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How are you, health wise, GAF?


Perpetually Offended
I recently went to the doctor (my PCP is awesome) to check up about my BP ... It had trended HIGH the last few times it's been tested. Sometimes it was VERY high due to stressful situations and generally being stressed by things (like my Tourette Syndrome episodes)

So I go, my BP is actually down to normal-ish, 124/89 which it hasn't been in a LONG time! My kidneys are fine, blood sugar is fine, etc. The only real concerns are the evidence of past mini-strokes. But overall, she said I'm in good health! My neurologist appointment is NEXT MARCH!

Oh! And I lost 10 pounds!

How about you, GAF? How are you lot?




Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I've spent almost the last year focused on my health. I'm getting closer to 50, and I've worked a desk job the last 30 years with very little exercise until I was in my 30s. Been working out almost every day, and been on a vegetarian diet - no breakfast, salads for lunch, beans and rice for dinner at least 5 times a week, about 1200–1400 calories.

I've been running a lot. A few months ago I finished a half-marathon (first one since 2019), and I've been training for a marathon. I've dropped about 80lbs. Yesterday I went out for a run and just... kept going. I ended up running 7 miles without stopping or slowing down. Today I'm not even sore.

It's so important to take care of yourself everyone. It's hard to get into the routine of exercise and eating right, but it's absolutely the best gift you can give yourself.


Gold Member
It sounds like you've been taking good care of yourself. It must be a relief to see your blood pressure back to a normal range, and losing 10 pounds is pretty huge

I experienced a pinched nerve and sciatica in my lower back a couple of months ago, which was quite a scare. I was bedridden and unable to do anything for about three weeks. I'm incredibly relieved that it's gone now. There's something eerie about being in that much pain overnight

I'm trying to take good care of my diet, and I want to exercise, but my social anxiety is keeping me inside. Someday..


I'm in my mid-30s. I'm coming up on my one-year gymiversary. My daily and constant back pain is GONE thanks to that. I go 3x a week, but am thinking about upping it to 5x and making the additional 2 days 30 minute cardio sessions. Right now I only lift weights.

I also managed to get my acid reflux under control this past year. I take one 10mg famotidine tablet at night and that stops it from waking me up and tends to work throughout the next day as well.

Overall, I feel great for my age. I just want to stay on top of minor health issues and keep a healthy, strong body for as long as possible.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
33 y/o, 5'9 and about 75kg. No exercise, almost no alcohol, some weed here and there.

Props to everyone taking care of themselves, wish I was more like you. I just can't man, not enough discipline or whatever but, to me, lifting weights is super boring. Did it in the past for about 9 months and ended up losing interest. I also eat like shit, snacks and fast-food up the ass but, for some reason, I'm not fat. Must be my metabolism or something, dunno.

In any case, I'd say I'm kinda fine. Got some peeing problems some days, but I guess that's because I'm an IT guy and spending so much time sitting apparenly fucks up your prostate to some degree. At least it works fine in bed lol, plus I checked for STDs not long ago and I'm clean! yay.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Not great. Turns out having two bone marrow transplants and almost 2 years of chemo (ten years ago) really did some long term damage internally. I’m “healthy”, but my liver is apparently in not great shape, and I’m not even a big drinker. And I’ve got a slew of other minor issues that I need to be more active about taking care of.

I wouldn’t recommend getting leukemia. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be.


Perpetually Offended
I'm 49, btw. I'll be 50 soon!

It sounds like you've been taking good care of yourself. It must be a relief to see your blood pressure back to a normal range, and losing 10 pounds is pretty huge

I experienced a pinched nerve and sciatica in my lower back a couple of months ago, which was quite a scare. I was bedridden and unable to do anything for about three weeks. I'm incredibly relieved that it's gone now. There's something eerie about being in that much pain overnight

I'm trying to take good care of my diet, and I want to exercise, but my social anxiety is keeping me inside. Someday..

I had acute pancreatitis a few years ago thanks to a car accident. I was in the hospital for 3 days with it... The pain was immeasurable! Not even morphine helped much. Had to be discharged after 3 days and I was still in pain. It didn't subside until almost a month later. It was too much! I get you on the pain.


Hanging in there, but getting older has exposed some deficiencies caused by years of recklessness.

I've lost some weight, but actually gained some of it back in terms of muscle from gym work and high protein diet - as I'm stronger now than I was before. But joints and aches are a lot more persistent and takes way longer to recover now.

Just going to do enough to hope to not break down in the coming years.

Picking up a Kettlebell for home use might have been the single best purchase I've made in years however. Every morning I try to do a little routine around a kettlebell and some stretching. The one I bought isn't ideal, but is more space efficient as it's built around removable plates to adjust to different weights.
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Hurt my leg about 6-7 weeks ago and haven’t been able to run (usually run 4-6 days a week).
I’ve cracked 80kg for the first time in my life after being about 77kg for the last 20 years.

I need to adjust my diet as while I still do other workouts I would’ve done I’m not burning the calories I do when I’m running. I just don’t want to not eat as much haha.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Hurt my leg about 6-7 weeks ago and haven’t been able to run (usually run 4-6 days a week).
I’ve cracked 80kg for the first time in my life after being about 77kg for the last 20 years.

I need to adjust my diet as while I still do other workouts I would’ve done I’m not burning the calories I do when I’m running. I just don’t want to not eat as much haha.

A good friend of mine broke his leg while biking. He gained around 20 pounds rather quickly. It's nuts how quickly we can put on weight as we grow older.

Anwyays, sorry to hear you got hurt.


Gold Member
Dropped about ~10-15lbs year to date. Mainly just through eating (mostly) healthier foods, calorie counting, and exercise.
Calorie counting hasn't been too bad. I realized my biggest killer was (to no surprise) beer. I've cut down beer to 1 or 2 nights a week and reducing how much as well.

I've been using an elliptical for 45 minutes to an hour 3x a week the past two months. I need to move and get the heart rate up and the elliptical is the best for me.

Don't forget your sexual health as well.
I'm 37 and had my first experience at possible ED. It took a psychological toll on me. Spoke with a doctor and got prescribed some low dosage sildenfil to help, which it has. Things have gotten better and got my confidence back. Nice knowing my dick can still work without pills. If it happens to you, talk with your partner and go to a doctor. It will fester otherwise.

And when I say first experience, it wasn't a one night thing. I was having issues for several weeks. Blamed it all on jitters and all that, but it wasn't going away.
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Eh. Late forties and carrying a few things from my youth that give me trouble, as well as stuff that comes with age, but I exercise regularly, eat well, am fortunate enough to have a career that keeps me financially stable, and have a lot to look forward to, so mentally in a decent place. Life is about the rough with the smooth, and ensuring the latter outweighs the former.


I'm in my early 40's and according to my current trainer, i have the physical condition and stamina of the average 20y old football (soccer) player in the team he is coaching and the upper strength of a climber. My body also looks like a 30y old athlete's with very little fat in the lower belly area. Which is expected since i'm exercising regularly since i was 20 something and have done sports.

On the other hand though, i eat trash. I hate cooking and i'm lazy (bad combination) so if someone doesn't do it for me i will simply order some junk food, which is what i eat 90% of the time the last couple of years.

So far i think one counters the other and balance things out since my blood tests are good (not perfect but very good for my age and trash eating). But i really need to start eating healthier because i don't know if fitness alone is going to carry me in my 50's.


Gold Member
56 here. Been going to CrossFit Monday-Friday and Ultimate Frisbee on Saturday-Sunday. Ran a half marathon last month. Mostly eat clean all week and do one cheat meal with the Mrs on the weekend. Labs are all strong and colonoscopy is clear.

Want to make sure I have the ability to live a long and healthy life. Congratulations to everyone who have right sided their health and get working on it for those who are on the fence.


My health seems fine, but I haven't been hungry for almost two years now. I saw all the doctors, did all the tests, nothing. Having no desire for food really takes the spice out of life


I have severe haemophilia A and bleed every 3-5 days spontaneously.

There is a new drug called Hemlibra that prevents bleeding in haemophilia patients and patients in USA/UK/Taiwan/Japan etc receive it for free.

In Singapore it costs around a whopping $31,000 a month. No one can afford it.

We're using an old drug all the way from the 1980s called factor 8 which has a very short half life of 12 hours. That's why severe haemophilia patients like me bleed all the time and the government in Singapore just don't give a shit about people like us.

I also suffer from overactive bladder and medication costs me $120 per month.

Despite these, I hit the gym 3-4 times per week. But I met with a car accident in February and broke my arm. Haven't been to the gym since but on the road to recovery and should be back in the gym by September/October.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I have severe haemophilia A and bleed every 3-5 days spontaneously.

There is a new drug called Hemlibra that prevents bleeding in haemophilia patients and patients in USA/UK/Taiwan/Japan etc receive it for free.

In Singapore it costs around a whopping $31,000 a month. No one can afford it.

We're using an old drug all the way from the 1980s called factor 8 which has a very short half life of 12 hours. That's why severe haemophilia patients like me bleed all the time and the government in Singapore just don't give a shit about people like us.

I also suffer from overactive bladder and medication costs me $120 per month.

Despite these, I hit the gym 3-4 times per week. But I met with a car accident in February and broke my arm. Haven't been to the gym since but on the road to recovery and should be back in the gym by September/October.

Holy shit man. So sorry.


Rodent Whores
Don't forget your sexual health as well.
I'm 37 and had my first experience at possible ED. It took a psychological toll on me. Spoke with a doctor and got prescribed some low dosage sildenfil to help, which it has. Things have gotten better and got my confidence back. Nice knowing my dick can still work without pills. If it happens to you, talk with your partner and go to a doctor. It will fester otherwise.

And when I say first experience, it wasn't a one night thing. I was having issues for several weeks. Blamed it all on jitters and all that, but it wasn't going away.

Some additional tips

Cardio makes a big difference. Boosting your cardiovascular health through exercise helps blood flow, which is the basic mechanism underlying boners.

Arginine or L-citrulline supplements help too. Google for more specific info.

Drink water. Moar water.

Celery, pygeum, zinc, lecithin, are also useful supplements. Google for safe dosages.

Use it or lose it. If you're not boning on the regular, keep sharp with edging which also helps with premature issues too.

Stretching and pumps help. Don't overdo it and risk permanent injury. Slow and steady wins the race. Leluv is a decent brand. Pump pressure gauge helps to stay in safe zones.


Gold Member
Some additional tips

Cardio makes a big difference. Boosting your cardiovascular health through exercise helps blood flow, which is the basic mechanism underlying boners.

Arginine or L-citrulline supplements help too. Google for more specific info.

Drink water. Moar water.

Celery, pygeum, zinc, lecithin, are also useful supplements. Google for safe dosages.

Use it or lose it. If you're not boning on the regular, keep sharp with edging which also helps with premature issues too.

Stretching and pumps help. Don't overdo it and risk permanent injury. Slow and steady wins the race. Leluv is a decent brand. Pump pressure gauge helps to stay in safe zones.
Black Maca root does the trick.


Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
I'd give anything just to have legs and ankles that don't ache constantly.
Have dreadful night cramps.
Definitely overweight, not grossly, but could lose a stone definitely.
Eat rubbish.
No real drive to exercise.
It's tough sometimes with my alcoholic partner, plus I've buried my head in the sand a bit with my Dads Alzheimers.
So I suppose my physical wellbeing has taken a hit more so than usual because of my mental health being a bit shaky.
Also, so many conflicting arguments on the best diets, exercise regimes, etc etc.
It's a mindfuck.


Gold Member
Also, so many conflicting arguments on the best diets, exercise regimes, etc etc.
It's a mindfuck.

It's about energy in vs. out. You simply choose how you accomplish your calorie goals based on what you like and can stick to. Take a multi vitamin to ensure you have no deficiencies, exercise, do it all consistently for a long time and voila.


Started to hit some problems. Your 20s will legit take hits for you as long as you're not careless but once you hit 30 that shit just doesn't exist anymore. I couldn't really see it but now I do and I've gotta reverse and fix them. I feel the progress and feel happier for it but it takes time.

Can't stress the bolded part enough.

Take a multi vitamin to ensure you have no deficiencies

Also this. People sleep on supplements but a lot of people are extremely deficient and don't even realize it - even those with a relatively good diet.
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Gold Member
Also this. People sleep on supplements but a lot of people are extremely deficient and don't even realize it - even those with a relatively good diet.

I'd recommended people get their blood works done before taking supplements. If you aren't deficient in something you'll just piss your money away or take to much of a vitamin and do more harm than good potentially. Personally I'm low in vitamin d so I just supplement that throughout the autumn and winter.

I get my blood works done yearly anyway to check for prostate cancer and testosterone levels, so checking for any vitamin deficiencies at the same time is a no-brainer.
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I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I'm 42, spent most of my 20s and 30s exercising and eating well while avoiding bad foods. It shows during my doctor visits, blood tests etc. No injuries or chronic issues either. Take care of your body, kiddos.
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