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House votes to roll back Obama rule states on gun background checks

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I meant Obama but I'm on mobile oops

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The House has voted to scrap an Obama Administration regulation extending background checks for disabled Social Security recipients mentally incapable of managing their own affairs.

The vote to repeal the regulation is 235-180.

The vote is part of an effort to repeal a handful of regulations issued in President Obama’s final months and represents the first steps toward strengthening gun ownership under President Donald Trump.

The background checks rule established the criteria the Social Security Administration will follow when forwarding names for the criminal background check system.

Those fitting the criteria have a mental disorder so severe that they cannot work and need a representative to manage their benefits. The administration projected that the regulation would affect about 75,000 beneficiaries.

Why the ACLU disagreed with Obama on this
Not just the NRA.

Here's the ACLU explaining why this rule needed to be overturned by congress to protect civil liberties: https://waysandmeans.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ACLU.pdf


"We need to do better with mental health in this country.

It wasn't the gun's fault anyway!"

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
This is so dumb. This stuff has popular support. Even conservatives are down with background checks

Government of the people is a farce
They're sure going to be popular during the next mass shooting.

Oh god. Trump is going to eventually have a speech about a mass shooting. I don't even want to know what that looks like.


I guess this means a lot of loners and people that just need help who are in no way part of an organized, extremist group are going to find it easier to express their economic anxiety.


"We need to do better with mental health in this country.

It wasn't the gun's fault anyway!"

I always want to break the TV when a GOP guy says that. If it's a mental health problem and not a gun issue, why aren't you fucking doing anything about the mental health problem!?!


So removing this regulation will help people that are literally so insane that they can't survive on their own to purchase guns quicker?

Sounds legit.


They're sure going to be popular during the next mass shooting.

Oh god. Trump is going to eventually have a speech about a mass shooting. I don't even want to know what that looks like.

They will find way to blame Obama administration for it, when time comes.

But seriously, gun regulation isn't bad thing. It won't take weapons away from everyone. Just from those who are fucking threat to everyone around them.


They're sure going to be popular during the next mass shooting.

Oh god. Trump is going to eventually have a speech about a mass shooting. I don't even want to know what that looks like.

To be fair, if it's a Muslim, it's a terrorist act, not a mass shooting. And if it's white people shooting up a school, it's a patriot eliminating a potential terrorist threat before it can mature into a larger, radicalized one. If a few Real Kids get caught in the crossfire, "Freedom isn't free."


They're sure going to be popular during the next mass shooting.

Oh god. Trump is going to eventually have a speech about a mass shooting. I don't even want to know what that looks like.

Something along the lines of this probably


So the immigration ban is okay because it impacts less the 1% of Americans but makes us safer, yet this:

Those fitting the criteria have a mental disorder so severe that they cannot work and need a representative to manage their benefits. The administration projected that the regulation would affect about 75,000 beneficiaries.

Isn't okay? Fucking hypocrites.


Junior Member
Let's have a vote. Should the mentally disabled be allowed to have guns?

Yea more guns for all

Dems - wait what?


At this point I'm just glad I live in Massachusetts.

I'm not naive enough to think we'll be completely shielded from all this horse shit, but we'll weather it better than a lot of other states.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Repealing gun laws for the sake of repealing gun laws to get those talking points during election season I guess


I always want to break the TV when a GOP guy says that. If it's a mental health problem and not a gun issue, why aren't you fucking doing anything about the mental health problem!?!

Even more sad, the healthcare proposals floating around would essentially cut out coverage for many for mental health care.
It's really a mental health problem. And we will fix it. Believe me.
Even more sad, the healthcare proposals floating around would essentially cut out coverage for many for mental health care.
It's really a mental health problem. And we will fix it. Believe me.

The fix is encouraging these folks to put a bullet through their heads. It will save the taxpayers a lot of money. /s at all


It's amazing how every day the country just feels less and less safe for a government claiming to be protecting the country.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Get every vote on record, it's all we can do right now.


It still boggles my mind that Trump's initial response to the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando was to congratulate himself.

That's his response to literally everything. Talking in front of the CIA, Black History Month, Prayer Breakfast, phone calls with other heads of state.
We need that extreme vetting from those refugees, but not for someone that is mentally ill from having a gun.

They're sure going to be popular during the next mass shooting.

Oh god. Trump is going to eventually have a speech about a mass shooting. I don't even want to know what that looks like.

It's not the gun, it's mental ill....oh wait.


So let me get this right; Trump and his band of idiots decided to roll back on gun regulation, for a nation with the highest deaths/violence related to gunfire.

Great move. No, great move. Give people who need major help guns. That will make them feel better. Wait, no, it won't. It will cause even more gun-related violence to happen.

Things just keep getting worse. I'm honestly surprised every day has something bad or horrid happening. This isn't funny, it's just depressing at this point.


A Russian puppet, a white supremacist and the NRA run the US now.

Both countries share an industrial military complex, so I don't see the difference anymore.

In Russia, neo-nazis are more than welcome and tolerated as long as they hunt down their neighbors or minorities. Be prepared for the SA visiting your house soon.
I may be misreading, but... Isn't this basically creating (or rather reopening) a loophole for registered caregivers to get a gun under the legally incapacitated person's name, rather than their own? Like, if I was taking care of my fictional elderly grandmother, I could file for a gun in her name, which would now be approved, and thus "own" a gun without being documented/checked?

Like, this applies to pretty heavily incapacitated people it seems, so I doubt m/any of them themselves would actually be going out to get guns anyway.

Regardless, this is literally just insane. There is no sane reason whatsoever to role this back beyond LOL FUCK U LIBTARDS and "Sure it's sensible, but ANY regulation is a step closer to ALL guns being banned forever!"


Honorary Canadian.
This is actually great news. Next time some maniac goes and kills a bunch of people and they want to say guns aren't the problem but mental health is, we can then point and say "Well you just let people with mental health issues have guns."

Blood is on their hands.

Although, in all fairness, it's been on their hands for a while and they don't seem to really give a shit. As long as it's not rich white people dying they're completely ok with dead Americans. I mean, maybe not OK with it, but not really upset about it. Let me put it this way, house Republicans feel the same way about dead Americans as I feel when the movie theater only has Diet Coke and not Coke Zero. "Aw man, this sucks! Oh well tastes the same. Doo-de-doo-de-doo... *whistles and walks away*"
They're sure going to be popular during the next mass shooting.

Oh god. Trump is going to eventually have a speech about a mass shooting. I don't even want to know what that looks like.
Fake news. Armed soldiers in schools. Guns are great, I have the best guns. Gun crime increased 871253% since Obama. Obama caused guns. What is happening in Chicago? Golden gun.

Signing Executive Order about guns.

Gun Bless America.
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