Belfast said:
Some people are undecided because they don't like ANY of the candidates.
A-FUCKING-MEN. Fuck the electoral college and fuck the entrenched parties. I ran into a few brainwashed Republicans tonight and it almost made me sick. Before they even knew my position (they simply interpreted me as; not completely pro-Republican = Democrat) they started railing on me with anti-Democrat rhetoric (some of which I agreed with, imagine that!!). They had heard not a smidge of my actual political views, yet because I simply opposed the status quo, I suddenly stood for the opposition, instead of possibly somewhere inbetween.
I'm undecided for a number of reasons. Being a fiscal conservative, I am naturally opposed to the welfare state and any form of handouts, big government, excessive taxation, or tipping of the markets. But that said, Bush despite being pro-tax cut, is as big a defecit spender as has ever been in Washington, regardless of his tax cuts. He's the king of the unfunded mandate, almost a Democrat's Republican so to speak. Though Kerry supports maintaining the tax-cut for my bracket, he's also openly talked about upping funding for a number of programs, which will require either more tax money, or a bigger defecit. So I'm stuck between a proven free-spender and a man pledged to the free-spenders party.
I'm largely opposed to the Iraq war, but despite that opposition I'm not sure who I stand to benefit the most from given that we're already there. Are their policies really going to differ that much regarding post-war Iraq? Bush seems to want to "follow through" with the situation, but is anti-draft and is largely hinging on the January elections + added UN support to allow a large-scale US pullout, with only a support force remaining. Kerry seems to support a pullout and oppose a draft as well, but given his criticism is less likely to garner support given his bashing of the war and its "coalition of the bribed" etc. Assuming its the worst case scenario, who leaves us, and me, specificially in the worst situation? Kerry will likely be more rational about the situation, but Bush is more likely to have the best capability to execute his plan. My opposition to going to war has little to do with the outcome of its future, and choosing between the candidates leaves a hazy proposition regarding its outcome. Hard to DECIDE. Imagine that.
Morally I could give a fuck about the gay marriage thing. I'm not a homophobe, but to be honest I could give a shit about the plight of gays. I'm not in support of gay marriage per se, because I don't believe a gay union is a "marriage" by definition (given that marriage is a religious institution), but I am against the govt giving marriages any sort of beneficial recognition on a legal level to begin with. I feel its a relgious issue and none of the governments business. So I am opposed to gay marriage, but in a good way, so to speak. So I may be pro-Kerry in the regard that he seems semi-progressive in this issue, but its not an issue that I really give a flying fuck about to be honest.
Regarding the job loss issue, I realize that Bush inherited a recession, and I don't hold him entirely accountable for the state of the job market per se. But I do hold him accountable for not helping defend this nation against off-shore tax shelters for corporations and against job outsourcing. The president may not be able to immediately affect the day-to-day functions of the market, but he can support policies that we stand to benefit from. Kerry talks more along my interests on this issue.
Though I may be opposed to Bush as the head-moron-in-charge of the free world, settling for lame-ass Kerry as simply the next best option is not exactly appealing to me either. In fact its practically insulting that I should have to choose between these two. I mean there are a ton of issues to be considerd here and niether candidate represents me even by a majority. Intellectually I'm choosing between an ideologue golden-boy moron and a shifty career politician slickster, who regardless are both going to be pro-corporate welfare, pro war on drugs, anti-flat tax etc etc, all of which are counter to my views.
Why this should be an easy decision for me is NOT for a bunch of polarized, conformist donkeys and elephants to decide, especially given that the STAGNANT, largely CORRUPT system in place leads us every 4 years back to another "lesser of 2 evils" election. Just because you're either a) so fucked up that either Kerry or Bush fit EXACTLY with your politics (God help you either way), or b) so polarized by a single issue (Opposed Iraq? We're there now regardless!! Pro/anti gay marriage? Pick from 2 shades of "fuck the fags"!!) that you've decided to settle for the quagmire of the middle ground should not illegitimize those of us who, as in every other facet of life, have *SHOCKER* nuanced, diverse opinions regarding our politics.
FUCK settling. I'm probably gonna vote for Michael Badnarik just to spite the brainwashed establishment pro quo moronathon that is mainstream politics. You vote your pocketbook, FUCK YOU. You vote with your religion, FUCK YOU. You vote with your penis (or desire for/lack thereof), FUCK YOU. You fuckers deserve whichever elitist, silver spoon corporate lackey you elect. Either the country will wise up sometime in the next 20 years or it will "mainstream" its way into oblivion. My bet is with the latter, but I won't contribute to the deterioration of this country. I will VOTE MY CONSCIENCE, as my rights have not only afforded me to do, but OBLIGATED me to as a free member of this society. Many of the founding fathers were diametrically opposed to faction and polarized party politics, and we are finally starting to see the disastrous consequences of its longterm effects. America should not be a country of ONE or the OTHER. If the Fox News pricks I met this evening would have allowed me a word in edgewise, THAT would have been what I would have most tried to convey to them. It is my hope that all of you would be open minded enough to see for yourselves..