You're right, and it's a terrible thing to pander to racists and others that don't deserve to be pandered to. But I honestly try to think of a "normal" Republican's mindset. "Should I care MORE about minorities while forsaking all other policies that I disagree with than the fate of blue collar workers, the economy, and the safety of our country?" One THEY see as policies that benefit everyone, and the other they see as policies that make life worse for at least most people (in areas of safety and economy). Now, WE can argue why Republican policies in those areas are NOT this great solution that they think they are, but they (or, at least, I believe of a lot of them) aren't viewing it through a racist or even complacent racist lens but by the policies they think will benefit the country as a whole.
Now, I shouldn't have to say this, but just to be clear, I don't like Trump and I didn't vote for him.
Think there's still a lot of anger about, after W.Bush, Rs in the house began obstructing anything Obama tried to pass for the economy. You can't "rebuild america" after a depression unless congress opens the coin purse. And they blocked it purely because A. they are Oligarchs on a mission for the 1% and they pledged NEVER to raise taxes under any circumstance B. They wanted to sabotage the recovery for presidential political gain instead of what is best for the country and C. They used classic scapegoating to paint Obama as the cause while also questioning his legitimacy as a citizen you might understand why Trump on top of this history is making liberals sick.
To top it all off, we've been following Republican Ayn Rand orthodoxy starting with Reagan/Greenspan, along with many complacent Dems, on all monetary and trade policy for 40years and none of it has resulted in a stable or booming economy. Just the decline of more and more blue collar jobs. So none of it works. It's no wonder they've resorted to scapegoating minorities and women.