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House of Cards Season 4 |OT| Anything for America. Netflix March 4th

Season gets a lot better after (post-episode 4 spoilers)
Frank recovers from the shooting. Power couple dynamic is more interesting to me than feuding husband and wife bullshit. Plus we get the narration back.
Ep. 7:
Jesus, Conway is good. He set up this entire Pollyhop scandal in order to deliver on a bigger payoff - and it doesn't even look like a play.


Homeland Security Fail
Episode 4 out of nowhere. Up to episode 4 spoilers:

Man, it was nice to see Lucas. I was hoping it was going to set up something where he would help bring down Frank. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at Clarie taking advantage of that opportunity. First the divorce condition and now this. I hope Frank destroys her.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
This season is SOOOOO much better than the last.

Ep 5
I still find myself rooting for Frank. Always have. Not sure if that says something about me.


I just realized how terrifying the political landscape of the House of Cards universe is: The GoP is still as strong as it was in the early 2000s, the democrats are essentially right-wing, and the political field is still dominated by male WASPs.

Yep. It's as weird an alternate history as West Wing shifting Presidential elections 2 years (Underwood for example signing massive entitlement cuts just to end government shutdown). The question is where did HoC diverge?

No Obama (for whatever reason), Clinton goes somewhat right wing with no Obama and Edwards weak, but is beaten by McCain in 2008? Dems then go further right, with McCain in office meaning they keep the house? It's set up more like 1992 then anything recent though

Rather enjoying this season, not season 1 good but far better than the previous season. Love the GOP nominee (Rubio with talent was the brief, I assume), and the new older ladies—Cicely Tyson and Ellen Burstyn—are awesome, as is most of the cast despite the writing sometimes.

Edit: Claire's plan is ridiculous though. Less plausible than anything ever in the show. Robin Wright kills it in her performance but the writers have never seemed to know just how to handle her career aspirations dating back to season 1.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
On episode 8. Still waiting on the first videogame product placement. My hope is on No Mans Sky becoming the mantelpiece in the Underwoods science initiative (which is really just a cover for
Robo-Meechum's murderous rampancy


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Well Portugal doesnt get season 4 but at least they finally added seasons 1-3 today so I guess ill finally watch those


Now, I've never believed that HoC was about politics or realistic in its portrayal of politics but I'm almost done with the season and I'm just curious who writes some of this stuff, specifically what they believe is a political scandal or useful politics? Like, the politics on the show is supposed to be a thin justification for the drama of the show but sometimes it just strains all credulity.

For instance, let's talk about Conway. Why would a politician need a search engine to track people's habits to target them?
One, its not illegal as it's what ad companies do. But more importantly, such a tool is unnecessary for a politician. You're either a Dem or a Republican and you get votes by pandering to your base while catering to the moderates and independents. You don't need Facebook or search engine data to know what people want, people literally tell you what they want to your face and you have polling data to further back that up. It's just a stupid unnecessary tool that really wouldn't aid a candidate much in an election. A non-scandal.

But, that's just one example the season is full of such nonsense that shows no real grasp on politics. I don't expect "The West Wing," I just expect the thin amount of politics used to advance the drama to make a modicum of sense.


I already hate
more just starting the first episode, I don't know why.
as opportunistic and morally bankrupt as Frank.

Feel bad for
the reporter though
Man that deep intrusion in Claire's neck, it's kinda horrifying.

Also, as the series is progressing, it's leaving common sense political realities behind and becoming less and less believable. Kinda like how mgs series. Kojima came up with more crackpot and less believable stuff as the series went on.


Just watched Episode 1. Too early to say if I like the direction it's heading in or not. I'm pretty much port-committed on these characters anyway so I'm in regardless.

I will say: it is weird to have marital drama on the Presidential campaign trail, given that I haven't seen a single story about candidates' families in the current real-world primary.

It was kind of ballsy to keep this show going during an election year, given that they must've produced it before they could've made any relevant commentary or homage to the real campaign. I only ever watched The West Wing after the fact, were they ever topical about active campaigns?


On episode 8 now. Liking it far more than last season, mostly because the first half does spend some time righting the wrongs of season 3 and getting back to what the series does best. Seems very reactive to some of the backlash with Claire from last season.


Up to Ep4. Vague comment

It's weird how the show simultaneously is almost a cartoon and somehow more grounded than reality.


Jesus, some of you are almost done with the season already? Damn!

Glad to hear it's good, can't wait to dive in tonight.


Binged a lot and I'm on episode 7 I think. Spoilers up til then:

I loathe everyone in this show - I like that it bucks the trend or good v evil, but virtually every single character aside from maybe Donald Blythe is a terrible person. Feels weird having no one to root for. I'm waiting for someone to get their comeuppance but I don't think we'll get that payoff for a while.

Overall, I'd say it's a step up from last season at least.


Ep 4:
Legit got shook from this episode. Ever since Frank became president, I kind of expected a failed assassination attempt, but god damn I didn't think he would actually get shot and Meechum would get killed, jesus christ. Completely unexpected.
Binged a lot and I'm on episode 7 I think. Spoilers up til then:

I loathe everyone in this show - I like that it bucks the trend or good v evil, but virtually every single character aside from maybe Donald Blythe is a terrible person. Feels weird having no one to root for. I'm waiting for someone to get their comeuppance but I don't think we'll get that payoff for a while.

Overall, I'd say it's a step up from last season at least.

I am right there with you and I basically hate-watch this series. I have been waiting seasons for just one asshole to get his due but it doesn't seem to be happening. My last hope is that investigative journalism side story and If that doesn't pay off, I will be done with the HOC.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Now, I've never believed that HoC was about politics or realistic in its portrayal of politics but I'm almost done with the season and I'm just curious who writes some of this stuff, specifically what they believe is a political scandal or useful politics? Like, the politics on the show is supposed to be a thin justification for the drama of the show but sometimes it just strains all credulity.

For instance, let's talk about Conway. Why would a politician need a search engine to track people's habits to target them?
One, its not illegal as it's what ad companies do. But more importantly, such a tool is unnecessary for a politician. You're either a Dem or a Republican and you get votes by pandering to your base while catering to the moderates and independents. You don't need Facebook or search engine data to know what people want, people literally tell you what they want to your face and you have polling data to further back that up. It's just a stupid unnecessary tool that really wouldn't aid a candidate much in an election. A non-scandal.

But, that's just one example the season is full of such nonsense that shows no real grasp on politics. I don't expect "The West Wing," I just expect the thin amount of politics used to advance the drama to make a modicum of sense.
I haven't watched this season yet so don't know the context but if you think data on people's habits, desires, purchases etc etc wouldn't be useful to a politician then you are crazy. Look at the millions spent on robo calls, direct mailers, TV ads etc etc. Just imagine how much you could save if you knew exactly which people to target and how to target them, and imagine how effective you could be.


Episode 7 spoilers:

Using the NSA to spy on citizen information for voter data? Really? The show is losing me.

I'm not sure how I feel about this season. Other than a few exciting moments it's falling pretty flat so far.

what kind of fucking name is Pollyhop?


I haven't watched this season yet so don't know the context but if you think data on people's habits, desires, purchases etc etc wouldn't be useful to a politician then you are crazy. Look at the millions spent on robo calls, direct mailers, TV ads etc etc. Just imagine how much you could save if you knew exactly which people to target and how to target them, and imagine how effective you could be.

The reason those are effective for ads is because they are trying to sell you a product, a consumer good that you didn't know you wanted until you were presented with the option. Politics isn't the same as consumer products, your choice is binary; Red or Blue. And, most voters know what they want out of a politician. I'm not saying that such a tool is completely useless but polling data already accomplishes the goal of determining whether voters are responding to your message. In politics you aren't looking for who to target but how to target them. Additionally, many voters are simply beyond your reach due to your party affiliation or stances.

It doesn't matter how much data you know about an individual's spending habits some people will not vote for you because you are pro-choice. The potential rewards of any such tool are dwarfed by the fallout that would occur when people realized you were tapping their phones to learn their social habits in order to better target them for a vote. It's just an unnecessary complication, especially when voters are perfectly willing to tell you what they want and what they think of your policies.


They could have come up with a better name for a terrorist organization.
Binged a lot and I'm on episode 7 I think. Spoilers up til then:

I loathe everyone in this show - I like that it bucks the trend or good v evil, but virtually every single character aside from maybe Donald Blythe is a terrible person. Feels weird having no one to root for. I'm waiting for someone to get their comeuppance but I don't think we'll get that payoff for a while.

Overall, I'd say it's a step up from last season at least.
gives me hope, but I'm guessing he'll end up getting fucked over somehow.

Also, love how Freddy
eviscerated Frank and called him a motherfucker. Twice.


gives me hope, but I'm guessing he'll end up getting fucked over somehow.

Also, love how Freddy
fucking eviscerated Frank and called him a motherfucker.

With regards to Freddy,
I don't know that scene didn't feel earned to me. Like, what exactly did Frank fucking do to you? Freddy fucked his own self over when he had his idiot convict son waive a loaded firearm around reporters. This was during when he was trying to capitalize on Frank's name as a frequent visitor to his shop to open up a franchise. Then when all was over Frank got him a job at the White House, which I don't care what you do there is going to look impressive on a resume, and seemingly turned out great for him. But, Frank is a "motherfucker" because he wanted some ribs? He was using you and you were using him. The fuck are you upset for?


semen stains the mountaintops
GODDAMN, the last moment of the season was awesome.

episode 13

I REALLY hope that in season 5 Claire also speaks directly into the camera like that scene implies. It seems like she doesn't give a fuck anymore and will be as ruthless as Francis.
With regards to Freddy,
I don't know that scene didn't feel earned to me. Like, what exactly did Frank fucking do to you? Freddy fucked his own self over when he had his idiot convict son waive a loaded firearm around reporters. This was during when he was trying to capitalize on Frank's name as a frequent visitor to his shop to open up a franchise. Then when all was over Frank got him a job at the White House, which I don't care what you do there is going to look impressive on a resume, and seemingly turned out great for him. But, Frank is a "motherfucker" because he wanted some ribs? He was using you and you were using him. The fuck are you upset for?

That scene really didn't sit right with me


Season gets a lot better after (TOTALLY WAY FARTHER THAN post-episode 4 spoilers)
Frank recovers from the shooting. Power couple dynamic is more interesting to me than feuding husband and wife bullshit. Plus we get the narration back.

Dude, that's not post-episode 4 if I just finished episode 5 and it hasn't happened yet. Tag your fucking spoilers right.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The reason those are effective for ads is because they are trying to sell you a product, a consumer good that you didn't know you wanted until you were presented with the option. Politics isn't the same as consumer products, your choice is binary; Red or Blue. And, most voters know what they want out of a politician. I'm not saying that such a tool is completely useless but polling data already accomplishes the goal of determining whether voters are responding to your message. In politics you aren't looking for who to target but how to target them. Additionally, many voters are simply beyond your reach due to your party affiliation or stances.

It doesn't matter how much data you know about an individual's spending habits some people will not vote for you because you are pro-choice. The potential rewards of any such tool are dwarfed by the fallout that would occur when people realized you were tapping their phones to learn their social habits in order to better target them for a vote. It's just an unnecessary complication, especially when voters are perfectly willing to tell you what they want and what they think of your policies.
Are you trying to say that the several billions of dollars spent on elections each year by the parties is wasted? Polling data tells you on aggregate what people think, but imagine if you could know which exact voters were undecided, and what issues were the most important to them.
Plus, both political parties are already doing this -
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