calls Jefferson the founder of the Republican Party during the first third of Episode 7. Is this some alternate universe stuff or did no one working on the show really catch that? It definitely says "Jefferson" in the captions.


Finished. Some parts were a bit slow, others implausible (nothing new), etc. I had my issues but on the whole very little frustrated me like the character/plot decisions of Season 3 and there were enough highlight moments. I'd put it around Season 2, a solid season of TV that was enough to keep me invested for next year.

Full season spoilers:
Yeah the Freddy moment didn't feel earned. Why would he have such high expectations of Frank's friendship? He himself told Remy that he didn't even actually like talking to Frank.
Going the terror mongering route is a relatively plausible last resort, but I can't stay it's something I'm looking forward to seeing.
I didn't mind the roughly 2 episode section with Frank out of action as I've seen a number of comments on. It was stretched out a bit definitely, but I liked Claire actually succeeding at something on a national level for once and actually liked a glimpse at President Blythe. I thought the idea of and execution of the hallucinations was fine, they just had too much airtime.
Yeah I know all the NSA/search data stuff would have value in a presidential race, but Neve Campbell (who just disappeared) acting like it would lock up a victory for Conway and going to the extreme of a potential major scandal when publicly available search/social media data combined with traditional polling could get you reasonably close... eh.
Claire did need a great speech to justify herself as a VP candidate... would have been nice if the writers came up with something resembling that. Felt pretty typical, and they might want to cut out the pop music intro on the day her mother has died. I like the plot to get her in as VP though, would never happen but at least Claire stopped trying to have him commit political suicide by just naming her.
Now, I've never believed that HoC was about politics or realistic in its portrayal of politics but I'm almost done with the season and I'm just curious who writes some of this stuff, specifically what they believe is a political scandal or useful politics? Like, the politics on the show is supposed to be a thin justification for the drama of the show but sometimes it just strains all credulity.
Bill Clinton said:
Kevin, 99 percent of what you do on that show is real. The 1 percent you get wrong is you could never get an education bill passed that fast.
src: http://gotham-magazine.com/kevin-spacey-on-house-of-cards-saving-the-planet#Y4xzxRRd9iSu8ZZA.99
Joel Kinnaman looks great for 36, but
what is Conway's background (and age) supposed to be? It's virtually impossible for someone that young to run for president now.
Episode 7:
House of Cards ironically ended up having a vacant Supreme Court seat and obstructed nomination process timed almost exactly perfectly.


Joel Kinnaman looks great for 36, but
what is Conway's background (and age) supposed to be? It's virtually impossible for someone that young to run for president now.

He's fakeRubio/Obama with McCain style military appeal in a less ideologically polarized universe (minor spoiler on polling numbers in Ep 10-12:
he starts 15 points ahead of Underwood, moves to 12-14, and is still 5 points ahead in Ep 12, as I said up thread this is 1990s style politics not 2000s
) And he was 36 in Jan 2013 IIRC, he's 39-40 in 2016.

Still a little young but Governor of New York is a heck of a launching pad for President with the media talent and Wall St money that would be flooding his campaign.
Ep. 11:
Doug Stamper is such a fucking creep, and now his new creeplationship is mixed with grief about indirectly causing her son and husband's deaths.


Ep. 11:
Doug Stamper is such a fucking creep, and now his new creeplationship is mixed with grief about indirectly causing her son and husband's deaths.

I thought he only indirectly caused the husband's death, the kid who shot himself was a different person unrelated to mother he's seeing. Second, I find what Doug did to be the least controversial thing he has done. Someone is always going to lose out on a transplant based upon their position on a donor list, if that woman's husband got the transplant someone else would have died, likely the President. I feel that what Doug did was justified under the circumstances, the President is simply more important than one family man. Is it right? No. But, it's hardly an absolute act of evil like the plenty of things he's done in the past.

Honestly, I find it weird he has any grief over this. If you're gonna have guilt have it over the fucking girl you actually murdered not some sick guy you indirectly caused to lose out on a liver transplant.


Bitches love smiley faces
Just finished Ep. 4:

Can sorta see it coming since lots of people commenting on Ep. 4. Also, with Frank trying to one-up Claire, an assassination attempt would pretty much screw Claire out using divorce as an option for the near future.

Wonder how they planted Lucas there.

I hope the Claire insurgency gets nipped in the bud soon. Her idea of being Veep is ridiculous, even on this show. Like, I don't understand how she thinks it's a good idea. She's smarter than that.

Didn't know what to expect after Season 3, but so far it's holding my interest.
He's fakeRubio/Obama with McCain style military appeal in a less ideologically polarized universe (minor spoiler on polling numbers in Ep 10-12:
he starts 15 points ahead of Underwood, moves to 12-14, and is still 5 points ahead in Ep 12, as I said up thread this is 1990s style politics not 2000s
) And he was 36 in Jan 2013 IIRC, he's 39-40 in 2016.

Still a little young but Governor of New York is a heck of a launching pad for President with the media talent and Wall St money that would be flooding his campaign.

I was writing about Kinnaman, the actor -- he's 36.

I wasn't at the point in the episode where they say Conway's age.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Finished Ep. 4

I'm still interested for now, but not overtly enthusiastic despite what's transpired. I might drop it altogether at the end of the season if it keeps up like this.


Just finished episode 7. Wow, this show has officially pulled me back in. HUGE improvement over last season, maybe even S2. I have to go to sleep now, but I know I'll be itching to continue tomorrow. Shame I have a wedding to attend most of the day :p


Six eps in: Alright all this eye-putting-out imagery is weirdly Oedipal in a way the show isn't actually engaging with at all.


Although the other seasons are no different, man the people in this show are fucking ruthless. I love it.

Onto episode six now.
Jut finished it!

So when's Season 5 coming, it's been like forEVER since Season 4.

Also this Season is without a doubt my favorite season. Sooooooooooo good


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Episodes 5-6:
I really don't like how Blythe is schizophrenically cocky and protective of his elevated status, fighting against the Secretary of State over letting her do the basics of her job, and then being so insecure and soft that he lets Claire walk in and take over parts of his job. It doesn't speak to Claire being some master manipulator, it speaks to Blythe being a bumbling plot device. I don't like her claiming so much power over the Russian deal and everyone effectively rolls over for her.


Just finished the season, im confused about one thing:

Whats up with that guy LeAnn was meeting? Is he some analytics guy? Why was the NSA visiting his firm during the hostage crisis? How exactly was he helping the underwoods?
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