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House of Cards Season 4 |OT| Anything for America. Netflix March 4th


It makes absolutely zero sense and again highlights the pure fictional nature of the politics of HoC. They are basically trying to create fear and war in order to distract the public away from their scandals and get them to cling to them as the only savior from the coming terror. Of course, that makes zero sense and the idea of a war would make the people far more likely to want to vote for someone like Conway whose actually fought in a war.\

Full season spoilers:

I think part of the reasoning is they have Conway saying he was ashamed of his military service. It's not too dissimilar to the whole Bush vs. Kerry thing where Kerry was swiftboated and attacked as being unpatriotic.


Finished season 4.


Overall, I thought it was a nice return to form for the show. Best season since S1 IMO. The recipe is there for a strong 5th season, and I'm kind of getting a final season vibe for S5. Although like someone mentioned, they could go way further than that if they wanted.

So next season will look like: election, more on ICO, this scandal with Hammerschmidt, the FBI and the search engine stuff (little confused by that arc) and Jackie+Remy?

The final shot with Claire and Francis looking at the camera was fantastic. I look forward to seeing the things they'll pull in S5. Hopefully Claire will now break the fourth wall as well.

My only gripe was Freddy, that was really dumb.

All season spoiler
it would have been amazing if Claire spoke when she broke the 4th wall at the end

Also, this season is a great return to form.


Season 4, Episodes 5 and 6: Man, it's no wonder why Kevin is the star of the show.
Having Frank Undewood out of commission really vacuums...everything out of the show. The hallucination sequences add nothing and the execution of surrounding events come off dry without his inclusion. It says a lot about a drama, usually the worst, when it has to rely very largely on one character to get the lion's share of emotion and energy across the screen. I will say though that the squashing of Lucas' scoop by Claire was really good.

Aside from that, the season has been fairly entertaining and I still appreciate that they went after (Season 3/4)
Frank's marriage
. Between Season 3 and Season 4 some scenes truly went for the jugular (ex. Season 3's
"Rough Me Up
scene) while others have felt like a weak attempt to drive the nail in (ex.
Claire's VP Rejection
. Still, I do appreciate the effort brought to it thus far and it gives the season some hope of a good wrap-up. The show just needs to keep the enemy-within-the-home dynamic fresh and interesting. It's already better than the atrocity called Season 2, so it's progress!

By the way, I still have the hots for Jackie. Not for her actual character's personality, of course, but the actress just really gets me every time.


Also what is up with Seth's eyelashes?

He looks like he walked out of a movie about Ancient Egypt.


I binged the whole season in a couple of days, much better than season 3. In comparison it took multiple sessions over a couple of weeks to watch S3, which was a setup for what happens in S4, despite a pretty good villain with Petrov.

I guess S5 will the be the last, I don't really see how they could drag this out after that.

Man I knew Claire would break the fourth wall at some point. I thought she would do it alone, to show that she has risen as the equal of Frank. But have them repair their partnership and do it together in the last scene, just after watching an hostage get killed live... That's brilliant.
I accidentally got spoiled

Can someone tell me how early on
Lucas dying is? Fucking wiki, I was just looking to see what he did in season 2


On Freddy this season:

it was so stupid..made no sense. Character assassination. His hatred of Frank makes no sense. Even in s3 the way he acted by saying he didn't like talking to Frank was a bit strange.

The Frank/Freddy relationship was one of the most interesting parts of the show, in that Freddy is the only person who Frank seems to enjoy socializing with.

The whole "everyone hates Frank because...reaons" thing is getting a little old. Yes it makes sense for people like Jackie and Remy...but Frank never did anything wrong to Freddy, and even went out of his way to help the guy


Episode 1

Good stuff on the whole but that intro scene just made me smh. If getting a new showrunner next season means we have less of stuff like this and other crap like Frank pissing on graves, then that can only be a good thing.


Just finished the season. Episode
is the best and the
shooting was a

S1 > S2 > S4 > S3
Just watched entire season starting from this morning. Honestly, i'm actually losing interest. If I hadnt watched it all in sitting I most likely would not have finished it. But, I did so I probably saved myself from never finishing the rest of the series. I did not even stick around for the ending. Oh well, it had some cool moments.



It makes absolutely zero sense and again highlights the pure fictional nature of the politics of HoC. They are basically trying to create fear and war in order to distract the public away from their scandals and get them to cling to them as the only savior from the coming terror. Of course, that makes zero sense and the idea of a war would make the people far more likely to want to vote for someone like Conway whose actually fought in a war.

I wish you were right, but the actual real world says "nope."

Wartime presidents always get re-elected. That's just the way it is, and It even worked for Bush. Not only is it a last-ditch effort form the Underwoods, it's also a surefire plan. It's actually kind of an obvious plot point, and we should have known the story would have eventually gone there.
Just watched entire season starting from this morning. Honestly, i'm actually losing interest. If I hadnt watched it all in sitting I most likely would not have finished it. But, I did so I probably saved myself from never finishing the rest of the series. I did not even stick around for the ending. Oh well, it had some cool moments.
that seems like a really poor way to experience a stiry... I can watch 2-3 at a time but thats a lot to ingest all at once


tagged by Blackace
Only two episodes in, not sure what to think, but it feels really, really tense. Like if I was in the room during some of these scenes I think I'd forcefully remove myself due to the awkwardness and tension between characters.

that seems like a really poor way to experience a stiry... I can watch 2-3 at a time but thats a lot to ingest all at once
Yeah.. binge watching more than like 2-3 episodes works for shows with more fluff (like say, CW shows) but anything HBO or Netflix you run a pretty high risk of coasting through it at some point and failing to internalize what you've just seen. Did that with Game of Thrones recently and I couldn't remember specifics on half the things I watched because it's way too much information at once. The reason why scheduled TV works is part anticipation and part letting things simmer in your mind before you jump back in.

Can't even imagine binging something as densely packed as say, The Wire.


Another point from Episode 1

It'll only be a matter of time before Seth is found out. He better run for the hills while he can, but he won't, because Frank always finds out.


From what I read, if you really hated season 3 (like me), there is a chance you might still like season 4 except that the first half still has most of the same faults as S3. So can I just skip to episode 4 and then skip to 7+ to enjoy it?
Only two episodes in, not sure what to think, but it feels really, really tense. Like if I was in the room during some of these scenes I think I'd forcefully remove myself due to the awkwardness and tension between characters.

Yeah.. binge watching more than like 2-3 episodes works for shows with more fluff (like say, CW shows) but anything HBO or Netflix you run a pretty high risk of coasting through it at some point and failing to internalize what you've just seen. Did that with Game of Thrones recently and I couldn't remember specifics on half the things I watched because it's way too much information at once. The reason why scheduled TV works is part anticipation and part letting things simmer in your mind before you jump back in.

Can't even imagine binging something as densely packed as say, The Wire.

There's a lot of fluff in HOC too. I'm not sure I'd stick around for a full 13 every season if I had to wait a week between each one.
Holy crap, the actor who plays Conway is AWFUL.

Edit: Oh my lord. I keep listening to him talk and I can't believe this dude got the part. This is painful.


Holy crap, the actor who plays Conway is AWFUL.

Yea I'm not done with the season yet but the show is trying to say he's charismatic but he's so cold and monotone. (Vague Episode 7ish?)
It's even worse when he's paired up Spacey in scenes since they're both meant to be able to put on a charming facade to hide their true intentions but Kinnaman has nothing on him.


Season 4, Episodes 5 and 6: Man, it's no wonder why Kevin is the star of the show.
Having Frank Undewood out of commission really vacuums...everything out of the show. The hallucination sequences add nothing and the execution of surrounding events come off dry without his inclusion. It says a lot about a drama, usually the worst, when it has to rely very largely on one character to get the lion's share of emotion and energy across the screen. I will say though that the squashing of Lucas' scoop by Claire was really good.

While I agree no one reaches Kevin's level on the show, I thought having him out of the picture was actually pretty interesting. I also felt like the other characters dealing with things without Frank was a realization of how much this world really needs him. The events coming off as dry felt necessary to me since no one is quite like Frank Underwood.

Having Donald act so nervously and hesitantly as acting president was great alongside having Claire whisper in his ear.
I'm only up to episode 7,
but with or without Frank, I feel like the sub-plots aren't all that great anyway compared to previous seasons (Remi/Jackie's relationship, Dunbar's campaign, Doug's attempt to maintain Frank's leadership in the White House while Frank is recovering). I feel like the main plot so far is just as interesting as it ever was with Frank's recovery as it headed in some new territory. The hallucinations are really dumb though.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Full season spoilers:

Great season overall, best since 1. My only dislikes were Freddy freaking out randomly and the dream sequences. The acting was fantastic once again, and I actually liked that they didn't give Doug a super creepy side plot. The liver thing with the lady was weird, but not as stalker-ish as the hooker.

They can't really go much further though. If they win and become President and Vice, that's it. Unless Claire tries to become President too.


Holy crap, the actor who plays Conway is AWFUL.

Edit: Oh my lord. I keep listening to him talk and I can't believe this dude got the part. This is painful.

So glad I wasn't the only one who thought this. Joel Kinnaman was great in The Killing but after having finished the season, I felt they totally miscasted the Conway character. He seemed too young, inexperienced, and unprofessional. Some people may argue we have real policitians who are like that, but this is a TV drama that is trying to sell an authentic story of corruption in politics.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I would unfortunately agree that Joel Kinnaman is miscast as Conway. But the fault is also very much in the writing because that character is a great big nothing. There is absolutely no substance there.
He's vaguely ruthless, and slightly hawkish, but otherwise, why the hell is he so enormously popular? He's briefly in the air force and then somehow becomes governor of New York, but we're told absolutely nothing about any policy positions or accomplishments. He's the kind of superficial celebrity that real life Republicans portrayed Obama as in 2008. The Conways are barely half a step removed from being one of those random YouTube families that somehow develop a following by vlogging their entire lives.

Other full season thoughts:
It seemed really silly that Blythe completely and utterly disappeared once he declined being on the ticket. Uh, he's still the vice president. Claire doesn't magically assume that position.

Claire as VP being embraced by the party and the public will continue to be too crazy to me, it's a few steps divorced from reality. There are so many obvious negatives that should make people say fuck no. I get why they have to do it for story purposes, but it's too much a political fantasy even for this universe.

All season spoiler
it would have been amazing if Claire spoke when she broke the 4th wall at the end
That not happening was really disappointing.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Halfway through the season and so far it's a lot better than the last season. It started out pretty meandering but once the stakes are upped some interesting things happen.

Having Polly Walker and Neve Campbell in the same series is awesome. They need to be in more quality things. Great actresses.
Remy/Jackie spoiler up to episode 6

why can't they sleep together again? Is Jackie married? Is it something to do with Danton being a lobbyist?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Remy/Jackie spoiler up to episode 6

why can't they sleep together again? Is Jackie married? Is it something to do with Danton being a lobbyist?
Jackie got married between seasons 2 and 3, or something like that. Wasn't there a whole arc about her finding a husband simply to make her public persona more relatable for voters?
Jackie got married between seasons 2 and 3, or something like that. Wasn't there a whole arc about her finding a husband simply to make her public persona more relatable for voters?
I think so but didn't they divorce or something? That plot line and the Dunbar one are blurring together for me.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I think so but didn't they divorce or something? That plot line and the Dunbar one are blurring together for me.
Wikis and a search suggest she got married later in S3, actually. It was part of her prepping to be a contender to be Frank's VP. There was no divorce.
I think so but didn't they divorce or something? That plot line and the Dunbar one are blurring together for me.
No, she didn't divorce. She doesn't want anyone to find out about her affair.

I'm up to episode 6, and I'm not sure why people hate episode 6 so much. Episode 5 on the other hand was pretty terrible. Can't wait to watch the rest.


Haven't read the thread as I don't wanna read spoilers, but I'm 11 episodes in and this season has been fantastic. The Underwoods are back to being what made them amazing. Best season so far.


I managed to get through season 4 yesterday. Thanks lazy weekend and Fallout 4!

This show is run its course for me. I'll be there to lose one day for season 5 but I'm certainly feeling the downturn on this. Some good stuffed tucked away in there but the ratio is getting worse. Make the next season the last please.

Urgh why the coma fantasies why??!!!!!!! I was screaming at my TV. I kept waiting for Tony Soprano to show up
Isn't there some law that says
during wartime, the current sitting president will remain in office until the war is over? Election or not? I thought that was Frank's plan.
it's apparently hard for me to remember plot lines in this show I had no idea who the guy in the opening scene of the season was supposed to be
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