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How are you dealing with people who voted for Trump?

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You're right, and it's a terrible thing to pander to racists and others that don't deserve to be pandered to. But I honestly try to think of a "normal" Republican's mindset. "Should I care MORE about minorities while forsaking all other policies that I disagree with than the fate of blue collar workers, the economy, and the safety of our country?" One THEY see as policies that benefit everyone, and the other they see as policies that make life worse for at least most people (in areas of safety and economy). Now, WE can argue why Republican policies in those areas are NOT this great solution that they think they are, but they (or, at least, I believe of a lot of them) aren't viewing it through a racist or even complacent racist lens but by the policies they think will benefit the country as a whole.

Now, I shouldn't have to say this, but just to be clear, I don't like Trump and I didn't vote for him.

Think there's still a lot of anger about, after W.Bush, Rs in the house began obstructing anything Obama tried to pass for the economy. You can't "rebuild america" after a depression unless congress opens the coin purse. And they blocked it purely because A. they are Oligarchs on a mission for the 1% and they pledged NEVER to raise taxes under any circumstance B. They wanted to sabotage the recovery for presidential political gain instead of what is best for the country and C. They used classic scapegoating to paint Obama as the cause while also questioning his legitimacy as a citizen you might understand why Trump on top of this history is making liberals sick.

To top it all off, we've been following Republican Ayn Rand orthodoxy starting with Reagan/Greenspan, along with many complacent Dems, on all monetary and trade policy for 40years and none of it has resulted in a stable or booming economy. Just the decline of more and more blue collar jobs. So none of it works. It's no wonder they've resorted to scapegoating minorities and women.


Trying to understand why they voted the way they did, honestly. I know more than one smart, nice person who voted for Trump and it's completely baffling to me. No one actually seems to like him as a candidate; they either went anti-establishment or convinced themselves that a buffoon and a sexist (and a racist, etc.) was the least worst choice. I obviously disagree with them, but I'm trying to stay cool about it. No sense losing friends over this shit.

One guy did try to tell me that conservatives had more axes of morality (whatever that's supposed to mean) than liberals, which made it hard for the latter to understand the former. That came across as particularly dumb and self-serving, but maybe it's a window into a world view where feelings trump facts.
For all the people who want us to lend an ear to Trump supporters and discuss with them in an intelligent manner, just know the post-election hate crimes have already started. But remember, don't call them racists/sexists/bigots!





Fox Mulder

One guy did try to tell me that conservatives had more axes of morality (whatever that's supposed to mean) than liberals, which made it hard for the latter to understand the former. That came across as particularly dumb and self-serving, but maybe it's a window into a world view where feelings trump facts.

I want to spit in the face of any religious conservatives trying to claim moral superiority when they voted a racist piece of shit and a platform of fucking people over out of spite.


Can I just point out that anyone looking for rational discussion of the election is probably weeks too early. In big upsets it usually takes everyone involved a while to reach a point where they aren't simply speaking out of fear and anger or obnoxious gloating.

Give yourselves a break, take a couple days off arguing about the state of the world. It will still be fucked up when you come back up for air. Plenty of time to do something when you're not fueled entirely by adrenaline and cortisol.


I think I'm totally moving to California once the timing works. Ohio is kind of boring anyway and it now being Trumpland just makes me feel all the more alienated.

Now? You do realize that these people didn't wake up one day and turn their "Trump support" switch on before going to vote. They have been around you since the beginning of the election campaign and longer.

Can I just point out that anyone looking for rational discussion of the election is probably weeks too early. In big upsets it usually takes everyone involved a while to reach a point where they aren't simply speaking out of fear and anger or obnoxious gloating.

Give yourselves a break, take a couple days off arguing about the state of the world. It will still be fucked up when you come back up for air. Plenty of time to do something when you're not fueled entirely by adrenaline and cortisol.

Good advice.


I think I'm just done with people.

You can't really talk about this shit with them.

"It's their choice"

"He tells it like it is"

"Their opinion"

"People are different than you, except it"

It's more than that though... Trump won in the saddest way and that's selling fear, hate, and discrimination. Sure, he has his "policies" like any other politician. But people legitimately voted for a guy that said he'd build a wall to keep out rapist and killers that are supposedly Mexican.

How can you just tell me to ignore that? Yes, he is the president of my country but I will not respect him, even though I respect his position. Even if he doesn't double down on the bullshit he spouted during his campaign that's all I'll remember him buy. Being a fucking chosen and basically mocking the system and WINNING.

I understand that half of the voters voted for him, that's fine and I will not treat them any different in person (will be a huge conscious effort). But I'm just disappointed. I'm a black male and I live in a predominantly white and Republican part of Florida, so when the people that I'm forced to socialize with are all good with laughs in person, then hop on FB and go full Trump zealot. It's somewhat jarring and you cannot think of them the same. You feel like you aren't respected at all.


#Sorrynotsorry we're not entertaining the views of people who view us as beneath them. Never gonna apologize for that. It's not an echochamber to keep stupid people, racists, sexists, and xenophobes out of our lives. They don't deserve the time of day and would never in anyway shape or form even discuss the idea of giving us the time of day, so why don't you fucking talk to your pseudo alt right buddies about supporting minorities for a change instead of fucking telling minorities how they should act towards people who have come up with several demeaning nicknames, one that I was called btw, based on the way we look, where we were born, and our sexual orientation? Why don't you go do that instead of this devil's advocate bullshit.


I don't know a single idiot who voted for Trump, so I'm blessed in that sense. I'm happy to be in California, and in a diverse community so I don't have to deal with that type of person in any context. Keep strong and keep calm for those who do.


In response to the thread title, my Brexit-supporting boyfriend came out and said that (shocker) he's a Trump supporter, now that he's president. Because "crooked Hillary" with her war mongering and silencing women that wanted to speak out against Bill years ago. I just try to put my head in the sand and ignore it. Still love him anyway, even as a disappointed Hillary supporter.
It depends on the person. Some of cousins seem to be real vile assholes judging by Facebook. I haven't really talked to them in a while and I don't intend to ever again.
But my Dad. He used to be the liberal one when he was married to my mom. Then he married a rich lady and they watch fox news all day and he occasionally mentions the power of prayer. I just silently look down upon because he clearly has no real opinion of his own.
How is somebody who is not purely a left-wing liberal supposed to say anything on this forum? I mean, I have NEVER seen more of a black and white us-versus-them attitude in my life. Everybody who isn't completely liberal is a terrible person according to several on here, and anybody who did anything but vote for Clinton is a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic person. I hate that so many peoples' congregation of views are so sheltered that anybody who isn't exactly like them is like some comic book villain.

I agree. The rhetoric I've seen on here is much scarier to me than anything I've ever heard from a Trump supporter. Every single political thread is filled with despicable ad hominem attacks that people feel safe to post because they're "right". Every dissenting opinion is shouted down by the same horde of posters. I miss the old NeoGAF that discussed stupid things like relationship issues and had threads that I could share with a friend or family. I'm not proud of what this forum has become.


Only thing im happy about this election is we get to see the face of true people more,I wish everyone would come out and admit to being racist more often.


How is somebody who is not purely a left-wing liberal supposed to say anything on this forum? I mean, I have NEVER seen more of a black and white us-versus-them attitude in my life. Everybody who isn't completely liberal is a terrible person according to several on here, and anybody who did anything but vote for Clinton is a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic person. I hate that so many peoples' congregation of views are so sheltered that anybody who isn't exactly like them is like some comic book villain.

lol, this forum had moderators that gave out transphobic tags and one of them bans people for pointing out white supremacist phrases. give me a break.


Only thing im happy about this election is we get to see the face of true people more,I wish everyone would come out and admit to being racist more often.

Really? I still prefer a closeted racist that shuts the fuck up, over an open racist that harasses people.
How is somebody who is not purely a left-wing liberal supposed to say anything on this forum? I mean, I have NEVER seen more of a black and white us-versus-them attitude in my life. Everybody who isn't completely liberal is a terrible person according to several on here, and anybody who did anything but vote for Clinton is a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic person. I hate that so many peoples' congregation of views are so sheltered that anybody who isn't exactly like them is like some comic book villain.
Great post, the hysteria from the usual suspects on Gaf has been off the charts.

America will be fine.


A best friend of mine who I grew up with in the hood, and is a minority (Hispanic), like me, voted for Trump. It boggles my mind that he voted for him.

I've lost a ton of respect for him. I don't think I'm going to fuck with him anymore.


The bridges in my family life are burning, GAF. It's happening.

This is for the best.

Went through this myself, good luck to you.

This isn't "politics" and it's not a game. Their love is contingent on expecting me to hate. It's on them. I've lost most of my family throughout the years for similar reasons. Will not be another link in the chain, go with the flow wink wink nudge nudge good old boy ever again no matter the costs.
How are you supposed to begin to even try to talk and rationalize with these people? Like I'd love to try to talk to and maybe change some of my dad's views, but by now, I feel he's too far gone. He listens to Mark Levin near daily, so that's not helping. He will never have a positive view on BLM or similar movements because BLM "supports killing cops" and "is anti-police" and either way it's race-baiting, cares more about lower taxes than other things and thinks climate change is a hoax, and felt Obama was destroying the country. You can't discuss rationally with someone who has views like that

And we're not even caucasian. We're Puerto Ricans who lived in the Bronx for most of our lives


Gold Member
Some are fine. When talking to them, it was pretty obvious they had blinders on and heard what they only wanted to hear and were able to dismiss or look past the negative hit pieces that the democrats focused on.

Anecdotal, but when mentioning Trump's actions and treatment towards women, they would come back and tell me about what Hillary did to all the women who came out against Bill. I honestly think they think of Hillary as Claire Underwood.

The others? It was pretty blatant where they were coming from and I want nothing to do with them anymore.


Junior Member
It's almost no one on this forum before this defeat has met someone with diet racist tendencies or ignorance without immediately picking a fight ? It happens . Some of my good friends are alt right media readers . I don't go you're a complete asshole . I go hey no man actually try this . Going fuck you racist just propels ppl into shells.

And for ppl disagreeing think of it as how you might handle a child with misinformed opinions . I think most liberals agree beating it out of them isn't the best option ... Same thing compassion and understanding . Works long term . Always has always will.

Edit I mean I'm all for obstructing trumps bs but Obama is a great example of things done right . And shouldn't be forgotten within the backlash
My entire family voted for Trump, some for his stance on Syrian refugees and others due to his views on abortion. These people are a huge part of my life. However, I couldn't be more sad that they voted for this. I will continue to talk to them because they have helped me immensely, but I am beyond disappointed that they voted for this man. Not to mention my family is full of young girls and women; that fact will never leave me. It's tainted my relationship with them, for sure.

But I have a friend who says he didn't register to vote but would've voted for Trump, claims he'll vote for Kanye and today called global warming a "meme." Safe to say I'm pretty much done with him, because that is a legacy of ignorance.


Angrily. Some people I know voted for Trump and explained their reasons why to me. Two did it because they're edgelords who believe he'll cause the fall of capitalism, one did it as a joke, and a few did it because they're bigots who hate gay people and believe Trump and Pence will get rid of them. I think they're all idiots.


I'm going to do with my family what I should've done earlier this year and try to sit down with them and have a discussion about what they actually believe and the consequences for supporting someone like him. At least talk to them until I reach the logical conclusion that they are either apathetic towards minorities or genuinely despise them.
I'm going to do with my family what I should've done earlier this year and try to sit down with them and have a discussion about what they actually believe and the consequences for supporting someone like him. At least talk to them until I reach the logical conclusion that they are either apathetic towards minorities or genuinely despise them.

I bet they watch Fox News. I wish that channel could end.


For all the people who want us to lend an ear to Trump supporters and discuss with them in an intelligent manner, just know the post-election hate crimes have already started. But remember, don't call them racists/sexists/bigots!

Oh come on. Everybody knows that there are tons of Trump supporters that are hardcore racists, sexists, KKK supporters, white supremicist. But the point is, only a tiny minority of Trump supporters is any of those. It's kinda same as saying that all muslims are terrorists and wife-beaters and sexists and whatever, since one could argue that Quran itself has a lot of those ideologies. It's not okay to generalize.


He won, fair and square. You guys just need to deal with it and give him a chance now it's all over.

Let's work together to mitigate the political and economical fallout, which in all likelihood will be pretty minimal. Yeah we all didn't get what we wanted and you're bound to experience some bone-headed opinions from this guy in the future, but this is basically how the republican party has felt over the last 8 years. They thought the sky was falling too when Obama moved into the white house.

Cutting all ties with people who voted Trump is just going to isolate yourself further. It's going to be a rough few years, but you'll manage.


I feel luck in a way since no one I know voted Trump, and none of my friends or family are Democrats, all independents. I even live in a very conservative county which definitely went red this year.
How is somebody who is not purely a left-wing liberal supposed to say anything on this forum? I mean, I have NEVER seen more of a black and white us-versus-them attitude in my life. Everybody who isn't completely liberal is a terrible person according to several on here, and anybody who did anything but vote for Clinton is a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic person. I hate that so many peoples' congregation of views are so sheltered that anybody who isn't exactly like them is like some comic book villain.

A racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic person is not a "comic book villain", it's normal citizen that votes against the rights of minorities, women and LGBT and in favour of isolationist and jingoistic measures towards other nations.


Every non-white / lgbt / climate change advocate around the world should have a mental note how disgusting this group of people in America can be, especially when they come to your country.

If they don't view their fellow ( but different ) Americans with decency, what are the odds they will give you the respect you deserve as a human being, in your own country?
He won, fair and square. You guys just need to deal with it and give him a chance now it's all over.

Let's work together to mitigate the political and economical fallout, which in all likelihood will be pretty minimal. Yeah we all didn't get what we wanted and you're bound to experience some bone-headed opinions from this guy in the future, but this is basically how the republican party has felt over the last 8 years. They thought the sky was falling too when Obama moved into the white house.

Cutting all ties with people who voted Trump is just going to isolate yourself further. It's going to be a rough few years, but you'll manage.

They thought the sky was falling when Obama got elected because, they are racist. Obama ran on a platform of including everybody, Trump ran on a platform of fuck you if you aren't a straight white male.

These things arent anywhere near the same.


Question from an outsider: how do so many of you know how your coworkers voted? Is it usual to discuss this in the workplace in the US? I don't even know who my parents or my sis vote for and vice versa.


Aftershock LA
Can I just point out that anyone looking for rational discussion of the election is probably weeks too early. In big upsets it usually takes everyone involved a while to reach a point where they aren't simply speaking out of fear and anger or obnoxious gloating.

Give yourselves a break, take a couple days off arguing about the state of the world. It will still be fucked up when you come back up for air. Plenty of time to do something when you're not fueled entirely by adrenaline and cortisol.

That is genuinely excellent advice. I am truly disheartened, and I can't take my mind off of it. PS4 Pro and NES Classic, save this week for me!!

I'm definitely going to stay away from these threads and social media for a few days/weeks.


Compared to /pol/ this forum is the complete opposite. As a non US citizen I can't speak too much. I just feel sorry for you all, you have to vote between two evil candidates which potentially bring cataclysmic event in term on foreign policies.


For you.
I respect none of them, I don't have to respect them and never will. I'll continue to see Trump supporters as I have been since he started running. A bunch of racist xenophobic pieces of shit who cry about PC but then cry when I call them racist POS.

Told my coworkers to miss me with their fake "we gotta love one another". That whole abuser rhetoric don't work with me.
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