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How akward do you feel starting with a new girl?

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J2 Cool

Ok, let's say you had a longtime girlfriend or someone who introduced you to a lot of new things. If you guys break up do you find it hard accepting someone else into your life or the same role the previous girl had?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
If you don't find it awkward at least briefly then you aren't normal... yeah it was definitely weird going to the movies, etc. doing stuff with a different person.... but it'll pass.


lol I know it took me awhile to adjust after a six year relationship......looking back I feel bad for some of the girls I dated they must have though I was crazy...I wanted that relationship feeling back on first dates and what not.....sigh to be young and stupid


I don't know if i can do it...i'm too into my ex...i doubt i will ever be comfortable enough...and is it fair to put these girls through torture just to get comfortable? I don't know...


way more

This sounds like the start of a really generic romantic comedy. Yes, it's normal to feel a little out of place.


no two girls will ever occupy the same role in your life. there's always that adjustment period while things fall into place, but if things feel wrong at the start, well, then you shouldn't be starting.


think of it like this, your ex is already over you--hell…she was months before you broke up. She's sucking off her new bf while you worry your ass off

By golly...if she can, then so can you! :b

Musashi Wins!

Gattsu25 said:
think of it like this, your ex is already over you--hell…she was months before you broke up. She's sucking off her new bf while you worry your ass off

ho ho there's the strong tonic! Now go take on the world!


BuddyChrist83 said:
no two girls will ever occupy the same role in your life. there's always that adjustment period while things fall into place, but if things feel wrong at the start, well, then you shouldn't be starting.
He speaks the truth.


J2 Cool

Gattsu25 said:
think of it like this, your ex is already over you--hell…she was months before you broke up. She's sucking off her new bf while you worry your ass off

By golly...if she can, then so can you! :b

Alright, well, what if you're ex doesnt have another boyfriend, the farthest she's ever gone is also with you, and she regrets breaking up. Meanwhile she doesnt want to date anyone, including you because "she doesnt want to rock the boat" and you still do stuff with her on a pretty consistent basis. And you know for a fact the most she's done with anyone since you broke up is simply kissing. Is it still easy to move on when all of your feelings are still hung up on her? Add in you're moving farther away from her, 30 minutes. She's pretty happy with everything. You see her once about every 2-3 days for now. Would it be that easy to mess with that?


J2 Cool said:
Ok, let's say you had a longtime girlfriend or someone who introduced you to a lot of new things. If you guys break up do you find it hard accepting someone else into your life or the same role the previous girl had?

Still haven't.

And dude, just because she hasn't done anything yet doesn't mean she won't. Since you still have feelings, you're gonna get owned when she does. My philosophy on this, own her before she owns you.

Edit: I also believe it's not a good idea to stay friends with an ex.
My current girlfriend said I was nervous around her at first, but I mellowed out pretty soon after. I hadn't been in a relationship with someone in a few months. But in general I'd say it takes me awhile to get fully accustomed to being with somebody new.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I hate starting over with someone else. I hate all those "getting to know you" conversations and all that shit. I think the older I get the less patience I have for such things. That is unless the girl totally sweeps me off my feet. But at this point, I am a bit too cynical for that too happen now. Hell, I get girls' numbers and don't even call them because I dread getting to know them and then they hit me with the "F" word or she fucks me over later.

But to answer your question, it is normal to feel a bit akward because you basically are trying to learn about this person and at the same time trying to present yourself in the best light. You don't want to do something totally retarded that gets you rejected and you are looking for danger signs to to come up that lets you know you need to drop her. This period is akward and a bit stressful if you let it get to you.


It's easy if people drop the fronts right away... some people say I'm too blunt in person, but I'm not all nice and cordial when I meet someone. Yes, there's manners that come into play, but I also know that people aren't always happy, acutally do fart and pick their nose, and have flaws.

The "just be yourself" saying really does work better in the long run.
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